Steven Universe

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Not going to stop me. In fact it's just going to make me more stubborn about liking it.
  2. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    But then I don't also consider it anything more than a headcanon. It's on par with my transwoman Porrim headcanon.
  3. Alska

    Alska Well-Known Member

    Idk, maybe he got on puberty blockers before really developing them? Since that can reduce breast size, so if they were barely there to begin with he could have ended up with none.

    //shrugs im pretty neutral on the headcanon, just trying to think of how itd work with canon
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  4. versi2

    versi2 ???????

    I mean, he could have gone on hormones before starting puberty. He's pretty young.
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  5. Salted Earth


    I really wish someone had said 'wow, Steven, that's kinda messed up, don't go jumping into other people's bodies', because wow Steven that's kinda messed up don't go jumping into other people's bodies. Even if Lars is a jerk, he still doesn't deserve to have someone else invading his life like that?? I dunno. I personally love my dumb anxiety issues child and feel like he deserves as much of a chance as any of the other flawed beings in Beach City, so I got no enjoyment over seeing his private life get focused on by well-meaning child Steven, especially given his aforementioned anxiety issues. Like... imagine being a guy with awful social anxiety who learns that everyone likes him more when he's not even him. That's not 'encouragement to be less of a jerk', that's just... mean.

    Also I like trans guy Lars even if he doesn't have scars. I just really like the Laramie connection, it's real good. I can certainly see how people would also think he's cis though, I don't begrudge anyone for going 'yeah, he doesn't have scars or anything, he's cis', that's totally valid.
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  6. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Honestly, I don't give a fuck what Lars's issues are - he's eerily like two people I had relationships with and boo hoo secret pain but at the end of the day they were still abusive, self-centered assholes. I'm not going to rag on people who do feel for him but after having lived the life, I am completely out of sympathy for that kind of pissbaby, especially since he's setting Sadie up to be his enabler.

    So I REALLY hope he isn't trans. It's entirely possible - puberty blockers young enough, or a small enough cup size that keyhole surgery was possible would leave minimal to no scars on his chest, not to mention that some AFAB people just don't develop significant breast tissue in their teens - but transmasc people get enough shit already without having one of our scraps of representation being a classic example of a self-centered dickhead who uses other people.

    Echoing the 'wtf, Steven', though. In some ways he really IS still a young child that he didn't realize that wasn't okay, and I'm annoyed that wasn't addressed either.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
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  7. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    Re: the Laramie thing;
    Personally that scene didn't come off to me as Laramie being a girl's name and all that, it just read to me like your standard teenager hating his birth name because it wasn't "cool" enough. I mean, that's kind of Lars's whole schtick, that he's hyper-focused around being cool. So he rejected his "lame" birth name in favor of one that sounded cooler.
    Idk to me Laramie doesn't sound overly feminine. It reminded me of Jeremy tbh (also, a quick Google search says that Laramie is either a unisex or a more masculine name sooooo...)

    Idk tho that's just my two cents on the name bit, I don't really want to get into more of a discussion cuz tbh in the end I don't really care what people headcanon him as. *shrugs*
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  8. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    like, I can see Lars being trans and just being lacking in the boob department
    but I don't want him to be because he is my least favorite character
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  9. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    SAME. I haven't least-favorited this hard since Vriska.
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  10. missoyashirou

    missoyashirou Someone please give me a tiny dog to play with

    I'm not gonna lie, that's kind of impressive on his part, that he's as big of an asshole as a girl who casually crippled two people and murdered a third over being friendzoned.
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  11. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Hilariously, unlike Lars Vriska managed to have something that looked like friends, if you squint.
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  12. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Vriska was one of my favs too, really. I like horrible assholes. I love them so much. I feel so bad for them. I wish I could help but I can't and I know that if I tried it would be bad for me.


    My favorite awful person is still Aranea though. Aranea is just. Perfection. Never shall an asshole replace her in being wonderful. NEVER.
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  13. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    To be my waifu or hazubando you need to be an abusive shitlord who would ruin me.
  14. cyborgism

    cyborgism they/them

    i kind of like trying to figure out ways that terrible characters could be develop into something less terrible. i don't really like or dislike lars, but that's why i'd like to see him getting more/better character development. mostly because that would entail him not being abrasive and selfish towards sadie!! i think it's weird how steven seems to think romance will fix their problems. she really deserves someone who's good to her all the time, not just when other people aren't around to see them. (maybe garnet could give him a talk on relationships like she did with jaime? she would definitely handle it all better than steven has)

    i mean, if the cluster could be thwarted from destroying the entire planet thru ~the power of friendship~ then it seems comparatively easy for an asshole teen to start learning from his fuckups
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  15. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    The difference there is the Cluster didn't really want to hurt anyone, and up until Steven arrived might not have known that forming was going to destroy the Earth. And when they were given the chance they all worked together to stop themselves from hurting the planet. I dunno if Lars really wants to not be an ass so much.
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  16. cyborgism

    cyborgism they/them

    well, he puts a lot of effort into trying to make himself look cool. he may start to realize that his idea of 'cool' is warped and not fun to be around. The (actual) Cool Kids are all very friendly and chill compared to him. if he spent more time with them he would probably start to emulate their niceness so that they would want to be friends with him. his motivations would still be kind of selfish, but it's a start
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
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  17. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    I guess I should clarify when I say "I'm convinced" I mean it's more like "I think there is sufficient subtext in this series for this headcanon to work without being the "ur fav is (insert label here that makes no sense for the character they just like the character and want representation) sorry I don't make the rules" level of wtf unless it is explicitly ruled out." I also enjoy the nonbinary Steven headcanon! and I think they are both on the same level as "not likely, but ambiguous enough that people can interpret what they want" and I think that's pretty cool.
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  18. Stophelping

    Stophelping Building a house out of love

    I'm fine with trans Lars heandcanons, but I prefer the one where he's cis and tryhard. It clicks with me more. Like, if you're trans you might be gifted with a modicum of critical thinking on gender, whereas someone who grows up in Toxic Masculinity Central doesn't have that perspective and could internalize a higher degree of bullshit. (Which is not to say that trans guys can't also be tryhard, but then it's more obviously connected to Imposter Syndrome and the feeling that they have to Dude Harder to make up for the genderweirds.)
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  19. Aniseed

    Aniseed Well-Known Member

    tbh i've been friends with and dated too many people like Lars to really feel that much sympathy for him.

    on a logical level i know that those kind of behaviors are generally inspired by a large amount of bad shit, and even kids who are overly coddled are in some fashion being abused and learn shitty life lessons from it. i just hope he manages to gain whatever self awareness required to have somebody to be genuine with and not just set Sadie up to be his enabler/supplier.
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  20. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    i had to skip and play lot of bits in the lars episode, but honestly the "steven trying to push lars and sadie together because what he thinks about their relationship is more important than what they feel" right at the beginning trumped any level of shitty lars could be for me.

    especially where he's like, planning out their whole life together and lars says no and he flat out says lars is lying. like. steven maybe you need to back up.
    • Like x 15
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