Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    There was also the mid series name change from Robots in Disguise to the Transformers for the exRID comic that confused things further. Actually, maybe that's why I'm intrigued by MTMTE becoming Lost Light: TF in general has a classification clarity problem where a lot of the entities in the franchise have overlapping names. I love seeing them step out of that naming rut and give an ongoing a title different enough that people won't have to come up with a workaround like the maccadam tag to sift it out from the rest of the general TF content
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  2. Petra

    Petra space case

    Yeah, RiD is p generic for Transformers stuff, but still not as generic as just Transformers. MTMTE to Lost Light is a good name shift, in my opinion, because it makes it much more distinct and more about what the series is actually about.
  3. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    So... how many eyes did Tesarus have back there? Because I'm feeling like it's at least four, maybe six if I'm really, really lucky


    Also, can anybody identify any of the non-Roller folks the Necrobot salvaged from the past? Maybe from smaller continuities than the ones I've consumed? Because at least orange-and-black decepticon dude feels like he should be familiar to me, but I can't think who he could possibly be.
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  4. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Slash, why aren't exrid 55 and Titans Return on viewcomic yet, I am D Y I N G here

    I just checked the wiki, and they dropped digitally today, so I'm not going crazy. But ffffff, I want to read them so bad, and I'm going to be on the road half of tomorrow and with a horde of family members for the other half, I want so badly to read them now
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  5. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    So I finishes S2 of TFP. I am not ok.
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  6. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    I'm gonna tentatively call it at four, and I'm choking on laughter because all I can think now that I've seen that is so that's where Kaon's eyes went. And maybe they just. Traded off occasionally. Like the Fates in Hercules -

    • Like x 7
  7. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    The shared eye thing was actually originally a feature of the Graeae, the Grey Sisters, from the Perseus myth. Not sure why Disney decided to give it to the Fates. The Graeae also only had one tooth, also shared.
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  8. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Yeah, not sure why you expect accuracy of any kind from a Disney movie - they're kind of notorious. I've taken enough mythology courses to know the difference and then some, I just prefer to not care when it comes to visually evocative pop culture references

    In other news, I have progressed from Nickel<>Deathsaurus to Nickel<3Deathsaurus thoughts in the space of the past few hours. The size difference alone...
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  9. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Hot diggity damn

    I'm still rolling around in Tarn/Deathsaurus hell (enfilade's fic updated today and asddsfdfsafs SO HOT), but I can definitely multiship in that direction!

    Also... she's an assertive, take-charge sort of lady who doesn't afraid of anything. She'd totally be bossing him around.
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  10. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    She has wheels for feet and there has to be potential there for her heelying circles around the warworld and making obscure obscene gestures at people until they follow proper medical procedure and also grinding her wheel heels onto someone's spike. P o t e n t i a l

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  11. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    adsfadsfdfsaadfs I'm not going to have my tablet again until Sunday, you can't do this to me!!

    BUT i am sitting down right at this moment to start drawing the grindcore picture, so there's that
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  12. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat


    Not a spoiler, so please accept this dancing Starscream. (He actually dances it´s not just a random pose it´s precious)
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  13. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Everyone is so butt-hurt on tumblr about mtmte 55, there's these enormous seven paragraph rants about the reveals and someone's calling Megatron a Mary Sue. I'm giggling way too much over all this, who knew that the one of the most powerful robots in a sea of super powered robots would be kind of hard to take out? Betrayal!
    • Like x 11
  14. Petra

    Petra space case

    Seriously? People are so upset? There were a lot of shocking reveals here, but all of them were plotted out wonderfully, so you're surprised when you read it but then you can go back and find mounds of supporting evidence.
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  15. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    We can talk about Orion Pax or Optimus Prime, but really it's Megatron who's OP.
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  16. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Starscream Knockout and Breakdown having movie nights. Admittedly, Breakdown is only there for the snacks and promsie of threesomes.

    Don´t judge me I need sillyness after the feelswreck that is S2 finale
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2016
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  17. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    It might be a tumblr culture thing. People there can get a contact high from being upset vocally on the internet. It's mostly just harmless venting. Here's two of them (warning, strong opinions, don't look if people hating on issue 55 is going to mess you up, I'm posting these as examples)

    Then Starscream and Knockout have a three hour impassioned argument over which version of the Great Gatsby movie was better. Breakdown tries a few times to change the subject but they just railroad over him. Finally, after they've agreed to disagree, they both notice that Breakdown has fallen into recharge out of boredom. Oops!
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2016
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  18. Petra

    Petra space case

    'Stop having the stupid autobots win always, it's getting boring'

    -Looks at All Hail Optimus-
    -Looks at Dying of the Light-
    -Looks at all the moral grays and role-flips-

    EDIT: I've got no problem with venting and I can see how if you were super invested in certain characters I won't name, this arc has been very upsetting. I'm just a bit amused at that line because MTMTE has been great with playing with the autobot/decepticon line and tropes.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2016
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  19. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    BAM! (major mtmte 55 spoilers)

    I'm not even going to lie, I am so pleased with myself right now




    now i just have to see about writing megatron/terminus this weekend and drawing deathsaurus/nickel when i get back from this weekend, and then maybe I'll be SOMEWHERE close to catching up to making all the upd8 content I want to make
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  20. Petra

    Petra space case

    You gave him a curly straw!
    • Like x 1
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