so i'm being followed by demons: what do

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by taxonomicAtrocity, Jul 27, 2016.

  1. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Oh jeez dude. Yeah, definitely call. This is something that qualifies as an emergency in that case, and I know our psych allows for emergency appointments. Hopefully yours does the same.
  2. worst comes to worst there's always the psych ward, i guess. (though i'd really rather not go that route, they took my binder last time and i get straight up suicidal w/out it.)

    i'll call his office once i've chilled out a bit. let's say in an hour. i'm setting a timer.
  3. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    Aw yeah that sucks sorry dude ;-; if ur psych doesnt listen to you when you call, if you can try calling his supervisor
  4. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    -hug- good luck!
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  5. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    oh jeez that sucks. yes, definitely try to get seen sooner, this isn't the kind of thing you wanna sit on. any psych who won't move heaven and earth to see a kid who is starting to hallucinate does not deserve to be called a psych.
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  6. so my dad said that i could call to see if i could see someone sooner than the 1st...but only if it's on thursday
    (had to ask him because he's my ride)

    i'm going to try and impress upon him the seriousness of the sitch later tonight, which means my mother will be made aware, which means probably screaming. awesome. can't call until tomorrow because i'm unexpectedly out and will remain out until after my psych's office closes for the night.

    edit: my psych will likely respond to my email tomorrow.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2016
  7. cantankerousAquarius

    cantankerousAquarius Acrasial Macrology

    Telling ur dad is a good idea, seriously, but best of luck with the maternal sitch.

    Oh, hell, though. Fucking hell. This ain't smth even remotely appropriate to get mad at your kid for >:T
  8. she gets mad at me because she's upset and scared for me and has to take it out on someone, but that doesn't make it any less stressful
  9. a disappointing yet totally unsurprising (for me) update: i am too stupid and shitty to call my psych's office on the phone, even w/ non-eevee cA prodding at me over skype. i've gotten as far as hovering my finger over the little 'call' icon on the contact screen of my phone but i can't go through with it, because i am incapable of fucking initiating a call no matter how dire the circumstances. maybe i deserve this for being too shit to save myself, idk. the last two days have been less shitty for whatever reason, w/ just paranoia and minor auditory stuff, but i don't think that that's going to hold true for tonight. idk. just a feeling. my psych hasn't gotten back to me after i emailed him, which is disappointing. i was kind of hoping for some help on that front. sorry. 8(
  10. cantankerousAquarius

    cantankerousAquarius Acrasial Macrology

    //waves arms around and talks like a ghost


    also wtf tA's psych what the fuck thats not just disappointing thats like, negligent, probably.
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  11. i'm not super happy w/ him, yeah. but i mean, whatever, it's outside of the normal times he sees me and therefore not rlly his problem i don't think? i still haven't called because i am Literal Garbage but i'm going to make my dad call 4 me i think. it's embarrassing but at least it'll get done that way.

    in other news, i just managed to see and hear a nonexistent thing, (demon skittering across my floor, growling) which is a bit diff, as previously i've only seen or heard things, not both.(i am putting this here so that i have it written down somewhere.)
  12. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    so the symptoms are escalating? yeah, if your psych doesn't make time to see you in a real damn hurry, he's useless and you need to approach someone else, like your GP, or even go to the emergency room. tell SOMEONE that you're having these symptoms and your psych isn't getting back to you. you can't let this go untreated, kiddo, it's serious and you deserve prompt treatment.

    as for being unable to call, i feel you. i can't phone basically at all. i gave seebs authorization to do calls and stuff for me. your parents automatically have that authorization if you're a minor, i believe, so having your dad call for you is perfectly reasonable.
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  13. i've given my dad auth to call the psych for me as i haven't been a minor for a couple months, he's just kind of grumpy about having to call in this specific instance because no matter when i can get squeezed in it's gonna be hell on his schedule. now, he'd probably be less grumpy if i actually told him what was going on, but i deadass refuse to admit this to either parent due to the nigh inevitable histrionics that i am too headfucked to handle atm.

    i am...willing to commit myself if i have to, though not exactly thrilled by the notion. things will probably have to escalate for me to do that. but i didn't think about my gp, she's nice and i could probably get her to get my psych to do something if i gotta. that's more phonecalls, but whatever. i'll make it work somehow. thank you for the idea!
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  14. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    i second the GP thing. they can do a lot behind the scenes to get you treatment, and it's sucky but doctors are more likely to listen to other doctors. i know my GP has been really essential in me getting needed treatment when other doctors were dragging their asses.

    you probably don't have to tell her exact details, but mention that you have already contacted your psych with no response and you really need treatment because your symptoms are progressing. hopefully she can help you?
  15. think 'i'm seeing and hearing unexpected things and dr psych guy hasn't been able to fit me into his schedule, do you think you can help?' would work? i might be able to do this myself if i script it well enough.
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  16. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    yeah. i recomend emphasising to your GP that your psych has been noncommunicative and you either need him to make time to see you ASAP, or you need to get set up with another psych who can make time, and soon.
  17. i don't wanna, like, seem ungrateful and make her less likely to help me tho? i mean i don't think i'd piss her off but i also don't think i can afford to do anything but phrase this as respectfully as possible.
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  18. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    your GP is not your psych, so i think you should be able to be critical of your psych's lack of responsivness without worrying about offending your GP. your GP is there to help you. you're her patient, her job is to make sure you get needed medical care, not make doctors-who-dont-do-their-job feel good about themselves.

    and you can be respectful while also being adamant about getting care you need. as long as you don't use offensive language (swears/insults) or like, scream at her i don't think you have to worry about pissing her off...

    ... unless your GP is in the same realm of bad-at-her-job as your psych. which is a real possibility that i have not yet considered. i realize i don't know your GP so i don't really know how she would react to anything but... yeah. i dunno but i hope you can work things out and if? it would be helpful i can offer help with a script maybe? (tomorrow though) if you want.
  19. she's not like him, but she's also the only doctor i know who's not like him, so i really don't want to make her mad ahaha. and help w/ a script would be cool, whenever you've got time for it and it's not balls o'clock. (i realize that it may not be balls o'clock in your timezone technically, but it's 4am here, so i choose to believe that it's balls o'clock everywhere)
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  20. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    it's possible to be honest about the problem without insulting your psych. like, if the bare facts make him look bad, that's HIS problem, and it's not your job to cover for him!
    • Like x 3
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