WinkWonk and the Cling Clongs - A TF Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by WinkWonk, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    YES, the first picture is exactly the one I was talking about! Robots aren't allowed to have thighs that juicy >:( It's illegal!
    Such grace ;-;
    Grabbing the bae like you would grab a cold beer bottle at the end of a hot summer day #reblog if you want a relationship like this
    The dream, to be honest :')
    M-maybe it's a homage to how the sizes of the robots fluctuate a lot in the animated versions? Oh my god, I just saw that there's even an entry for that issue on the Wiki! (Speaking of which, the TFWiki is so fucking sassy, I love it.)
    But yeah, keeping consistent sizes and scales is one thing where CGI is very useful, I admit.
    Oh wow, that is such a cool reference to work in! Nice one, Jazz :D Elegant is a good word for it.
    I think with quotes like that, they just gotta come to you. Maybe one day you will write a thing, and it just reminds you of something that always stayed with you at the back of your mind, and it will fit perfectly. Or maybe not. Quotes like those are awesome, but works can be deep on their own. Also, "deep" is sort of a subjective thing anyway. As long as it strikes a chord with people, that's pretty great, if you ask me!
    Then again, I'm not a writer, so I can only talk about the reader perspective :V
    Oh my gosh, this is pretty much how my sketches look /solidarity fist bunp
    I have no idea how people do those really simple and streamlined sketches, but I suspect there's some kind of soul selling involved.
    Either way, I AM EXCITE :D
    Holy shit, Drift guy's thighs are thicker than his waist 6o6!!! I don't know what it is about robots with child birthing hips, but I do know that I'm into it.
    If I remember correctly he's the one with gun tiddy, right? I'm already a fan, to be honest.
    Ohh, that would have been really cool to see! And the triple-changer thing was really interesting, especially how Blitzwing's alt-modes seemed to depend on his personality at that moment - aside from the random one, I think. That seemed to be sort of a wild card? Also, I was so confused for a while about why it's called "triple-changer" when he only has two alt-modes... until I remembered the default robot form counts, too. I r smart :B
    THAT'S SO SAD ;_; And they seemed so loyal to Sentinel. I guess it could have been worse. He could have named them, like, Jetburny and Jetwindy. (>Jetstorm: DO THE WINDY THING)
    Man, for basically being human cybertronian experiments, they were always so chipper, too. Holy shit though, Ultra Magnus! Well, I suppose it was better than them dying?
    YES PLEASE, Toph would be SO into that shit!
    She would make such a great human companion :D I bet she could even beat a lot of robots in a fight. Their steps aren't exactly going to be hard to miss! Flying, though...
    Hm, maybe draw it once, and save it. Copypaste and transform (heh) to taste whenever it's needed. You can even give the logo face fun expressions.
    But the heart idea is really cute!
    I'm glad to hear that he's being all big around others! Honestly, with a name like Ultra Magnus you just gotta have some presence.
    Hey, that can totally be a useful super power! Well, if your enemies are mutated snails or something, at least. Just cry in their direction!
    [FAKE EDIT:]Okay, I just googled if tears have enough salt to damage snails, but all I found was that there's a "skin-regenerating serum" called "Snail-Tears", so :confutoot: I hope that information will be helpful for your future crime fighting endeavours! If you ever pick a cool vigilante name, make sure to use "salt" in it somewhere.
    Holy shit, thank you so much for the extensive write-up with links and everything, I really appreciate it a lot ;A;
    I shall look into it this week!
    Also, when you say "bad art", just how bad are we talking D: ?
    Oh my god, thank you, these are amazing/informative! I'm laughing that magazine parody, and Starscream is truly the prettiest princess.
    Also, ex-autobot Lockdown is GOOD SHIT, GOOD SHIT, and I'm glad to hear he appears in the comic, too!
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
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  2. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    And so well sourced! *u* Almost every other line has a source citation for what it's describing in which comic issue, which is amazing. Having this wiki is such a boon for when you get confused about what happened when to who in what continuity. What was that other bizarrely well cited wiki...Warrior Cats? I've only heard about it by word of tumblr, but yeah. Wikis are incredible

    In one panel Drift was drawn with his thicc thighs mysteriously absent, and people were in a minor panic thinking his thigh armor was removable. But it turned out the artist had just forgotten to draw them. Thus the legacy of Drift's incredible legs lives on untarnished
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  3. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    oh, thank god. thank god. i didnt realize how much the idea of drift's curves being like. glorified pants was stressing me out until just now
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  4. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    :smithhappy: Yeah, I couldn't pull a source or anything because tumblr and Twitter are both hell to search, but I'm 90% sure it turned out it was just an art flub in an earlier issue that no one caught, back when the art and designs were rough. Ah, comics...
    • Like x 2
  5. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I'll probably end up throwing another sketch layer on top of this one just to work out all the stupid, silly details, because these are two of the designs I find most complicated (Fortress Maximus because he's so big and has so many bits, and Overlord because he has a very distinctive Look), but I'm definitely going to make an effort to just say FUCK IT and blast ahead with a looser, less particular style. I did one picture where I was really good about getting all the detailing juuuuuuust right (and then immediately overlaid that with lots and lots of damage, goodbye to my beautiful original work :') ), but it just takes... so long.... I know I'm still in the middle of the idw-style learning curve, but I'm so used to being able to sketch out humans fast and fudge the curves, and my normal shortcuts don't work in this fandom XD I'm working on it though! Soon! And in the meantime, I've figured out how to do this comic for minimal pain. My day got eaten by cross-stitch, but tomorrow I'm either doing art or fic for SURE.

    Yes!! That's him! I wanted to try to dig up one of the pictures I've seen of him in silly t-shirts, like with his guns busting through the fabric, or shirts that say 'sex machine,' but I am striking out :C But I do have this beautiful thing!

    Ahahaha, don't worry, I've done the exact same thing! There's a character called Sixshot, because he has six modes, and I was so confused, because I kept trying to count them and coming up short (wiki alt mode cheat: jet, tank, armored car, beast, gun), and I was like... I'm not going crazy, right? That's FIVE. That's FIVE modes. What's going on here? I know how to count, don't I? I think? It took an embarrassingly long time for me to sort that out.

    OH MAN OKAY so something that you see played up way more in fandom than in the original source material is the idea of 'trines,' or flight-mode cybertronians who basically come in sets of three. This popped up for the first time in the original cartoon, where the seekers ('energon seekers', who would sally forth into the galaxy, seeking energon deposits) were in matched sets of three, because it's nice and easy to bulk out your cast when you recolor the same character a couple times. So Starscream, Skywarp, and Thundercracker were referred to as a trine.

    Now the original material didn't actually DO much with that idea, but fandom has played with it in a LOT of different ways, and it's soooooooo good. Sometimes it's just plain platonic, but there are also LOADS of exciting directions to take it. In TGWP, I don't know if it's romantic exactly, but the seekers share everything, including sex and the slaves they're forcing to have sex with them. In that forced breeding fic I linked a few pages back, the world is set up as being different from canon, and the fliers all live off on their own moon together, and trine is the default romantic configuration that everyone is expected to seek out. Or, my favorite for the twins, in TBSHTC, we don't get any information on whether a trine is romantic or platonic, but these fliers are programmed to need that trine structure, and Jetfire and Jetstorm were put in a position where they should have trined up with Sentinel... but he kept them at arms length and hinted that it might happen, but he never actually gave them what they needed. The trine is apparently such an important thing for fliers that by the time they're taken away from Sentinel, their rescuers are worried that it might have affected their development.

    Basically, there are ten million and a half things to do with trines, and as far as TFA goes, the jettwins are prime candidates for all kinds of happy/sad/anything trinefeels. Coldstars and I yell at each other on the regular about an ot3 trine for IDW Starscream that I'm totally going to produce content for whenever my brain slows down enough to actually create the goshdarn content.

    ....OH. This is a good idea. I am definitely going to absolutely do the thing. With fun expressions. Thank you!!

    I never even noticed that the face on his chest was blacked out until I read that page!! I just love that touch, I wish we'd gotten to know more! And I think I didn't catch that it was Lockdown in the Drift miniseries my first time through, because he's got such a distinctive face shape in the cartoon and they definitely went for a more humanoid face in the comic, but..... I am a sucker for excessive spikes and he gives me the happy giggles. As far as I know, he shows up innnnnn the Drift miniseries and Spotlight: Trailcutter in early phase two, so he's not a major-major player, but he's out there, doing his thing!


    I'm not going to lie, sometimes it gets... really unfortunate. There's a couple of artists who are the problem children, though these days, there's only one Bad Artist who pops up every so often. Lemme see. The first one, I think he actually does some of the artwork in All Hail Megatron, which is... augh. Because that's an important part of the storyline, but the is so aggressively ugly that I have trouble parsing the dialogue.

    Okay, so here's Ironhide, a handsome old man


    And here is he is by Don Figueroa. Can't tell who he is because none of these guys look remotely like how the character is supposed to look, and all of them have weird homer simpson robot five o'clock shadows? He's the one talking in the top right panel


    Honestly, I just skimmed this guy's issues and spent most of the time not having a clue about who was saying what, and just pushed on :P

    Then there's the Bumblebee miniseries. This is just four issues of ugly, depressing shit. The art is very like... mushy. I don't know how the heck they picked this art for giant, crisp mechanical beings, but it is not my favorite at all. Plus after the events of All Hail Megatron, a running theme is humans being complete assholes to the cybertronians left on earth. And in some ways, it's good to see humanity kicking back against the giant, warlike aliens who invaded our planet and caused a shit-ton of death and destruction. But it also gets really, really depressing seeing the Autobots being like 'we're your friends and we want to help!' and getting exploited and exploited and never learning their lesson.


    Thennnnnn, lessee. The next person, unfortunately, does most of the substantial stuff about Galvatron and Cyclonus and Jhiaxus and Arcee. Also there is some SKETCHY writing stuff here, having to do with gender. I've never had any issues with my own gender and my brain tends to just glaze over when I hit nonsensical plot points, so I just parsed it as bad writing, but some people definitely find the phase one treatment of Arcee very upsetting.

    So, in transformers history, the dudes outnumber the ladies by a significant margin, but most continuities have had at least one or two high-profile ladies. IDW's phase one did not play it that way. All of the cybertronians were dudes. With one exception. Arcee was supposedly the result of medical experiments by this one evil mad scientist asshole, Jhiaxus, where he was seeing if he could artificially introduce gender into the Cybertronian race. Or something. It's never explained how or why he did this, and it's pretty clear the whole experience was pretty traumatic for Arcee. I don't have a full picture of her backstory, because a lot of it gets explained in the issues with the awful art I'm about to showcase, and it's not something I really wanted to look into any further.

    Like, here, let me just insert the closet thing we get to an explanation, since it conveniently showed up in my google image search


    (CNA is cybo-nucleic acid, instead of DNA, because puns)

    It's not critical to the plot, and I think IDW definitely, definitely realizes it was a mistake. The phase two plot has old cybertronian colonies reestablishing contact with cybertron, and there are plenty of ladies on these planets (we even get a lady combiner, where all the captions on her wiki pages are steven universe fusion quotes), and at least one flashback to ye olde cybertron has a lady character. But Arcee's trauma isn't written out entirely, she still has some struggles with feeling othered, and she gets upset when people expect her to bond with some of the new colonists just on the basis of 'hey, look at us being ladies together, yyyyyyup'. She's a REALLY gr8 character these days, her intro was just really... not-good.

    Just some warning before you hit it in actual canon!

    But okay. The Heart Of Darkness miniseries is like the one phase one thing I haven't read period because I just C A N N O T with the art. It's not as ugly as the AHM artist up above, I guess, but there I had a plot that i cared about and characters I was invested in. Here? Nope. And it's really, really ugly. With inexplicable robot boogers. Why does Jhiaxus have built-in metal roboboogers? Why does he have such an ugly philtrum? WHO KNOWS.


    Also, that's Arcee, who is supposed to be a supreme robobabe of the highest caliber. And she looks SO. BAD. Everyone in this series has flat ugly faces, there's nothing dynamic about how anybody moves, and Arcee is just... what? What happened to her thigh? What happened to her foot??? When I get around to finishing off the reading order

    is what Arcee should properly look like, for the record.


    The only other bad artist I can think of who pops up sometimes is Ramondelli. I hate his art and I feel bad for hating it, because he's all young and enthusiastic and no stop that I don't want to like you I just want you to stop drawing like this why do you have to be likeable as a human aughhhhhhh. Just as an example, here's two images from exRiD 22, both of Soundwave and Shockwave, where Ramondelli is doing the flashbacks and the normal artist is doing the present day parts. See if you can guess which is which :P

    22 1.jpg

    22 2.jpg

    The good thing is that he's improving. The bad thing is that they keep giving him work -_- I can't remember if he does anything in phase one (I feel like he does, but for the life of me I can't remember), but for the first season of exRiD, he pops up every five chapters or so. Now, they do use him sparingly (usually), and for most of exRiD, his issues are usually ones that focus on a background plotline, or that are flashbacks. And a lot of his work is in miniseries that aren't directly connected to the main plotline. Now, the IRRITATING part of that is that they keep giving him work on issues with really excellent writing, so you have to soldier through the bad art and really pay attention to what's happening. You get glorious details like, okay, so originally because of brain/psychic issues, Soundwave was originally living on the streets and barely even functioning. Even after he gets help and starts getting himself stabilized, and starts making a name for himself in the information-collecting business, he's apparently still living on the streets and you get a panel of him with a tarp draped over his shoulders, warming his hands over a barrel of burning trash. Ramondelli's art. Very frustrating. He is improving though, and his art is getting less murky and ugly, but it's still frustrating when his art gets paired with really interesting writing.
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  6. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    fucking. look at him
    he's just happy to be here!!!! and now we're all assholes because. man his art is just so bad
    • Like x 4
  7. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    I come bearing Whirl content!

    Suns out guns out
    Sex machine shirt
    Off topic but Whirl antenna wrestling is just too fun not to link for the millionth time
    Even more off topic Drift and Rodimus in sailor scout outfits because why not

    .........AYYYYYYYYYYYYY- /is shot/
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  8. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity god, I never even realized. I have failed in my duty as a pornographer

    I guess as penance, tomorrow I'll have to write something with somebody having a gloriously excessive spike ;P

    But also as of my last post, I've now got a super rough sketch for some art I can actually turn around fast because TFA is SO MUCH EASIER, because my irl friend reblogged a picture of a dude in bondage with flowers tucked into the ropes, and omg, bondage plus language of flowers, yes/hell yes/hell fucking yes? So now instead of sleeping, I'm going off on a quest to find the perfect combination of flowers to quietly imply some delicious TFA MegOp lovin'. And tomorrow I get to learn how to actually draw flowers!

    Transformers - Optimus Bondage Flowers.jpg
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2016
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  9. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    AWRIGHT, I am procrastinating, so it seems like the perfect time to finish detangling the transformers idw continuity. The good thing is that once you hit phase two, things get MUCH easier to follow, and you're almost there.

    One thing. The next issues are an ongoing series, just titled 'The Transformers.' Now, not only is this the most generically unhelpful name they could have possibly chosen, but ALSO. One of the phase two ongoing series was called "Robots in Disguise"... until 30-something issues in, when they changed the series to be named "The Transformers." THANKS, GUYS, YOU'RE BEING HELPFUL. This is also why people refer to one of the phase two current ongoing series as exRiD, because it's the comic series formerly known as RiD, and "The Transformers" is just about as unhelpful and generic as it's possible to get.

    But this means I am totally striking out on trying to find these issues online, which is frustrating the bejeezus out of me. I mean... they aren't particularly good. This is the thing where the humans are being dicks to all the cybertronians left on earth and hunting down some and exploiting others, and everything is a depressing mess. There is.... a little bit of interesting stuff to do with Hot Rod, and Ultra Magnus shows up to play in the plot (even though he doesn't do anything interesting until phase two), plus Spike Witwicky acts like a fucking asshole (this is a running theme). Aaand I can't find anything. Plus there's the 'Chaos' sub-series in the ongoing run that is actually good, but also impossible to track down. I'm mostly sure it isn't on viewcomic. The concluding 'Chaos Theory' sub-sub-series is on google drive, thanks to the wonderful applechime, but there's some plot-heavy buildup to that I can't find :T I guess wikipedia can fill in the holes, but it isn't quite the same as reading some of these moments yourself, especially since the series is starting to get exciting again, after wading in depressing mediocrity :T Maybe I'll see about getting some shitty pirates together, if I have the time

    First off, I went through amazon and just yoinked their reading order for the whole continuity. This stuff is sometimes online, but there are frequently bits and pieces missing. I know Spotlight: Blurr isn't online, which is annoying, because I like it a lot :P Plus the ongoing series and chaos miniseries, which KILLS me, there is so much plot missing there. So I've filled in the hyperlinks for everything I can find.

    First, the hardcover trade reading order, which was originally all I meant to do until I got distracted, and then oops I accidentally the entire reading order :V

    Phase One:
    Here is the tfwiki link for this particular ongoing series that is being a problem child. Augh, I wish I knew where to find decent scans of this, because it's got the actual character development on earth and sets the stage for the big final conflict, and is some of the most interesting writing of phase one. I'm super frustrated I am striking out here :T

    Phase Two:
    • Volume 1: The one-shot Death of Optimus Prime (pretty boring prequel to the ongoing stuff), More Than Meets The Eye issues #1–5, and Robots in Disguise issues #1–6
    • Volume 2: Autocracy mini-series (ramondelli art, but EXCELLENT backstory for hot rod/rodimus), Spotlights: Trailcutter and Hoist (won't make sense until you've read mtmte #1-5, but VERY good), Robots In Disguise issues #7–9, More Than Meets the Eye issues #6–8, and Spotlight: Orion Pax
    • Volume 3: More Than Meets The Eye #9–13 and the 2012 Annual, Robots in Disguise #9–11 and the 2012 Annual, plus Spotlights: Thundercracker, Bumblebee, and Megatron (THIS ONE IS SO GOOD!!!! And it is RIGHT up your alley. It's placed right after exRiD #11 for maximum emotional impact, but you can read this anytime after you've finished the phase one ongoing issue #19)
    • Volume 4: Monstrosity mini-series (have I... actually read this? I'm not sure I have. It's ramondelli art and I'm too tired to fight through that right now), Robots in Disguise #12–18, and More Than Meets the Eye #14–16
    • That's where the hardcover trades are right now, but there's also another miniseries called Primacy (set in the past, ramondelli art, and kind of a confusing plot. but it has omega supreme!)

    Okay, so! That reading order is not terribly important for phase two. Spotlight: Trailcutter and Spotlight: Hoist are the only ones where placement in relation to the main series really matters, but I'd read all of mtmte several times through before I actually read those at all. In terms of reading MTMTE, there is one crossover event with exRiD in the middle that makes things a little messy, but honestly, my first time through, I just skipped it entirely and didn't read it anything besides mtmte until months later. But if you're in need of a robot fix and can't start MTMTE yet, you can totally read exRiD up through #22 first! In general, here's what I recommend.

    NOW. Backtrack alllll the way back to the beginning of exRiD. If MTMTE is the wacky space roadtrip, exRiD is corrupt politics, trying to rebuild society and their planet after a war, and everything is a mess. It's not as good as MTMTE, and it definitely starts off rough, but there is some Good Shit in there (especially Wheeljack, Arcee, Starscream, and Prowl)

    Reading Dark Cybertron originally meant bouncing back and forth between issues of MTMTE and exRiD for a while, but fortunately, viewcomic has a compiled version of DC, in two chapters

    • DC #1-2 (the writing and pacing and art can be erratic, but also there are some GEMS in there) (mostly about Shockwave's weird science shenanigans and also the dead universe)

    Then, things get easier for MTMTE, more complicated for exRiD

    • MTMTE #28-40
    • Empire of Stone miniseries (on viewcomic, but I think they're doing their donation drive, so I can't get a link right now)
    • Mtmte #41-present (currently 54) (just shotgun the entire thing. Do it. It'll be GLORIOUS. You won't regret it)

    exRiD kind of... well. The main series partly/mostly splits off to political/military shenanigans... on earth. On the one hand, ugh, boring, I have enough squishy humans in my life already, I want giant alien robot culture. But there is still some interesting stuff happening on Cybertron too, and also on earth you get to know THUNDERCRACKER! He played a minor role in phase one, but now he's a major player and he's the best, BEST thing, and he has a dog and her name is Buster and he loves her so much. Also Soundwave is a total babe, and Prowl is my shitty, precious son. But before you dig into that, you know what? You deserve something nice. You deserve some of the most gorgeous art in the entire IDW run. You deserve the Windblade miniseries

    And then, unfortunately for ease of reading, we have... another crossover. This is the Combiner Wars event, which crosses over between the Windblade ongoing series (not the miniseries) and exRiD, because why would we want to make reading order easy :P And sadly, this time, there is no compiled version uploaded, so the only way to read it is to bounce between the series.

    After that, you can go ahead and wrap up Windblade's series! It only goes up through issue #7, and then they stopped, paused, and just last month started another ongoing series (Till All Are One) that I will link below. The exRiD books focus more heavily on what's happening on earth, while Windblade and TAAO are more about Cybertronian diplomacy and politics, but the two series are like... aware of each other, they aren't operating in total isolation. There's also a miniseries, Sins Of The Wreckers, that's a sequel to Last Stand of the Wreckers, and is placed between exRiD #44 and 45 (i think). Despite that placement, its last issue was only published, like... last month. But that's where it falls. It's dark and weird and I like it a lot.

    • Combiner Hunters (one-shot with sooo many ladies, lovely art and interesting ideas)
    • Windblade #5-7
    • exRiD #43-44
    • SOTW #1-5 (sequel to LSOTW, won't make much sense without that context, or without the previous exRiD issues)
    • exRiD #45-49
    • Redemption (optional reading but VERY SAD AND COOL and even with the Ramondelli art it gives me Emotions)
    • exRiD HOLIDAY SPECIAL (oh my godddddddddd there are three parts to this (cybertron/the lost light/earth), and they're all AMAZING. This is THE BEST)
    • exRiD #50-present (currently 54)
    • TAAO #1-present (currently #2) (this is brand new and is all politics and intrigue with lovely writing and some of my FAVES, and it's really, really good so far)

    There are also a few one-shots and miniseries scattered here and there where I either can't find them or don't know a good place to put them :P
    • Autocracy (beginning of the war, ugly art, but gr8 emotional backstory for Rodimus and his Issues)
    • Spotlight: Thundecracker (also a flashback to during the war, something something hunting for metroplex)
    • Spotlight: Bumblebee (I don't even remember, but maybe it relates to Thundercracker's spotlight? They make a nice ship together)
    Wow. Fwoo. OKAY. I didn't think I'd be typing that all up, but it is good to get it done and not have it hanging over my head. I am so sorry for the giant wall of text on how to read about giant robots. If you'd rather not deal with all that mess, easy mode (what I did) was read all of MTMTE (minus the spotlights and skipping Dark Cybertron entirely), and then I went allllllllll the way back to the beginning of phase one and read from there. It was a pretty quality reading experience, though you do get interesting character backstory if you read the other parts of the canon first. MTMTE and exRiD were both intended to be a jumping-on point for new readers, so if the mess of links and missing links and all that jazz looks like a pain, you're totally allowed to skip it! However works best for you, that's a totally legit way to do it.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2016
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  10. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    juuuuuust you know.
    Out of generalized interest.
    How much would all of the Phase one compilation hardcovers cost?
    Bc. I kinda have a need for a visual representation of just how much robots there is on my bookshelves. and I bet liveblogging would be easier with dead tree format.
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  11. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    The price varies a little book to book, but buying them new works out to about $35 each, for eight books, so around $280 (about 250 euros, I guess, if pricing is consistent between regions), minus shipping. I got them through Amazon prime, so shipping wasn't a factor, but they are fairly heavy. It was a pretty irresponsible spending decision on my part :P That being said, I like these things a lot. It's really nice having someone take care of reading order for you, especially when there are SO many frigging pieces in phase one. And it's really nice just being able to casually leaf through SO MUCH material. Also the whole set is really, really, really satisfyingly heavy. If you want irl versions of phase one, I do definitely recommend getting them this way, but the cost does add up.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2016
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  12. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    hooohohoho boy okay. That's a lot of money.
    mind you I'm still very very tempted. I just don't have that kind of money right now
    I need to actually get a job again or get back in contact with the agency I'm listed with and do some acting stuff.
    -starts marker sketching a sign saying "Will Do Odd Jobs For Robots"-
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  13. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    ...was the wording on that intentional?
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  14. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    • Like x 1
  15. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits


    I went hunting to see if I could find some of the early stuff. You can download the entire run of the IDW comics as long as you're willing to deal with torrents.
    Here's a few links. All lead to I recommend having some kind of security on your computer before you go browsing (I have browsed it with my macbook and phone with no problems, but PC might be different.) is one of the few trustworthy torrent hubs out there, but it never hurts to be cautious.

    Entire IDW run (2007 onward)
    Actually has seeders!

    Entire IDW Phase one Collection - This is better organized. Those looking for Chaos just need to download volume 8
    The problem is that there aren't that many seeders, the download rate is VERY slow for me right now.

    HOW TO TORRENT: (general guide for everyone)
    1.) download and install a torrent program (I use bittorent).
    2.) when browsing for torrents, always go to or and use their site search feature. A google search for torrents will almost always lead to one of the phishing sites that mirror the data from kickass DO NOT USE ANY OF THOSE (kickasstorrentau etc)
    3.) When you've found a torrent you want to download, click 'Download Torrent' in the upper lefthand corner, it will download a small file with the .torrent extension
    4.) just open that up in the torrent program and you're all set to download (from here you can choose which parts of the archive to download.
    5.) The download speed will be very slow at first, but it should increase dramatically the longer you are downloading (depending on the others who are sharing the file and your own internet connection)

    I recommend getting a dedicated comic viewer program that can easily read unarchived files. I use Sequential for the mac.

    If anyone has questions, don't hesitate to ask.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2016
    • Like x 2
  16. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Yeah, it seems really complex and informative, even through all the little jokes and stuff. Makes it a lot more fun to read without losing important facts. I actually find it easier to follow that way.
    Yeah, this is a fandom where I imagine digital poseable 3d models would be really really convenient. Other than that, I guess it's good practice for spatial thinking?
    Oh my god, that is beautiful, thank you!
    That's actually relieving to hear, so thank you! It really is misleading though because I wouldn't count the default robot form as a transformation. Like, just because a vampire can turn into a bat doesn't mean the vampire has two shape-shifting forms, for example, because we don't count the default human one.
    Basically, our confusion was totally logical and I'm not just really defensive because it took me so long to get it or anything >:C
    Oh no, that's awful and sad and tragic, I LOVE IT :D I'm really into the idea of the trine structures being important to flier development! There's definitely some absolutely heartbreaking potential there.
    Clearly the twins needed someone to fill the Jetearth role #get it? #like the band Earth, Wind & Fire #haha #I'm so sorry
    And yes, do the THING! CONTENT! CONTENT!
    I'm glad to be of help! If there's one skill you develop when you're a lazy noodle of an artist, it's finding shortcuts!
    Neither did I until you just mentioned it!
    And ohhh, he still looks really fucking metal, I'm glad :D I probably wouldn't have recognized him either.
    Also, since it was mentioned, with the fanon term "spike", are there a lot of fandom jokes about Lockdown really compensating for something?
    This is why even robots need to remember to moisturise.
    But seriously, what the fuck happened there? The emphasis on the teeth is a really weird choice as well, and he has some chin thingie suddenly? I do like the detail work, but yeah, the faces... huh. I would think the artists get references to work with.
    Oh wow, that does sound sad ): I gotta admit I'm a sucker for misery, so it might work for me if it doesn't get too frustrating.
    I kinda like the art actually, but as you said, it doesn't work at all for detailed robots. All that grungy black shading would fit a lot better in some kind of noir setting.
    Oh my god, I actually recoiled from the screen D: That is a really unfortunate design. It kind of reminds me of this character from the Basilisk series, even kinda down to the face shape and short nose and big brow thingies:
    But at least this guy had the excuse that he could use his nose hair as a weapon (yeah, that's not a moustache...)
    Wow, yeah, that one before does not look like this one at all. I definitely wouldn't have recognized her. Oh man, does she look badass in this picture, though :D And is the blue stuff energon? Isn't it pink in the comic?
    Also, I'm really glad they pretty much ignored her origin story later on.
    Oh nooo, that's so frustrating ): But I see what you mean. His art reminds me of my "slap a shit-ton of texture overlays on absolutely EVERYTHING to distract from drawing mistakes" phase. I think a lot of artists go through that, so there's hope for him to leave it behind, especially since you said it's already getting better! I totally understand the frustration, though. When really good writing gets mediocre art or vice versa it's always like [we_could_have_had_it_all.mp3]
    ...oh no, now I feel really bad, too ;-; We have to protect that smile!
    These are amazing, and the antenna wrestling is adorable! Humongous space robots aren't allowed to be so cute!
    Oh god, that's BEAUTIFUL! And from the sketch I can already tell he's gonna have glorious pouty lips >:3c Ugh though, flowers are super hard to draw, so good luck, bab! Just in case, I have another little trick to share as a lazy artist again! When you google flower references, set the picture type to "lineart" in the search options. Some of it is really cartoony, but generally I find neat lineart a lot easier to reference.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2016
    • Like x 2
  17. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Also, thank you so much for the reading guides ;_;
    • Like x 1
  18. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I'll answer the rest in a little bit, but I finished the Optimus, and he does have glorious lips!! I had to fiddle around a little a lot to get a placement I liked, because tfa face proportions are hard, but I made it work!
    Transformers - Optimus Bondage Flowers.jpg

    Real quick and dirty, but lots of fun! What we have here are shamelessly larger-than-life red carnations (my heart aches for you, admiration), christmas roses (relieve my anxiety), cowslips (winning grace, healing, youth, pensiveness), and narcissi (formality, stay sweet as you are). I accidentally stumbled onto the flower hack you suggested, and it helped SO much for getting these things turned out fast and easy.

    I had the most fun with the carnations and christmas roses (I could draw carnations forever), though looking back on it now, I wish I'd planned ahead for better flower grouping and a more cohesive bouquet feel (even though the carnations are my favorite, nothing ties them back to the other flowers. and that doesn't even touch on grouping. I took a class on flower arranging, even, so I have no excuse :P). And now that I've got proof of concept, I want to do lots more like this. There are so many flowers with interesting and cool meanings (things like: shame, mature charm, i am your captive, beware, beauty unknown to possessor, all kinds of good stuff), and one of my irl friends just started a bondage inspiration blog (ropeylittlefeministbitch, if anyone is curious), so I'm going to have loads of cool references to draw from. I want to see if I can take some of my sad asshole faves and tie them up and say angsty things with flower arrangements. THE BEST, MOST SELF-INDULGENT THING. I just have to figure out how Whirl actually moves so I can tie him up properly, and figure out the best way to get Starscream in high-strain positions working around his stupid, silly wings.
    • Like x 3
  19. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    And on the note of glorious, kissable lips and me being in a share-y mood, I'm starting to almost nearly get a panel's worth of lines for that comic idea from @coldstars with the friendship bracelet made from fort max's own internal wiring. I'm trying to figure out if I can just get away with redrawing overlord's arms and the two faces from panel to panel. I think I can do it, and I'm feeling lazy enough to go for it. This thing is going to clock in at abouuuuuuuuuut six panels, and I'm down for redrawing Overlord's ridiculous face, but I'd really rather not do his torso and helmet from scratch every time and pray I get the proportions even semi-consistent.

    (his hands are beautiful, I don't think there's any polishing required there. and I definitely didn't cut off fort max's arm just because I didn't feel like figuring out how to draw it, what?)

    (also I think you're going to really love overlord once you run into him. I thiiiiink the first time he does much of anything is in last stand of the wreckers, where he is glorious and awful (you can jump into that series pretty much any time after you meet verity, or even without meeting her, if you want) and he plays a decent-size role in mtmte, and he's the worst and I love him)

    Transformers - Fortress Maximus Overlord Bracelet 1.jpg
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  20. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Oh no, he's adorable! I love his serene expression, he's like UoU
    Definitely very kissable lips! And great job on the flowers!
    I was really curious to see if you will draw normal-sized or big flowers! If you had drawn them to scale they would probably be little yellow, red and white dots, so you couldn't have the flower symbolism, and then what's the point???
    Ohh, those are really nice choices *o* And they even sorta go with his colour scheme!
    Woah, I didn't know bouquets and flower arranging had strict rules like that. Huh, so flowers really are a language!
    Also, this doesn't work with robots, but my first thought when you mentioned flower bondage was doing it to someone with a bad pollen allergy :p This would be, like, the dream for sadistic sneezing fetishists.
    And thank you for the blog, it looks great!
    I'm super looking forward to the Whirl and Starscream things. Maybe you don't have to work around his wings, but work with them. Just imagine all the new opportunities for creative bondage >:3c You could tie his arms to his wings, for example. I wonder if you could actually keep someone from being able to transform with strong enough ropes.
    Overlord: (ლര⌄രლ) #friendship
    IT IS PERFECT, YES! I'm very excited! Oh god, I totally understand why you don't want to redraw so much. Keeping stuff consistent looking is the worst! Also, I never considered amputation for avoiding drawing limbs. I'm so glad we can share so many useful drawing tips here! #life hack: rip the arm off so you don't have to draw it #just fucking do it #maybe rip off your own arm too so you never have to draw again! #AAAAAAH!!!!
    And yeah, from what I heard of him, Overlord sounds a lot of fun, as well as that robot lobotomist guy (Trepan?), so I'm looking forward to seeing them in action :D
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