
Discussion in 'Howdy there!' started by renegadereveler, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    Man, that idea that you have to pick the Exact Right Prestigious School Or Else You Will Die In Poverty Forever is so goddamn insidious, I hate it. It got me too.

    ... oh man is this an opportunity to ramble about my senior spring fly genetics class :D :D It's been a while so I'm probably not explaining it well or with the right technical terms, but:

    So we had a line of flies that had a P element (movable chunk of DNA) that had the code for a green fluorescent protein, and then we crossed them with a line of flies that had the enzyme that would randomly move that P element somewhere else in the genome. And then we bred out the ones with the transposase (moving-enzyme) so that the P element would stay put in its random location. If it landed in the body of a gene, then whenever that gene was switched on, fluorescent protein would also be produced in that cell. Eventually, we produced stable lines of flies that all had the P element in the same spot.

    Then, one team used inverse PCR to sequence the area around the P element and determine in which gene it had landed, while the other team dissected the flies to figure out where they glowed, and in this way we linked the genes to their areas of expression. We didn't do anything with this resource ourselves, but we did submit it to a fly... line.. warehouse? so that if somebody was studying, like, fly pancreases, they could grab some fly lines with glowing pancreases and try to figure out what the genes did specifically.
  2. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    We use both, depending on the situation! The datasets I'm working with right now were produced by shotgun sequencing.
  3. renegadereveler

    renegadereveler Floof King

    Fancy Big-Name School or Bust is like the primary motivation of like 80-90% of people at this goddamn school.

    Okay, wow, that's fuggin awesome. (When I learned that inverse PCR was a thing after doing regular PCR for a few weeks I literally flipped my shit.) Which team were you a member of? :P

    And yeah, lol, we submitted the sequences we'd parsed to a database of plant genomic data, so like, if anyone wants a random tiny snippet of thyme DNA sequence...they can have that because of me. Yay, contributing to science posterity.

    EDIT: realized it sounded like I had been doing inverse PCR for a few weeks before learning what it was, lol. I had done regular PCR for a few weeks and then learned what inverse was. :D
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2016
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  4. renegadereveler

    renegadereveler Floof King

    Cool cool! When I first learned about full-genome sequencing my mind was BLOWN, lol.
  5. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    Inverse PCR is so cool!! I was on the sequencing team, which is why I know more about how the sequencing works. (Thank god - the sequencing team had a bunch of inexplicable failures and had to keep calling up the sequencing company, but the dissection team worked much longer hours.)
  6. renegadereveler

    renegadereveler Floof King

    Hahaha, classic--we had to call the sequencing people a lot too. (Actually, the first time we sent our samples to them it turned out that a bunch of the PCR tubes had somehow opened up and spilled en route--thankfully we had backups, but goddamn was that annoying.)
  7. if you want i can, like. color him or somethin? pm me ref stuff if u wanna. i'm rlly glad u like him!
    also omg @ that last bit
    • Like x 1
  8. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    psst I am also a boarding school person! (if you hadn't gathered.) we should, like, make a Terrible Things About Boarding School thread or something. I would probably post in it daily while at school.

    if you call "de-gendering the dress code" "I can no longer actually be dress coded for wearing a tie to a formal event," well, yeah. no kidding, that happened to a kid like two years ago. also they put "Typical for Girls" and "Typical for Boys" instead of "Boys" and "Girls" on the formal dress code, which, well, they tried, and they totally needed to draw attention to how ~atypical~ gender non-conforming people are. /s seriously though, the gendered divisions in the dress code are kinda nuts. boys have to wear collared shirts to class, but girls only have to wear, like, "fashion blouses," so since I'm a "girl" I totally get away with wearing exclusively t-shirts. it has a pocket!!!! this is fashion!!!!!!

    the funniest thing is how he kinda looks like you, but not quite. look, I tried with the description, okay. (also omg dude first of all: T!!!! and secondly I cannot believe you want to look like a horned bug alien, even a hot nerdy one.)

    the thing about our dress code is that it's in effect during the whole school day, even though they call it "Class Dress." also they make us wear it to evening assemblies sometimes, which is just assholish, because everybody has sports and they know we'll have to change and shower again.

    I already liked this, but just so you know, I totally laughed out loud.

    I wanted to be part of this summer program, but my application was rejected because I am a Slacker(TM) who misses class for dumb things like debilitating depression and anxiety-induced vomiting. I mean, who lets stuff like that bother them, right? (yes, I am still kinda bitter about this. especially considering the fact that I kept my grades up, thank you very much.)

    fun fact! that teacher is in fact our dorm supervisor!!!! (well, still mine, Adrian has gotten the fuck out, the lucky bastard.) she is terrible. for the holidays she gave the entire dorm mugs that said "Leggings Are Not Pants." like.

    I would actually say that is an overestimate! 80-90% of the people who care about academic performance, yes, but said people do not make up 100% of the school's population. for some reason.

    he was actually talking about asking you if he could color him himself, so yes, he does want. (protip: if you want him to love you forever, make him a Jhanzi body pillow. I'm mostly not joking.)
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  9. renegadereveler

    renegadereveler Floof King

    Omg, that would awesome! You're the best :D What kind of refs would that entail? (I'm gonna own up to my fatal character flaw here: I'm not actually a Homestuck. I know, I know, tar and feather me instantly. eP and I made the fantroll a while ago--he guided me through the process while I just sort of went "ASLKDFJALSDF THAT SOUNDS COOL LET'S DO THAT" so I know virtually nothing about troll coloration, etc. but am EXCITED TO LEARN)

    Omg, yes. Yes. I would post in this every goddamn day while school was in session.

    Yup, it's pretty absurd. Female-lookin people get dress-coded for LEGGINGS. LEGGINGS.

    Honestly, he kinda looks like how I'd look if I were amab.
    1) Yes T is a thing I am considering eep


    Yeah, there was a lot of #sketch going on with your rejection from the program.


    Okay, fair enough. I think I surround myself with people who care about academic performance, because these tend to be (although are not always!!) interesting to talk to. But they also have unhealthy levels of anxiety around getting into college, which I have of course absorbed.

    Yup, this is a thing I actually said. (I also proposed that the body be a sketchy fish body instead of like a vaguely humanoid body. DON'T KINKSHAME ME, IT WOULD BE FUNNY)
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2016
  10. oh how DARE you. blocked, reported.

    naw dude just tell me like shirt color or if there's freckles or whatever, troll coloration's just black hair and grey skin.

    ahahaha oh my fucking god that. i would almost do that
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