Aaaaaah hello I am ressurrecting this thread only to point out that my birthday is July 14, less than a month from now, and I got an Amazon Wishlist and a Book Depository Wishlist. Book Depository is particularly gr8 because it has free shipping to Brazil and also books are tax-free so there's no extra charges on me <3
oh no this thread is really sweet and thoughtful! I will try to remember to look at it again from home when it is safer to access money-related things (work gets hacked easy breezy beautiful covergirl style, yo).
okay, so, my birthday is coming up, and I do have a steam, finally. steam is emythos1, so people should friend me.
Steam Sale is going on! Perfect time to get someone something small to make them smile or at least distract them. Here the link to the google-spread sheet:
In the name of steam sale I do in fact have a wishlist now With a whole "this is actually one game" on it but still.
Did I click something, or did someone change the order of the spreadsheet so it was alphabetical? Now I can't look down the dates and see whose birthday is soonest :( Edit: I figured out how to revert the change. Does anyone have strong feelings about not doing that? I really did like to be able to look at wishlists based on when gifts would arrive.
I prefer it by birthdays no not because that puts me at the top what are you talking about EDIT I took the liberty of adding an etsy column
@Starcrossedsky I reverted the changes back to an earlier version, since that's a lot faster than doing it manually. You may want to add that Etsy column again. If this is unpopular, well, it only takes two clicks to alphabetise it again.
you know what, I haven't added my pretty nail shit wishlist yet and I should do that because you guys need to just... look at some of this stuff and drool with me. IT'S ALL SO SHINY!!!