Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Yeah this post is just...WHOOPS. The magnificent miracle of engineering that is empurata limbs has been a plot point ALL ALONG

    So many things are interconnected in this series and have come full circle here and I'm thriving.

    I just

    I have emotions about the fact that Drift found this ship at the Festival of Lost Light, a celebration to commemorate the dead, and here on Censere's planet, where he kept a census of the dead and the disappeared, we have the crew of that ship not just by and large surviving against impossible odds, but also coming out of the experience with the sudden reappearance of so many previously lost and mourned people. Like living flowers blooming out of Censere's corpse, and where Tarn took Megatron's words on tyranny as gospel, we now leave him and that twisted, corrupt vision behind and return to Terminus, who knew Megatron's words long before anyone else ever listened

    And I changed my mind - I dearly want them all back on the Lost Light itself, zooming around through the stars with a crew where if they run into other Cybertronians there's at least a 60% chance of people saying "Wait, weren't you all dead?" so that every chance they get the crew can say "Rumors of our deaths were greatly exaggerated." A ship named in memoria, now full of life and even more people who missed large chunks of the war. I want it back, Getaway, I want it back
    • Like x 8
  2. Petra

    Petra space case

    I just finished the issue and now I'm crying but also laughing at some of the post you guys have made.

    Tarn, you fuckup. You absolute soggy waffle. You melted ice cream cone. You broke the Grindcore and then covered it up with blasting ur favorite song all day. I hate you and I love you.

    Nickel PEACES OUT. I hope we see more of her and Deathasaurus.

    Overlord ditching was great. I hate him, he's terrible, but this is probably the healthiest, most proportionate action we've seen him take... ever?
    • Like x 11
  3. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Just gonna copy paste my tumblr liveblog before reading what everyone else has to say

    My eyes are stinging and I'm still waiting for the issue to download.

    <!-- more -->

    I'm having *a lot of feelings* just looking at that cover, not gonna lie. Mostly "please let Megs be okay" feelings. But also can I marry this Megatron art? I'm sorry, boyfriend, unless you can share with a bunch of pixels you're thrown over.

    Oooooh, more organic aliens! And worldbuilding! Yeeeee. I love the Council as villains. The planets can't question?


    MEGS YOU'RE OKAY!!!! SO IS RAVAGE!!!! Megs stole Trailcutter's forcefield generator? Huh. I mean. Guy's not using it any more to be fair. Ravage ur snark tho

    Deathsaurus. Friend. Your boyfriend is making bad life decisions, don't let them become yours too.

    An attack of conscience? Brainstorm, your puns. I love it.

    Fucking burn, Overlord, Christ.

    NO RAVAGE NOT OKAY. (although. Your megatron fanboying is fucking fantastic.)

    M E G A T R O N. "It was never about keeping you out, it was about sealing you in." Yeah okay that's it. I had dreams of escaping the Megatron Stan Life at some point but no. Simpsonsdontforgetyourehereforever.jpg

    Whirl's arm???? Okay what? Rodimus your Megs fanboying is also hilarious.

    Is Megs crying... Antimatter?

    Oh my God. Oh my god. Is everyone at idw determined to make me cry while smiling? What is this? I didn't need the gospel of megatron preached to me any more, we have established that I am a lifelong believer, keep up comic. But I mean, Ravage, you can continue being primary missionary for a while, I suppose.

    Oh god oh god it's the Reveal I'm not ready



    So. Tarn's name was glitch? Um, okay, I hope we hear more about this. Or was that just an insult and Megs was pulled away before the Reveal? I wouldn't be surprised.

    Okay but. The parallels of expression here. This megarod moment is. Something, all right.


    R A V A G E. No. Not allowed.

    (is that Soundwave. I have yet to make it through exrid because people being mean to bumblebee makes me sad. I'm assuming that means real death for him. Noooooo D:)


    Megs needed that hug, holy shit.

    Oh my God. This plot.

    Whaaaaat. No really, what.

    • Like x 8
  4. Petra

    Petra space case

    Glitch, as in Damus, as in the Outlier whose power was limited to breaking down non-sapient machinery with a touch 4 million years ago, and who has apparently improved since then. :)
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  5. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    I do wonder where he will pop up next, because he basically just went
    And whenever Overlord tries to get what he wants, gruesome ways...I don't think it counts as an attack of conscience when it's Overlord having it...
    • Like x 7
  6. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Like okay, Overlord is the WORST, but I've actually got a surprising amount of emotions about this! Because, okay. Take a look at his past, where maybe Megatron wasn't playing games quite as psychological as he does with Starscream, but he makes a point of proving he can beat the shit out of this guy whenever he wants. And then he takes him, nonconsensually puts him through a very invasive, very dangerous medical procedure, and reprograms the guy's fucking brain while he's in there. No matter how awful Overlord is, that's... gotta be hard to handle. And when Overlord breaks free, the first thing he does is basically take over a fortress where he can hunker down and wait for Megatron from a defensive position. And Overlord had his entertainment to keep him busy, but... I still seriously doubt it was all that fun holing up in Garrus-9. And he waited there for years. Even if Cybertronians live forever, years are still years, and it doesn't seem Overlord has ever been a big fan of patience. I mean, just look at LSOTW after Ironfist detonates the deterrence chips, and look at Overlord. It's still all about being braced for Megatron to come after him. Like, it's hard to read emotion from Overlord in general, and it's extra hard when he's a burning skeleton, but under the anger there, I definitely read fear.

    And then, unsurprisingly, once he gets a functioning body and freedom again, one of the very very first things he does is go after Megatron. I don't know what games the GC thinks they're playing, but come on. Overlord is basically impossible to control. Overlord does what Overlord wants. And Overlord wants to murder Megatron. And he does good with that! He's very efficient with getting to the murdering. And then he doesn't. This is the big thing he's been after for ages, he spent years waiting for this showdown to happen, and it does, and... he decides Megatron isn't worth it. He decides that he can turn and walk away. Like, WOW. Good job! Sincerely!!! Tarn is left punching a forcefield and yelling at Megatron to let him in, and Overlord's like 'this sorry-ass fucker isn't worth my time, have fun, I'm done.' That's!! Really awesome!!!! I'm really proud of my murder son! Just the contrast between his last appearance here and his last appearance in LSOTW is AWESOME. I just really love this character development a lot, even if he's probably off to murder more characters I love dearly.

    Slash, I have to wonder what's going to happen with him next. Soundwave knows that Ravage is dead (I am still not okay about this). Tarn's a little dead, Soundwave can't do much about that. But how would Soundwave react if he ran into any of the people who attacked Megatron and company now? Overlord reaaaaaaaaally enjoyed getting to tell Chromedome about the pain that someone he loved experienced. Would he do the same to Soundwave? I d k, this is a stupidly long shot, but I'd really love to see that showdown.
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  7. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    I never thought that series of words would happen and I would agree with them.


    I saw Cyclonus but missed Tailgate, ty!


    I'm glad other people know who that of because I have zero recollection of him. *shrugs*

    Also everything about Tarn breaking Grindcore and all these panels people are posting are perfect.
    • Like x 5
  8. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    IM SAD.png
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  9. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Tarn, on his first day on the job as commandant at Grindcore: Making my way downtown, walking fast, faces pass, people scream, and I'm -
    /ominous crashing noises from the enormous smelter/
    Tarn: WALKING FASTER- DOODODODODODOOO [insert Empyrian Suite aka Vanessa Carlton's A Thousand Miles here]

    Nickel<>Deathsaurus for power couple of the war world 2k16
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2016
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  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Alsoooooooo were Deathsaurus and Nickel really able to evacuate the entire fighting population of a whole warworld in that short, short timeframe? I can see them being gone if JRO wants them to be gone, but I can also totally see them still being around. Especially with the giant blast thing that just happened. BASICALLY I really, really want the lost lighters to hitchhike on the warworld, everything would be so deliciously awkward, and I need more of Deathsaurus being noble and caring about his men and I don't want them to be gone, I want a new road trip adventure and I want more Lugnut

    Also, Optimus and everyone else received those messages from Rodimus and company, what was it... three weeks after the fact? Note that this means that apparently nobody broadcast any other messages in the meantime. What kind of situation are they going to be in that they won't be able to send out a correction? You'd think that might be a little important.
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  11. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

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  12. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    • Like x 3
  13. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    ps, if you're excited about [character] showing up, and you need another hit, I know I keep recommending The Brave Shall Heed The Call, but......... The Brave Shall Heed The Call.
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  14. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Coralus and Larry destroying me emotionally, nbd

    Also I made the post and yeah, someone really likes drawing table flipping crotch shots on these robots...I love MTMTE. Just...iconic
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  15. Petra

    Petra space case

    I love this fandom.
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  16. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    This conversation just exploded since I went to bed last night at 4am. Aaah, I'm experiencing the feelings all over again.

    (The quote system is super unwieldy with these huge text posts so here are general reactions to things people have pointed out)

    * Guys, who else was in the basement, wasn't there 26 pods???

    * I can't BELIEVE that Overlord's arc with Megs just paralleled "Beach City Drift" perfectly. Either that or Tarn is Kevin, Nickel is Steven and deathasaurus is Connie.

    * Tarn absolutely broke the smelter. He probably did it by getting to involved in a playback of the emperian suite.

    * OH GOD HOW COULD I FORGET ABOUT DRIFT? This...could get really awkward. I wonder if we'll see any flashbacks of Deadlock and Megs interacting. I CANT WAIT! What if Drift had some horrific personal experience with him, there's not much backstory about Deadlock (that I've seen), this could be the comic's big chance!

    * Soundwave is either going to murder someone responsible for Ravage's death, get severely depressed or try to ignore the feelings by throwing himself into his work. Or all three at once.

    * Rodimus got to be the big damned hero again, I'm so proud of my son. It's very clear now, that after all they've been through, Rodimus cares a great deal for Megs and thinks of him as a friend. There's no turning back now.

    *Can we have a mini series about Nickel and Deathasaurus. I want the tiny robot to go on advetures and be happy with her new crew.

    *The crossover is supposed to run for the next two issues of mtmte? I think? I'm guessing that they'll use the shenanigans with the hallow planet to get our crew within range of the event.

    * I hope the fandom steps up to the plate and makes some cute/tasteless comics about megs introducing his Dad to the other half of his various ships.

    *pretend I just linked that panel from the christmas special where Megs says that he's never been hugged, because i can't find it on my phone.
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  17. Petra

    Petra space case

    • Like x 10
  18. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    Could be because of the time shenanigans that Nightbeat and Rung are experiencing. If the planet's going to go kablooey or whatever, the antigrav could make it so that they don't get to somewhere with comms for three weeks according to the rest of the universe, regardless of how much time they actually experience.
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  19. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    Also, Ravage's corpse flying off to the side when Megs flips the table is hilarious.
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  20. Petra

    Petra space case

    Speaking of, were Ravage's last words to Megatron 'I'm disappointed in you'? I'n pretty sure they were.
    • Like x 2
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