Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    No you cannot. This is why I propose they take the precious asshole and fuck off to terrorize parts unknown without Megatrons ego and also have lots of sex. Because triads are fun and someone needs to keep Starscream from shooting himself in the foot all the time.

    ETA: Hmm, resident RP introduced me ot the idea of trines, and Starscreams a flier. The world weirdest trine? Alternately, give Starscream a trine.
    -pets asshole child straight off a cliff-
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2016
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  2. Petra

    Petra space case

    Starscream has a trine! Not sure if in Prime, but... Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp were the first seeker character created.
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  3. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Haven't met them yet if they are, but good reasons to figure out where I can dig up the comic I suppaws.
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  4. Petra

    Petra space case

    Wiki says neither Skywarp and Thundercracker are in prime. They're in Animated, but as clones of Starscream with distinct personalities.

    But, in general, this is their basic character concepts. Skywarp is dumb. He's just... not super clever. Picks up on things slowly. Takes him a while to get to conclusions. That's not so bad, though! He's a teleporter, but his slowness means he doesn't tend to cleverly use this in fights, although he's good with following plans. He can be really dangerous when he wants to, but he's more the 'annoying pranks and purile jokes' level of villainy on his own.

    Thundercracker is undecided. While Skywarp and Starscream are reasonably devoted to the decepticon cause, if not always Megatron, Thundercracker has a hard time reconciling his surprising sympathy for humanity, compassion, and weariness with the unending fight ahead of him with the decepticon ideals and actions. He covers this with arrogance, but in some continuities, he can be tempted to switch sides (although not always to the autobots), where in others he just struggles with it privately.

    This is all gleaned from the wiki, but it fits with what I've seen in IDW G1, too. They both kind of get shitty hands played, by the time MTMTE and exRiD start, they're all doing different things.

    Thundercracker is on Earth, having allied with humanity as a whole after spending a prolonged time on the planet. He's got a dog! He writes screenplays! He doesn't really want to fight! He's very tired and wants to rest.

    Starscream is on Cybertron, working his way to become the sole ruler... by democratic vote. Truly, the most unexpected way to finally take over, because all of the autobots and decepticons are like 'do you KNOW who he IS', but the non-aligned cybertronians like him! The autobots OR decepticons can't oust Starscream without really fucking things up. He's not very happy, though. He's kind of having a nervous breakdown.

    Skywarp, slow, loyal Skywarp, is... probably having the hardest time in recent exRiD stuff, but not sure if you want spoilers. It's more spoilery than Starscream and Thundercracker's initial and mid-season positions.

    In Animated Thundercracker represents Starscream's arrogance, while Skywarp represents his cowardice and self-preservation.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2016
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  5. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Okay okay but also consider

    This lovely disaster of an alternate trine: Starscream/Windblade/Wheeljack

    Okay so it's the best-best because PITCHROM, first of all, also femdom, and also because these three losers are practically running Cybertron together, and a trine between them would have all four quadrants in the mashup, and I can't even count the paragraphs of shrieking about these three I've done in PM. Also it would be a sexy, sexy disaster with femdom and also emotional support all over the place. Just lemme throw a few example panels at you, and I'll be on my way. I didn't screencap any panels of Windblade/Wheeljack, because they have a chill/positive/healthy relationship, which makes for boring screencaps. BUT.

    starbladejack 2.jpg

    starbladejack 3.jpg

    starbladejack 4.jpg

    starbladejack 1.jpg

    All that delicious starjack potential comes from one singular issue, and pretty much that every moment Starscream and Windblade are on screen together is classic pitch

    Also, as I was collecting panels, I noticed this flying hammerhead shark robot (presumably) and I thought I should definitely share it with the rest of the class.

    flying hammerhead shark.jpg

    Well, I've found MY fursona
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2016
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  6. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    From the panels it seems like a good ship, but I have not even managed to start the comics yet. (And I´m dreading how expensive that many comics might get. Oh well, eating is overrated.)

    ETA: That version of starscream has a very pretty face. Stil wanna dig up all versions of him and see if i can make a combined design to soothe my spergbrain.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2016
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  7. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    If you do decide to go for the comics, there are links and reading orders scattered here and there for reading them for free online! If you ask whenever you're interested, I can dig up a good link to a post (probably one of the more complete, easy-to-find posts is in the winkwonk cling clong thread) I definitely read them for free first, and bought irl copies more slowly, as money came into my life.
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  8. Petra

    Petra space case

    Yeah, I'm gonna buy volumes when I get a consistant source of income, but for now I read online.
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  9. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    I haven't really met anyone in Prime that I want to ship Starscream with...ok, I lie, I could ship him pitch with Arcee.

    *Starscream reminds everyone for the 70th time that day that he killed an autobot named Cliffjumper*

    There's just nobody around that I want to ship him flushed with. I shipped him with a bot called Metalhawk in the IDW comics until a thing happened >>;; (goddamnit Starscream, why must you ruin everything you touch?). Spock's right though, IDW screamjack could be interesting. I want to see them interact in Prime!

    What little I know about Starscream's Trine comes from an extremely long fanfic and the internet. All you need to know about Skywarp

    The problem with comic Starscream is that he can look drastically different depending on the artist. This version from Windblade vol 2 is doing the classic TFP 'don't hurt me' pose. I love the art in that comic. He does have TFP starscream's double wings.
    Bonus Knockout checking out a speedster named Blurr from the same comic-
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  10. Petra

    Petra space case

    Can we have another Strika appreciation post.
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  11. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    I'm just ??? about Strika. Please help me appreciate her.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2016
  12. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Screamjack sounds filthy....
    (As for the rest of post, ship and let ship. I like assholes and triads. V curious for trine.)
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  13. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    My personal rule of thumb for Transformers ship: Worse is better. Transformers names make ship name amalgamation method pretty hilarious.
    Faves: UltraMegaRod, Ultrajack, Megascream (usually Megastar), Jackceptor,

    Oh man, somebody made a big post with their headcanons about Trines and the rules that govern them, but I haven't seen it in ages.
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  14. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    Oh my god, she's so LARGE! So intelligent!! Apparently in season four of TFA, if that had happened, she would have been the one masterminding the attempts to free Megatron from Autobot prison. There's a script called 'the stunticon job' that was never animated, but was read aloud at a convention once. It would have featured Decepticons going undercover on Cybertron, and we would have seen THE MOTOR MASTER and also Sky-Byte, so I mean. Not having this episode is a tragedy of the highest degree. I learned this only tonight too. GOD. I'm so sad about TFA.

    PS, anyone who hasn't read The Brave Shall Heed The Call, it is CHOCK-FULL of prime Strika content, including her being a momma bear mentor for Slipstream and some PRIME-ASS INTERACTIONS with Megatron and Ratchet and Optimus, plus some unbelievable depth being given to her relationship with Lugnut. I love her so much.

    Look look look, I even have a Strika dragon, and she looks like the first one right now, but soon she'll look like the second, and I already have a Lugnut for her and I need to find an Obsidian too.

    strika 1.png strika 2.png

    SO LIKE, a recurring thing with her character is that she is consistently portrayed as being unbelievably, incredibly huge, but ALSO she's always portrayed as a dangerously intelligent lady, and one of the most effective commanders on whatever side she's allied with. I belieeeeeve her main appearances are in Beast Machines (married to Obsidian, who is also lorge and intelligent), TFA (married to Lugnut, who is also lorge, but less intelligent, though I have seen him characterized as protective), and IDW (not openly married, but she's serving as one of Elita One's top commanders, and so is Obsidian, and they're classically a couple, so Ima just assume she has herself a fine-ass conjunx with a funky bug thorax and shoulder propellers and freaky awesome hologram hands).

    SO, I still haven't watched Beast Machines (I have dvds, but the animation hurts my head), but she's specifically known there as 'one of the greatest generals in cybertronian history.' And I'm a little weak on the plot, but at one point she and Obsidian were both pretending to be dumb as a a stump, with vocabularies consisting of 'terminate' and 'obliterate,' respectively. And these two are both so physically KICKASS that the people this act was being put on for totally bought that their reputations as dangerous military commanders was based on pure physical strength alone. That's even without factoring in their minds, they kick so much physical and mental ass that I'm just. AAAAAAAAA. Over both of them.

    (also this beast machines 'terminate' thing got an awesome callback in her first IDW appearance)

    strika 1.jpg

    And even though this is the artist with the most cartoony style, by a long shot, Strika is still so! huge!!!!

    strika 2.jpg

    Though honestly, nothing compares to how massive she is in TFA. Liek if u swoon every time


    Also, random trivia, in that scene, she's totally got Cyclonus there as part of her crew. He doesn't really do anything, and his color scheme here is super dark and he kinda disappears into the bg/sky, but here, have a fanart of the scene in lieu of an actual screenshot


    I wanna see her applying her command skills to cyclonus he's restrained and dour but she's blunt and to the point and straightforward and I think she'd really have his respect as an officer but I wanna see it happen why must everything good be denied to me

    Also at one point in IDW she totally almost executes Starscream, so that's pretty awesome

    And now, she's in the mix in TAAO! But she's barely done anything yet, and she barely gets to even feature in the group shots so far. Probably because Obsidian is doing a lot of the talking, and overrepresenting Carcer would be kinda boring considering that Cybertron being a mixing pot now is a big thematic thing. But she is there on the Council. Also, I like that we've got one colony represented by a split-spark pair, plus two represented by a (presumably) married couple. Caminus doesn't have anyone who's married or paired off in some other way, and neither does Cybertron. (oh, right, and velocitron, but knock out references how moonracer is/was his assistant, plus he's already married to breakdown, so they just have an awkward professional relationship instead, which totally counts). Come on, Windblade and Starscream, get on top of that :DDDD

    But! Here's Strika in TAAO 1

    strika 3.jpg

    And here she is in TAAO 2!

    strika 4.jpg

    Isn't that tragic? Those are basically the only images of her in either issue. BUT! She's there! And if she was never meant to do anything, well, the colonies were originally only supposed to send one representative each. They're only allowed to have multiples if the representatives vote together. So one, I think Strika might have things to do as the tensions in the city escalate. Because she's got a tactical mind, sure (that's such an established part of her character I really doubt they'd toss it), but she's also got some BOMB-ASS PHYSICAL STRENGTH at her disposal. If things with the badgeless or combaticons start to come to a head, she is a force to be reckoned with.

    Alternately! There are definitely some Shenanigans going on with Carcer and his crew, because... that is not the titan that Metroplex thought he'd reconnected with. Carcer is the name of a different titan altogether, and not the one whose signal Metroplex recognized. And Elita definitely fed Windblade a lie when she claimed it was the same titan with a different name. So given that Carcer is the most militaristic (and organized) of the societies they've encountered, it sure is suspicious that both of Elita's most competent, dangerous generals are chilling on Cybertron! Now, there really hasn't been enough revealed to make good guesses at what direction the story will go. We've already got lots of plot flying around even without them complicating things. But okay. Elita's first reaction to Starscream suggesting the alliance was to accuse him that he's going to basically enslave and subjugate the colonists. Why is that your first thought, Elita? Are you just suspicious after years of hard living in space? Or could it be that that's what you do to any other Cybertronians you encounter? Also, the business with Metroplex thinking it was a different titan. I'm kind of thinking that maybe Carcer and his crew found Tempo. And maybe took Tempo out and cannibalized him for parts. They make a big point of how tight resources are and how they recycle bodies. If they found Tempo when he was already dead, wouldn't they be fine with openly admitting it? In their view, it's the most honorable way to treat the dead. But if they found another titan and killed him to harvest his body, well... who knows what kind of interesting ways that could play out in the future.

    (also anyone who hasn't read the brave shall heed the call, you should definitely do it. fall in love with strika! it is inevitable)
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2016
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  15. meowtini on the rocks

    meowtini on the rocks Active Member

    So I was re-watching TFP again last night because I wouldn't sleep, and I noticed... a thing.



    I now propose that Megatron's original alt-mode wasn't a jet.
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  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oh my god, that's hilarious. I can't take him seriously like this. I just can't.
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  17. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

  18. meowtini on the rocks

    meowtini on the rocks Active Member

    He's just so precious I cannot even with his helm just peeking out of his jet form like that
  19. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    @spockandawe Oh my god spock, what a good writeup! You should do a series on tumblr about why people should get into transformers so we can have more company in this fandom. I actually forgot that Strika was one of the lady robots (Edited my post with correct pronouns)

    HES LIKE A HUGE ANGRY GOPHER POKING HIS HEAD OUT OF THE HIDEY HOLE! Maybe he's got a thing about seeing with his mech eyes at all times.
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  20. Petra

    Petra space case

    And Cyclonus doesn't even want a servant, and Tailgate has no idea what is going on, and they don't become friends for a long time probably. Slow burn.
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