shitposting rave 2, electric boogaloo

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by this is not a subaccount, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. Pearl (the Crystal Gem)

    Pearl (the Crystal Gem) Do it for her|18+

    *sighs* I used to have a home, but I just kept on going farther and farther away from it. It would've been so easy just to stay on Homeworld. But I met Rose and I got my freedom, I lived on Earth for thousands of years, and now I'm here, on Pennarion, not even in my own dimension anymore.
  2. Apostasia of Tetrahex

    Apostasia of Tetrahex бабушка утконос [18+]

    The story with the nerf gun I shall take to the pit. Even if I know he's dead and scrapped. No one must know.
    But there's the one where we snuck into his lab and messed with his gadgets. Will tell that one if you tell me some of yours.

    (Apostasia sighs)
    I know what you mean, and Switch has been through the same slag as I have and won't be easy to kill, but if it gets out - and, trust me, it will, that li'l piece of information is just too juicy for anyone hereabouts to pass up, least of all my gossiping crones, he'll be even more of a target than he is by virtue of his connection to me.
    (Her expression is a bit scrunched up. Might be terror.)
    • Like x 1
  3. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    Everyone has conversations they keep coming back to over and over. But you've saved lots of people, Sev. Saving people really is your job. I hadn't known you twenty minutes before you were saving Lise's life, and then on the Fear-Amid you gave me back to her. Are you responsible for us?
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  4. Call me Sev

    Call me Sev Yes, I am in fact wearing a cape (Knight of Space)


    ...that's different?

    (And maybe, a little.)
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  5. Iridium

    Iridium The Survivor (18+)

    ...I also have no home. It's... hard.
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  6. Pearl (the Crystal Gem)

    Pearl (the Crystal Gem) Do it for her|18+

    Yes, it is. And I was supposed to have a home, back on Earth. It was supposed to feel like a home. But without Rose... it didn't always feel that way.
    • Like x 2
  7. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    I know. I've been very careful with you, because I felt that I'd saved your life, and that I had an immense amount of power in your life, more than I ought to have. And G-d knows I never want to be careless with you. But I was a little reckless when I asked you to take care of her if it ever came to pass that I can't, and...I'm starting to think of you as less fragile, and myself perhaps as more so than I did before. And she is everything, but I feel rather certain we're agreed on that.
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  8. Iridium

    Iridium The Survivor (18+)

    My home was always with Backdraft. Even when we were apart. And now she's gone and I'm trying to build a new home but it feels... know how it feels, I suspect.
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  9. Pearl (the Crystal Gem)

    Pearl (the Crystal Gem) Do it for her|18+

    *nods* Yes. Yes. I do.
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  10. Iridium

    Iridium The Survivor (18+)

    But. I am alive and you are alive. The world moves forward. It would be a shame to miss out on what happens next, I think.
  11. Pearl (the Crystal Gem)

    Pearl (the Crystal Gem) Do it for her|18+

    But moving with it, that's the hard part.
  12. Watermelon Tourmaline

    Watermelon Tourmaline [WT/18+] the dread pirate melon

    Perhaps if you could think of yourself as moving toward something new, instead of away from the past.
  13. Pearl (the Crystal Gem)

    Pearl (the Crystal Gem) Do it for her|18+

    *blushes* I suppose, when you put it that way...
  14. Call me Sev

    Call me Sev Yes, I am in fact wearing a cape (Knight of Space)

    By necessity, our interactions were rather power-imbalanced to start, although a good part of that was simply lack of knowledge. I do feel like that's been leveling out. I'm feeling more and more grounded- well, not here exactly, but in our home.

    And of course we're agreed on that.

    ...I'm not used to people being careful with me.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
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  15. Kite from the library

    Kite from the library Library room excavator [18+]

    The past is always with you, as long as you remember.
    And as long as you don't forget, it's not completely gone.

    Because you're the proof it existed.
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  16. crocellsApostate2

    crocellsApostate2 the better cronus

    • Like x 5
  17. zombie ampora
    nobody needed this, but...
    dance the troll thriller?
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  18. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    ((I'm the roleplayer getting ready for work so no pillows for me!))
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  19. Genie

    Genie A talkative revolver

    It's dreadfully dark in here. Partner, could you perhaps pull my trigger and let some rays of light shine in?

    I am far from fond of the feeling of blindness.


    Please do not be undead...It's so dark down here.
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  20. Genie

    Genie A talkative revolver

    I would rather have perished from the fall myself then be trapped in this darkness for all eternity.

    Could someone please assist me? If he is truly a shambling mindless abomination in a literal sense, as opposed to to the figurative sense in which he was in this state previously, then the pistolkind strife specibus I am cotained within may be removed from his person.
    • Like x 2
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