so i'm being followed by demons: what do

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by taxonomicAtrocity, Jul 27, 2016.

  1. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    Would starting to shine a flashlight under the bed not to search, but just to repel them work? Like instead of having your main light on, just lights focused at their hiding spot or around it so they're stuck down there and can't get to you
  2. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    Could you get, say, a pack of glow-in-the-dark stars to put around your bed?
  3. there's kinda of a lot of shit under my bed for them to hide behind and inside. even if i had a flashlight handy there'd still be shadows and shit 8(

    they're not bright enough, plus me and gainful employment are not on speaking terms and thus i have no money to spend on weird shit.

    (i'm super sorry to shoot y'all's suggestions down like that, ahhh)
  4. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    you mentioned having a dog around works, and you're also working on getting a greyhound service dog right?

    in my experience with these kind of brain things, pets are generally like the most helpful things because they can watch out for you and keep things away and like.. having a pet around 24/7 is generally better than having to engage in like increasingly weird rituals and stuff
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  5. yeah. i just don't wanna trap her in my room when she doesn't wanna be there, yannow? it makes her less likely to come back of her own volition. i'm not above bribing her 2 stay w/ treats and training seshes, tho.

    (and i'm six months out from an sd @ best. if this proves to be a regular thing, tho, i'll add some relevant tasks to my training list, because like fuck does it make taking care of myself and shit a bit of a bear. i can very much see a service dog helping w/ this.)
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  6. update: i have retrieved the stupid remote! it was terrifying and humiliating at the same time and i am going to holler at my psych if he doesn't take me serious this time, i want this to not be a thing.
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  7. oh, fuck me. my dog barked a couple times and now my brain has seized onto this as evidence of Bad Things instead of, like. her sleep-barking while dreaming about squirrels or some shit, which is probably what's going on.

    (but what if it's not sleep-barking at squirrels. what if they exist and she can see them? why am i entertaining this as a possibility)

    edit: i took the dog out to piss and immediately started hearing people talking in a language i didn't recognize. i live in a rural area, and it is midnight. there is nobody around. (except for the demons, who have apparently followed me outside) i ran back inside as soon as the dog was done pissing like a fucking chump.

    (before this, the only probably-not-real sound i've heard was deranged fucking cackling. i wonder if we'll graduate to words i can understand soon)

    edit the second: i am more than half convinced that my dog is going to get hurt by the demons under the bed and it’ll be all my fault. i’d put this at a solid 65% surety
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
  8. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    maybe giving dog a little protection pendant or something on their collar might help? or! my dog has a light up thingy we put on her collar for when we take her to parks at night, possibly one of those might help?
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  9. made a pendant thing! i think it's working but i won't know for sure until tonight i don't think. fingers crossed!
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  10. Elph

    Elph capuchin hacker fucker

    Headology idea:
    Simple folk magic protection: wear something blue somewhere about your person. A blue article of clothing, piece of jewellery, even just a scrap of blue fabric to keep in your pocket! (I think it is supposed to be fabric - the jewellery I used to wear was an anklet made of blue string, as opposed to, like, having a blue bead on it.)

    It makes me feel safe sometimes. If it sounds like it would make you feel safe, you could give it a try.

    Apart from that, I have nothing new to contribute, just seconding everyone else in the general areas of "this sucks, I'm sorry" "good luck with your psych" etc.
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  11. kitarakir

    kitarakir Active Member

    What type of bedframe do you have? If the bottom/where the mattress sits is not solid, can you move the mattress itself to the floor so the light can get under the bed, through the slats? Depending on what is under the bed, it may not get the light into every spot, but it will reach a lot more than a flashlight, and may let you push things around more safely, or with a stick or something to get rid of some of the hiding places
  12. i have a blue paracord bracelet w/ a fair amount of sentimental value to me, i'll try that. thank u 4 the suggestion!

    i don't have enough space to haul the mattress around, sorry. 8(

    (plus i don't want to be that low to the floor. crazybrain says that that's an awesome way to get ur face eaten by demons)

    (plus plus i don't want anyone else in the house to hear me fucking around w/ my mattress. i'm trying to keep this bullshit on the d/l.)
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  13. Elph

    Elph capuchin hacker fucker

    I wish Susan Sto Helit existed irl so I could send her to watch over you at night :P she's good with this kind of thing.
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  14. LurkNoMoar

    LurkNoMoar Well-Known Member

    Possible headology tips: use vacuum cleaner, suck out those bastards from under the bed. It works agains real spiders and centipedes and my exhaustion-hallucinated creepy-crawlies, so it might work against demon critters too. If you put a small night light or torch underneath the bed instead of keeping the light on, you'll be able to get more sleep while still keeping the underbed problem area illuminated.
    Also incense, scented candles and suchlike are good at making a room feel safe, clean and protected. If you are ok with spices, applying something relatively strong-tasting to your food might help you feel like it's cleansed.
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  15. smelly stuff's a huge sensory nope, alas, and eating is...weird rn. but i'll def try the light thing! thank you!

    so i've heard some ??? shit tonight: my dad's voice, a train, and a random scream. i'm blasting my music real loud to try and drown things out and it's helping a bit. one more day and then i can drag my worthless ass to the psych, god bless.

    edit: let's add ominous snuffling, a growl, and strange sounds from my parent's (unoccupied) room to the list.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2016
  16. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    auditory shit is no fun :I

    headphones maybe? with music going. then you know anything you hear that is not-music is also not real. also you would know the music is real and maybe you can use that to like ground yourself? that helps me. also idk but for me even though it feels real, it helps when i know if something is actually real or not.
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  17. my headphones are busted, which is why i'm- hang on, i think i found my extra pair. sweet. yeah, that's better.
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  18. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    Good luck with your psych! If you can, seriously don't let them laugh this off. These types of symptoms are definitely serious and need to be taken seriously. I know you probly already know this, just wanted to reinforce that since minimizing problems is a thing that happens in brainweird a lot. I really hope the appointment goes well!
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  19. if he laughs at me this time i'm going to ask to speak to his supervisor. and i will be as unreasonable as i need to be to make that happen, because this is fucking terrible and i hate it.

    edit: (he has a supervisor/doc he's under because he's a fellow.)
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  20. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

    ...The fact that he's not taking, "I'm hearing shit that's not there and think demons are following me," as a sign that things are wrong is extremely alarming and I hope that his supervisor chews him out if he continues to not take you seriously
    • Like x 5
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