If someone could add me to the thing that'd be great, I'm gonna be mobile all day. Just imzy in my experiments, I'm starcrossedsky there and starcrossed-sky on Tumblr edit: nvm got it
I has been exploring Imzy thanks to @Starcrossedsky's invite and so far I like how easy it is to navigate - and has a dashboard-like view by default so I can see other people's babbles as soon as I open the page. Now if it wasn't eye-searing white, or maybe if they made it customizable, it would be good.
Oh - and while it is invite-only - if you go to their site there is a button to click to get an invite code.
I have five invite codes as well, if anyone needs one, though @Starcrossedsky's hundred codes should cover us i think...
I gots 5 codes to give out - but it requires giving me your email address, and do you really want to give a self-confessed nutcase such sensitive info? :D
Oh, imzy invite would be good. I'll pm whoever I should pm my email? Has my full dead name in it so not putting it here.
zemyxdexion@yahoo.com is my junk email, good for these things. laugh at my old weeb email and lay the invites on me
sent. [Edit:] Looks like imzy is going down for maintenance in a bit, at least according to the little alert on the bottom right of my screen, 10 pm eastern and 1 am pacific (don't quote me on that.