fiber arts!

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by jacktrash, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    updating with some finished project things:

    a couple bookmarks i made for @LilacMercenary:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    pieces i made for a raffle that happened last night:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
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  2. EulersBidentity

    EulersBidentity e^i*[bi] + 1

    I finished the owl and painted the fabric :B
    The watercolour made the owl outline bleed, which is a shame. Not too bad, tho.
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  3. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    spent the last few days sewing a bday present for @IvyLB, namely the rabbit from adfr
    torso and ears went quickly. the head was... difficult.

    WIN_20160710_18_46_27_Pro.jpg WIN_20160710_18_47_00_Pro.jpg WIN_20160710_18_49_09_Pro.jpg
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  4. EulersBidentity

    EulersBidentity e^i*[bi] + 1

    My sister tried to tell me to "gird [my] loins". Unfortunately (fortunately?) she couldn't remember the phrase, so she actually said:
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  5. EulersBidentity

    EulersBidentity e^i*[bi] + 1

    Is this meme still relevant?
    (I'm away on holiday. I'll stop sewing so much soon.)
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  6. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration


    WIN_20160709_22_59_16_Pro.jpg WIN_20160710_23_07_04_Pro.jpg WIN_20160711_18_31_51_Pro.jpg WIN_20160712_22_07_55_Pro.jpg WIN_20160717_00_18_43_Pro.jpg WIN_20160717_14_37_11_Pro.jpg
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  7. theprettiestboy

    theprettiestboy wombatman

    @EulersBidentity the courage garter thing has killed me dead, I love it and want to use it always
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  8. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    Guess what I finished on Tuesday
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  9. paladinkit

    paladinkit brave little paladin

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  10. Emu

    Emu :D

    Oh hey, a thread for sewing and things! I started making plushies a few years ago because I thought the troll grubs from Homestuck were adorable and I needed huggable versions of them. So I currently have a collection of four wigglers, with a fifth one I've been working on and off on recently, hopefully I'll finish her soonish.


    (More pictures of the grubs and their adorable shenanigans are on my tumblr)
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  11. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    The handicrafts competition is tomorrow I'm so goddamn nervous AHHHHHH
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  12. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    @PotteryWalrus - good luck!

    @Kit - the first post on your blog is really sweet, and the ending like cheered me up. :3 best of luck to you with it!
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  13. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    how am I so RELIABLY bad at casting on the correct number of stitches
  14. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    Oh my god, this is my biggest issue with knitting. I count my cast on stitches like five times before starting and even then sometimes it's still wrong.
  15. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    hi friends i dont actually do this, but my mom is a needlework designer and on the offchance that someone might be interested, i figured i'd link her website! ;w; she designs mostly stuff for ukranian whitework type needlework
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  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ooh, I've actually been in the market for exactly that sort of thing! I ordered the lotus and cat box patterns, and I'm already really excited! :D

    (slash I will probably be back for some of the whitework patterns too, as soon as I nerve myself into trying more New Things)
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2016
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  17. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    Awesome! : D I can ask my mom what designs would be easiest for beginners to whitework/ if she knows any good resources for starting out if you want me to!
  18. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    That would be wonderful, thank you!! I've been meaning to expand my embroidery horizons for ages, and this is a fantastic way to enable myself
  19. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    I haven't cross-stitched in forever (like, I think an actual decade, wow) but I saw a pattern I absolutely HAD to do the other day and I'm remembering how much I like it! The seller had a kit, so I bought that since I have zero supplies, and it came in the mail yesterday.

    What I've done next to a tiny printout of what it'll look like. I've made a few mistakes, but I haven't done it in forever so I'm giving myself a break and it still looks fine so far! I'm probably going to give it to my sister as a housewarming present when I'm done, because we both love Dorothy Parker.
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  20. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    0727161845 (1).jpg I ran out of white, oops, so I've been working on other parts until I get a chance to go buy more. I didn't do a ton today because I stabbed myself under my nail trying to watch TV and stitch last night, oops. The colors look so vibrant against the black, though, it's lovely! The gel pen on black paper effect.
    • Like x 4
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