Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    I'm in the middle of Combiner Wars..
    Do you ever just want to pick Prowl up and shake him violently, but them set him back down and give him a hug? On one hand, my god this has to be the worst, most presumptuous and rash idea he's EVER had. On the other, he's got some good points ('specially about starscream and his intentions). On the other other hand, becoming a giant robot with a bunch of batty Decepticons is NOT a constructive way to deal with the problem. I think he's addicted to become giant metal godzilla, he just can't get enough.

    BIG Edit:
    I LOVE the art style right after the combiner wars stuff ends, their faces are so expressive. I really want to see Rodimus drawn in this style! Then this guy happened
    This guy..this guy is a piece of work! I get the feeling he's putting on an extra show for everybody, that's why Moonracer is getting so fed up with him. He's got Rodimus' problem of trying to hard to be a super confident badass. It was so cute how he tried to show off to Blurr, but the attempt blew up in his face. He has a yet-unseen Robot Husband somewhere back home who is considered a 'cripple' on Velocitron... (the comics need more tragic robot husbands in my life, Chromedome and Rewind shouldn't have to carry the load by themselves.) I'm super syked to meet him!!! I want to see them interact!! Also, the way Knockout's eyes lit up when Blurr poured his drink was so fucking precious!!!

    Finished off Windblade, Starscream murdered a titan with one shot blast.... the bird went down fast >>;. Having only one issue per world felt a little rushed. I hope we get to see more of those characters in the future. Strika was massive. I think she was taller than Ultra Magnus! I'll move onto 'Til all are one' tomorrow. I'm still dying to meet Knockout's Conjux and see more of both him and Moonracer, the other delegates weren't very interesting. I'll have to see if 'Til All Are One' throws me a bone.

    I vaguely remember people complaining that Windblade vol #2 was too hetero??? All I saw was some flirting in the bar and that couple from the beast planet. What's the story behind that complaint (again, not sure if I'm remembering this correctly)
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2016
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  2. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    That guy looks perfect! I love that you gave him his dog.

    I've only made one transformers pet so far, he's far from perfect, but I love him anyway. He has a Whirlish familar and a tiny tailgate parrot to keep him company.

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  3. Petra

    Petra space case

    I've got the overlay for Thundercrack! Now I just need to save up the on-site money to apply it.

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  4. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Sooooooooo, have people read Till All Are One #2? Because if so, I totally missed the issue/any discussion of the issue when it came out (fake edit: wiki says it only came out today, so secretly it was a happy accident when I was on an unrelated quest to straighten out combaticon color schemes)

    ANYWAYS! I am really liking this series, especially since exrid has been kinda losing me lately

    This is all going to be very disorganized, because originally I was trying to figure out how I wanted to gene a flight rising dragon who was a total STEAL in the auction house and seemed like a potential combaticon (success: I've got a tentative blast off, I just have to figure out if I'm happy enough to shell out for a stained tertiary or I want to poke at other minor tf character color schemes instead)

    I definitely like this disguised-as-a-badgeless thing, especially with Blast Off being upset and conflicted over what he's doing and trying to convince himself that it had to happen. I really really really enjoy people doing bad things and being torn up by it, it's so nice and humanizing and rounds the characters out from two-dimensional Bad Guys. And I definitely enjoy it in contrast to one, the Combaticons' history as an elite fighting force, and two, their current circumstances where they're fairly broke and struggling to make ends meet. I have never cared about these suckers, and now I'm super curious to learn more. Also, I know in g1 they're a combiner team, and I'm torn on whether I want that to happen or not. I'm kind of burned out on combiners, but also I'm starting to really care about these ultraviolent goobers and it would be a combiner team that's really a proper team, like the Constructicons, but with more character development.

    Also more intra-team affection than we've seen from the Constructicons. I'm starting to really care about the Combaticons.

    And I love Obsidian. After TBSHTC, I was having trouble admitting that he could be worthy of Strika, but he's definitely growing on me. He is a Cool Dude and has creepy fingers and hologram hands. I am down with Obsidian.

    Starscream being out of his depth and half trying to do the right thing and half having some shitty-ass instincts is... pretty gr8. All my homestuck instincts are screaming give the poor boy a moirail, but all he's got is ghost Bumblebee :C join me in shipping flushpale starscream/wheeljack and pitch starscream/windblade and awkward surrogate trine sexyemotionalpolitical shenanigans, I have so many emotions. I have like... six, seven separate fic ideas screaming for my attention. join meeeee

    Especially with Windblade talking about how he needs to trust her, and Starscream talking about how he knew she was naive, but he never thought she was stupid... until now. I have so many pitch tsundere feelings about these two.

    Give the Divisiuns more to do, there are no words for how badly I want to see this branched-spark-esque twin thing in action. They're wasted as background characters, I want more!!

    Starscream has no right being so hot when he turns the asshole dial up to eleven, but DANG

    I really liked Ironhide's speech to the crowd. It seemed like a plot point that was going to play out by the numbers, and it... was, but also it got my attention more than I'd expected to. I enjoy Ironhide a lot more than I did in phase one. He's very solid and sensible, but he's like....... worn down isn't quite the right answer, and worn out isn't either, but like. Along those lines. That one face he makes after getting hit in the head with a rock was really nice.

    Also I was really glad for him when the Tankors and Sparkstalker spoke up and agreed to join with him. I really like those crossing-old-faction-lines relationships, and it's awesome to see new positive history overridding those years of war and the recent tensions. Ooh, and wasn't Ironhide suspecting Sparkstalker of doing murders in that one miniseries? I'm extra weak against we-were-on-opposite-sides-but-you-were-acting-honorably-and-I-respect-that. I wonder if Sparkstalker's going to bring Lightbright along with him. She's Camien too, which would be adding diversity, but the Camiens are less good at fighting than the Cybertronians who went through the war, so that could be dangerous. Slash I'm kind of worried for all these three, because Decepticons have been big targets lately. I like all of these dorks, they're not allowed to die.

    I am dead curious about what happened to Swindle's body (Rattrap, maybe?), but I'm glad to know Starscream isn't bringing extra trouble down on his head by stealing corpses and lying about it. I'm glad totally-more-than-just-a-hallucination Bumblebee was there to nudge him into being sensible.

    Okay the only thing that bugs me about Obsidian is that there's no way in hell he's getting enough lift from those dinky propellors to keep himself airborne

    And finally, I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE THING WITH ONSLAUGHT AND BLAST OFF. That's nice. That's really nice. The touch with the Tankors offering Blast Off a place to stay was gr8, but then the thing with Blast Off and Onslaught was even better! I mean, that kind of plot development isn't especially something novel, and I was more than half expecting it because of how tight-knit the Combaticons seem to be here. But I definitely hadn't expected them to play it so proud and affectionate. That was so, so great. I was already digging this series a LOT, but just that one mini-scene amped up my love to critical levels.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2016
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  5. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    I'm gonna read both of the TAAO issues after the stream tonight, then I'll read the heck out of that.
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  6. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ #thetrinelyfe
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  7. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement


    I like the conspiracies within conspiracies going on right now, and I like seeinf Starscream get outmaneuvered without just... dumping him from the throne. I thought Ironhide was going to make this another call for votes, but it isn't-- it's way better. Which is handy.

    Starscream sure doesn't know how to play politics without manipulating and jabbing at people though, does he? You'd think that someone would have twigged onto this before now (HOW MANY TIMES HAS WINDBLADE SEEN HIM TALKING TO HIMSELF) but jesus, the dude could like, be a viable fucking politician if someone just... got him some help.

    And if you want to have him reject it, fine! That is so believable from him. But at least have it on screen, jeez.

    I am really interested in where the Swindle Lives conspiracy is going though. Another coin in the 'Rattrap is setting Star up to fail' jar, especially since this seems like the kind of thing he's good at wrt manipulating dangerous people to hunt each other. (See: his actions in exRID almost IMMEDIATELY after aligning himself with Star. Seriously, Starscream, get a better second-in-command. I know you think you know him, but you don't, and assuming everyone is out to get you so at least you have the one you know is out to get you isn't a viable strategy.)
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  8. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    Yes, this is what I loved about RiD season 1 and the Windblade series! Dirty politics!
    I kind of wish that the Combaticons had been part of Combiner Wars, since they are so close as a team and probably would have made a good combiner.
    And Ironhide is so tired. Poor baby.
    Also I wonder if there had been a march on the Citadel since Optimus Prime first took control of the Autobots in Autocracy.
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  9. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

  10. Petra

    Petra space case

    Really interested to see where it goes! Interesting that Elita wouldn't let people leave. It makes sense, you don't want your closed system of an ancient ship to be hemorrhaging workers, and while people from Carcer seem very loyal to her I'm sure it's not all benevolent. But I can't say it's safe in Iacon right now, either!
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  11. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Hmm, I don't know. I could get into Starscream's desperation in RiD season one, but here it seems a little flat. Maybe I'm just burnt out on backstabby McStab and how he fights tooth and nail for power with every single person he interacts with. He just spent both volumes of Windblade and the combiner wars fighting with her, it's getting old. I'm more interested in the newcomers then in Starscream's scheming. I'll be happy when we get to the 'Windblade solving mysteries' phase of the story.

    It was nice to see Breakdown for half a second in the first issue! We just got to both him and Knockout on the TFP stream tonight. Also, I really thought that Moonracer was supposed to be a fellow delegate and not just Knockout's assistant.

    The Combaticons were great. All of them clearly care for Onslaught a great deal, but it seems like there's a serious power imbalance. It's all very vague, but that last panel with him and Blast Off felt so manipulative--like he was doling out affection as a reward for doing his bidding. >>;

    There's something about all this that reminds me of the politics going on in the first season of the Legend of Korra and I don't know why.

    Could someone please tell me where this is from? All I've got is a screenshot of an original post
    I'm desperate to read the whole thing.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2016
  12. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

  13. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Thanks! I knew that font looked familiar. I must have skimmed over that part the first time.
  14. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

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  15. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Pffft, I'm just gonna leave this here for everyone:

    Jazz looked dismayed, but upon closer reflection he had to recognize it too. "Ah well, lucky me. Because I haven't had enough of Seekers in my life." Thoughtfully he wiggled the little red jet, watching the light flash and sparkle across the wings, then grinned.

    "It is I, Starscream! No, wait- Aerial Commander Starscream! I mean, LORD Starscream! Look upon me, the most beautiful genius on Cybertron! Worship me!"

    Every one of his symbiotes snorted with laughter at the same time, taken aback by the distressingly accurate impersonation. Nobody could imitate Starscream's voice exactly, which was a mercy, but Jazz's intonation and cadence was so reminiscent of Starscream's usual speech that Soundwave could almost hear the real thing.

    "I want my academy!" Jazz chanted gleefully. "Mine, mine, mine! MegaTRONNNNN!"

    Hastily he snatched a wad of silver foil that Rumble had given up on before the intended shape could become clear. "You screeched, Starscream? Primus, your voice is annoying. Why haven't I ripped out your vocalizer yet?"

    "I don't know! Why haven't I made good on my thousand and one threats to overthrow and destroy you?"

    "Probably because your mouth is the only part of you that actually works!"

    Jazz gasped theatrically, bouncing his puppet Starscream up and down in agitation. "How dare you treat me this way! I am the genius of Vos and I want my academy! And I want Skyfire! Even though I betrayed him and he left me and our history is more twisted than even my kinky berth habits!"

    "Hah! I will never allow you to have him. I'm far too obsessed with our own fucked-up joke of a relationship to even think of sharing you with someone else. It goes without saying that I have possessive issues."

    "You just don't want me to be happy!"

    "Exactly! Now get on my berth and I'll prove it to you."

    "Frag you!"

    "Not if I frag you first!"

    Both foil puppets pounced on each other, hissing and growling. Rumble and Frenzy had already collapsed with laughter and were rolling back and forth, while Laserbeak flapped her wings in effort to not topple off Soundwave's leg. Buzzsaw, remarkably, actually cackled out loud. Looking terribly pleased with himself, Jazz allowed his battered puppets to drop to the floor, and bowed.

    "Then they killed each other. And the rest of Cybertron lived happily ever after."

    Jazz, you magnificent bastard.
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  16. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    oh man oh man, SPRINGER just showed up, and he's not an autobot...or at least they don't know that he's an autobot. I don't know which one is true!! The is so exciting.. I'm pretty sure that Hot Rod was the guy that helped bluestreak up after megs knocked him down during the riots.

    Soundwave is so paranoid that Jazz is up to something. I really hope he is because I don't want to see him tamed or embrace possessionhood at the hands of Soundwave. If I had it my way, eventually Soundwave will think that he's won in every way, whatever his personal criteria over Jazz will be met, and thats when Jazz would win.

    From what I've seen, Soundwave is never going to win as long as he treats jazz like an animal to be broken. The problem is that soundwave has no idea how to treat someone he cares about in any other way. His way of forming intimate relationships is so particular. Like he can't do so unless the submit absolutely, while he is in a position of ansolute control.

    I hope to primis that he learns that there are other ways, and I want Jazz to show him how.

    *offers incense to the fic gods* oh great ones, please have Jazz be involved in some ridiculously intricate plot, please, I will bake you cookies and finish that homestuck smut I've been picking at for three years...

    EDIT: I WAS RIGHT, THE MYSTERY MECH WAS RODIMUS! Oh godddd, this is gonna be good. As usual he's living dangerously. Megs wants to frag him, oh god he's gonna get in so much trouble! Ultra paranoid Soundwave is going to sniff him out, I'm worried but also excited.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2016
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  17. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    I feel terrible asking this but could tgwp talk go in it own thread? It keeps taking over and is a bit alienating when you aren't reading it.
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  18. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Thread is threaded! I didn't tag anyone because I'm lazy, but I'm off on a quest to multi-quote as much TGWP discussion into the thread as I can.
  19. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    Thank you and I'm sorry.
  20. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    It's okay! The thread needed it for update screaming anyways.
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