So while writing my last post, I had a few suggestions from my phones auto correct that I found... innapropite given the situation. I am however posting it here to show how it could have lookr. Evelyn tightens her grip on her dick and gets ready to open the door. She rethinks it quickly, puts the greeting dick back in it's place. She runs over to Cage's room. Desperate times call for desperate measures. And now the time is to borrow one of Cage's knickers. At least she had the good sense to get dressed when she had the chance. Bad phone! No more nudes for you!... oh who am I kidding * camera shutter snap *
[7/27/16, 2:32:15 PM] Lady Kianna: how old is nul [7/27/16, 2:32:22 PM] albedo: about twelve hours now [7/27/16, 2:32:25 PM] Nick: heh [7/27/16, 2:32:35 PM] Lady Kianna: ... okay how old was Mica?
gasp!! more connections! I gotta stop being surprised by these, lol also I continue to love katters and her nicotine-based conscience. <3
yeah! @blue has some of the best commentary and i love it i want to get legion and even's list of important skills framed and hung on my wall Hello, Sunshine will be having several sound bytes added in, now that I have acquireeeed... SOUNDCLOUD. Hold on, folks. Audio Clip One is done.