Steven Universe

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Oh I was very happy when he realized he couldn't do more and was in pain for it. ESPECIALLY because he was in pain for it.

    Basically I am endlessly forgiving of people who aren't me or who don't remind me of me. Once we cross into reminding me of myself territory I can get hyper critical and exceptionally unforgiving. It happens a lot with Tori from the Kencyrath books too and is why I violently hate Tavros.

    His romantic meddling just happened to hit a very particular nerve for me. Because I caused a huge amount of drama and pain because I tried to fix someone by dating them because I felt bad for them. This did not go well. At all.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2016
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  2. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Not sure how accurate this is, but !!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Bismuth is apparently a half-hour special. (This one is mentioned in an old Entertainment Weekly article about the Summer Of Steven, so I'm inclined to believe it.)
    • Season 3 supposedly ends on August 12th, as does the Summer Of Steven as a whole, with the episode Know Your Fusion. Season 4 supposedly starts a week later, on August 18th, with Buddy's Book (CENTIPEETLE DECIPHERINGS????? I HOPE SO. BEST HALF-BIRTHDAY GIFT).
    Not sure if the leaked S4 titles are accurate, given that they're not in the episode title list that leaked a while back (I'm pretty sure all the other episodes that have aired or been officially announced have been; can't remember if Bismuth was, but given that that one is a half-hour special, it's plausible that Bismuths Georg is an outlier adn was not counted). That's the only thing that's got me wondering how accurate this all is, but hey, we'll see.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2016
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  3. Elph

    Elph capuchin hacker fucker

    ...are you my brother? Please say you're not my brother.
    (My brother did that.)
  4. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

    I could climb since before I could walk. No crib or playpen could keep me in. I climbed book cases, elaborate wrought iron fences, trees... Then my brother was born, and I taught him how to climb out too. I was 2 when he was born.

    There are a lot of stories of my climbing. Like the time I climbed on my aunt's roof while chasing a cat. I didn't walk yet. There's the time three year old me stayed in a daycare for a day, and was the only one younger than five years, and climbed onto the top of the playground "house". No kid had ever done that before, much less so young. Mom says she and I became a local celebrity from that, "is that the mom." "Yes it is! Omg".

    I couldn't stay still, climbed, crawled really fast, and needed to be entertained all the time or I would make my own entertainment. My poor parents. My poor, poor parents.
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  5. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

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  6. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    I think climbing is just a very innate thing for any young primate? I mean humans are basically born as fetuses compared to other great apes, so we can't do the piggy-back thing as soon as we're born, but climbing's been in our genes for a good long while. (I climbed all over everything long before I could walk, and I used my mouth as a third hand like a parrot would XDD)
  7. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    Don't worry, I can confidently say that I'm not your brother.
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  8. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Shit sorry, wasn't thinking! Fixed.
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  9. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    He mentions in Steven's Birthday that he's known the Gems since he was 22.
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  10. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

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  11. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    that's it that's the episode
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  12. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    to go a little more off topic with the climbing, we used to think my youngest brother would climb out of his playpen when he was one and two years old if you looked away but in reality he had slowly and meticulously picked a massive hole in the side and covered it in a blanket that somehow never got moved. from how regular he was getting out i assume it went unnoticed for a very long time. i only saw it by accident when he was getting out one day, and my mom thought i did it. it was some rugrats level shit going on, i tell you.

    the only climbing story i can think of for myself was the time when i was a toddler and my mom said i somehow put a way too heavy for me to move chair to the side of the door really late at night, climbed up and unlocked the chain lock, climbed down, took my pajama pants off, went outside leaving the door wide open, and walked to my grandma's who lived three houses down. my mom thought i'd been kidnapped. i do vaguely remember walking to my grandma's and getting chocolate ice cream, but not the other stuff.
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  13. Salted Earth


    I don't have any climbing stories beyond the typical tree business (and one which is more sad which I won't get into), but apparently once when I was a toddler I managed to slip away from my brothers and go wandering down through the mangroves and rather far away for someone who hadn't figured out walking too long ago. Eventually an old lady noticed the smol running around and took me inside and gave me some chocolate and called around to find my parents. I alarmed a lot of people, apparently!!
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  14. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    When I was very young, like three or so, I decided I wanted to be like the cat. So I managed to stack enough things to get onto the counter. Then I pushed the coffee maker over to the fridge and used it as a stepladder so I could get up and onto the fridge. This victory was brief because soon I became horrified and couldn't get back down.

    I also climbed on the roofs of an apartment structure we lived in a lot as a child. It was how I and some of the other kids got around and into each other's homes.
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  15. Zuki

    Zuki Well-Known Member

    To offer an alternate perspective, I'd love to discuss the episode with her! I haven't heard anyone express an opinion of Jasper as an irredeemable villain in a while, and I'd be curious about her perspective!

    Edit: oops I did that thing where I responded to an ancient conversation again because I didn't check to see how old a notification was.

    I don't really have any dramatic climbing stories, but me and my sister have some truly epic onces about getting lost at Disneyland.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2016
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  16. Elph

    Elph capuchin hacker fucker

    Because we, as humans looking at it, translate their art into the way in which we understand them! And as they are around humans, they perceive themselves in humanoid form too - the "translation" is absolute and internal, so they're not thinking "well in my true form I don't have a mouth, but I do right now because I'm around humans"; they simply think of their current appearance as absolutely normal, but would also think of their appearance as absolutely normal if they were on, like... a planet of non-humanoid cloud vortex people. They would appear to those people as cloud-vortex-oid, but with some unnatural differences, the way they appear to humans as humanoid but with some unnatural differences. Does that make sense?

    So the idea is that the gems are not consciously aware of their form "translating" into a shape understandable to the beings they're interacting with. Same as how in Doctor Who, Clara happily told a Russian person - in Russian - that she couldn't speak Russian, because the TARDIS translation is psychic and to her it felt like speaking her normal native English. Similarly, my idea is that the Gems are aware on a conceptual level that this "translation" is happening, but in the same way that your average person is aware that the earth is spinning while orbiting the sun - most people who know it don't devote much thought to it, and could go about their lives quite normally if they didn't know it at all.
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  17. Elph

    Elph capuchin hacker fucker

    That's adorable. Headcanon accepted.
  18. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    So here's my problem: toxic relationships are a thing, and framing this is 'mutual abuse doesn't exist you can't be blamed for lashing out at your abuser' neglects the contexts in which Jasper isn't the abuser (and, likewise, contexts in which Lapis isn't the abuser.)

    Jasper used pretty manipulative language when trying to get Lapis back together with her, she's very physically forceful, and she ignores boundaries with abandon. When people say 'Jasper reminds me of an abuser' I don't doubt it, because she has a lot of trademark abusive behavior, and she does do coercive, abusive shit. However.

    Using 'people say Jasper reminds them of their abuser, therefore Lapis cannot be abusive' is so fucked up? Saying 'oh Lapis did it for the greater good' is so fucked up? Would Lapis keeping Peridot (the actual person intended to check up on and cultivate the Cluster) locked in chains under the ocean be okay? No? Why not? Should the response to Amethyst violating boundaries be 'keep her trapped in a fusion and beat down her consciousness every time she rises up'? No? Why not? Should the punishment for Pearl using Sardonyx against Garnet be to isolate her from everyone (not just Garnet, who needed and deserved space) and to hurt her until she realizes what she did wrong? No? Why not?

    Justifying abusive behaviors with "it's the greater good!", especially in the context of this show where the greater good generally turns out to be 'don't hurt people', really skeeves me out! Because it feels like all the fucked up headgames and manipulative shit and gaslighting my stepmom did was okay, because it was for the greater good. It was for the family.

    When people say toxic relationships don't exist and mutual abuse isn't real, it feels like they're saying all the fucked up headgames and physical abuse my stepbrother and his girlfriend did to each other didn't exist. One was the Always Abuser, one was the Always Victim. It doesn't matter that they were a spiraling binary star system of abusive behavior, there is Only One Abuser Ever.

    I can't actually engage with the discussion on canon on tumblr, because I'm not sure when someone's going to come at me like a harpy, ready to rip out my liver or some shit because I said that it's a deeply toxic relationship without One True Abuser. I can't tell whether or not I'm projecting onto arguments, because the manipulative PSAs use the same language my abuser used. It's very frustrating, because I actually am interested in where this is going! I like engaging with the SU fans on Kintsugi, and I like engaging with the source, but I can't even consider touching the tumblr fandom because I'm afraid of being told that I'm The Worst Abuser Ever for relating a little more with Jasper every time the "greater good" crowd rolls through hollering about how Lapis Is Too Pure And Innocent She Could Never.

    (And if it does turn out that in canon, Jasper is the One True Abuser, I'll admit, I'll be pretty upset. Because reinforcing that masculine woman = abuser is not really something that I want from SU. Being delicate and feminine doesn't mean that you can't hurt people. Being large and masculine doesn't mean that you can't be hurt.)
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  19. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    Guys guys I just realised something

    Isn't malachite a pretty toxic mineral to start with?
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  20. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

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