...and then I went and reread JJT's housekeeping post and found out there wasn't one to expect. So now I feel like I did the forum equivalent of walking into a lively conversation and staring blankly into the distance until someone asked if I was alright. Aaaaaaanyway. Hey y'all, I'm kindlyclears (feel free to call me any diminutive of that), and I go by clearlyafandomblog on tumblr. I'm alternately depressed and manic, living with my grandparents, and listlessly shuffling through life atm. I'm trying to build a new online social life for myself (my biggest support for a long time came from a little forum called The United Literates, and I miss that sense of community). I'm here to roleplay, to talk fandom, to hopefully get some advice and new perspectives. If by some crazy random happenstance, someone from TUL or Gaia drops by: I used to go by hilariousconsequence, Silena Amazon, and Lin.
Oh haaaaaallo. Oh that is a looooooong list. I'll always be Homestuck in my grubby l'il heart, I'm super in to Steven Universe, I read so many comics it's ridiculous, and shiiit, if you ask I probably at least have an opinion.
I dunno if you've poked around in Fan Town yet, but here's a link to the Steven Universe thread! Tell us about your faves and opinions and theories, yesssssss. I tend to bounce around on fandoms too, so I know the feeling.
Hello there! I did almost the exact same thing waiting for the confirmation e-mail, except in my case I found out there wasn't one from a question someone had asked seebs.
Haha, oh boy, glad I'm not the only one. I also thought that the greyed-out of my name meant that I wasn't registered entirely yet, rather than denoting it was me. Siiiiiiigh.
Welcome to Kintsugi, and dude, HS and SU are my two main fandoms! Do you have any favorite characters? :3
Oh nooooice! Jeez, it's hard to choose, but Amethyst, Pearl and Connie for SU, and Karkat, Dave, Rose and Terezi for HS. But honestly I love all from both properties. Even Gamzee. Locked in a fridge for eternity.
o no all the blood in my body fled to my face. the horror. If you roleplay I might be infatuated as well
Oh shit, too many. Dave/Karkat, Rose/Kanaya, Rose/Kanaya/Vriska, Fef/Eri/Sol, Jade/Nep, pretty much all the OT3+'s I can find good fic and art of, and holy shit do I ship Karkat with just about everyone. And SU I ship Amedot pretty hard, as well as Pearlnet. And Stevonnie.
Hi! I did the same thing with waiting for an email before realizing there wouldn't be one. Any books/book series or games you like?
Hahaha same! It's been a while since I've roleplayed en plein air, usually I keep things through Docs or Cherubplay or other similarly DM-style things Ehehe, thanks! Terezi's probably my favorite just for taking time out of her busy game-winning schedule to fuck with John and herself before dying in the desert. I'm a huge fan of Discworld and honestly I'm still not over Pratchett's death even a little. I'm really in to Last Man, the French comic series, and Les Nombrils, the not even similar French Canadian series. My favorite games are FFXII, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (+A2), and Endless Ocean: Blue World. I have none of the third or fourth gen consoles so I am not up to date on anythingggggg.