Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Guy on the left is indeed Jazz as far as I can tell but I have not the foggiest who the guy on the right might be
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  2. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Yes to Jazz! And as far as I can tell... GRIMLOCK!

    At least that's my best guess. The sword is a recurring imagery thing with him, in a lot of continuities (like in Larrydraws's society6 print, which I... do not have a link to at this moment), and I think that's a pretty close match to his classic color scheme
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016
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  3. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    That's definitely G1 Grimlock. The golden spikes on his arms are his T-Rex feet.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016
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  4. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    Also if that picture were better resolution you could see his little T-Rex arm sticking out off his shoulder.
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  5. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    "My name's Slug now. Arcee said [Slag] was offensive."
    who named the baby robot Shit

    "[The necrotitan] is headed for the city, we just got in front of it!"
    ...there is more than one direction, even for those of you who can't fly. Get out of its fucking path and test your hypothesis, either you'll be safely out of the line of fire or you'll give Iacon more time to prepare!

    Mmmrrrrhhhhgggg the artist I hate is back to drawing the LL.

    Ratchet is eternally done with the world's shit, A+

    Getaway is really disturbed by the Rodpod.

    Goddammit OP don't knock roddy around

    ...Whirl doesn't like confined spaces. I don't know why that's surprising, but I'll remember it now.

    ....eeeccch, the "favorite bodyguard" phrasing-- and emphasis, admittedly by Nova and not Galvatron himself-- lends a whole new layer of creepy to Galvatron mind-controlling Cy.

    Wow, I didn't even really like Hardhead and I'm offended by his death, How Dare
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  6. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    Getaway's reaction to the Rodpod honestly my favorite bit of Dark Cybertron. Everyone else there has accepted it as their unmovable burden, an awful-but-unfixable drag on their existence, but Getaway is still capable of being shocked and dismayed by Rodimus' ego.
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  7. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Maybe a silly question but, what is the afterspark? They keep using it to swear with (and it sounds vaguely gross) but...
  8. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    It's their version of Heaven. Like, the afterlife, but with sparks.
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  9. Petra

    Petra space case

    Afterlife! I think their concept of the afterlife is that all sparks sorta merge into one ultraspark but I'm not sure? Like a nirvana type deal, rather than pearly gates and st. pete.
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  10. Petra

    Petra space case

    Why do you think I ship unhealthy power-difference Galvatron and Cyclonus.
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  11. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    More power to you but that ship makes me want to run, screaming, for the hills :'D I might be able to handle it as background, but I could deeefinitely not handle it as the focus of a fic.
  12. Petra

    Petra space case

    Oh, I don't necessarily like it? But I think it happened, or like dealing with the aftermath of it, especially as it relates to Cy's communication issues and hesitance in relationships.
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  13. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Ah, yeah, that I could see! Sorry for misinterpreting.
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  14. Petra

    Petra space case

    No, it's fine! 'Shipping' can mean a wide range of things, after all.
  15. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    On the whole, I am pretty stoked. Except for one, ASTROTRAIN, NO DDDDD: And two, the very last bit, with Starscream and Bumblebee. I... do not like that.

    55 1.jpg

    Like, okay, here, Astrotrain is alive and kicking, and being REALLY shittily treated by Galvatron. Which is par for the course. Just like with Skywarp. I do not like this thing. But aw man, Astrotrain might be kind of a jerk, but his only real crime in here was having a spaceworthy alt mode, and being conveniently biddable. Like, he does not deserve the things Galvatron does to him. It makes me pretty sad.

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    God help me, but I'm really, genuinely starting to enjoy Blackrock.

    Also, Skywarp, your shaky word balloons make me nervous. Will someone get this poor fucker some help?? :C

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    Like oh my god, look at this precious dork! Who hid his bad eyes for god knows how many years so there wasn't a risk of him being kicked out of the decepticons! He's very precious and just needs to not be associating with Galvatron, aghhhhhhhhhhh

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    Cosmos, I love you

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    And oh my goddddddddddddddd I ship it so hard!!

    Also pitch soundwave/optimus. I don't have any good screenshots for that, or coherent words to say, but I really, REALLY ship it

    I ran all out of ideas for them after doing that one pesterlog fic, though. I don't know what to do :C Soundwave is really, really hard to work with, even though I love him to pieces. I don't know what to do that isn't just directly ripping off TGWP. I guess maybe sybian!soundwave has some possibilities with Optimus mmmmmaybe, but it's not quite pinging me right as a writable thing. This is very frustrating.

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    Also, I have GOT to know how the timelines match up between MTMTE and exRiD, because did this change come about before or after Ravage? I don't think it would outwardly affect Soundwave's actions all that much, but by GOD, I bet it would impact his internal thoughts on the matter!! Also, I want Megatron+Soundwave reunion time. I need. I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed. On earth, Megatron was upset when Soundwave got shot in the face, and that's an emotional reaction almost none of his subordinates get from him. I NEED THEM INTERACTING AGAIN, PLS

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    Ooh. And didn't someone mention that Sentinel Prime was going to be showing up again? Plus there's all the religious implications that go along with the metrotitan being raised, and the enigma of combination seems kiiiiiiiiiinda religious and didn't really get a satisfactory resolution yet. Whatever's going to happen, it seems like it's going to be super mythology-heavy, and despite myself, I'm pretty intrigued.

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    sweet mother of mercy why would you do that

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    I don't know if contrasting Optimus's violence and warmongering against Megatron's (attempted) pacifism is intentional, but I like it a lot. I'm still kind of nervous that the narrative won't have any more subtlety than 'optimus is right, because he is right', but I'd really, really love to see some more character-driven stuff come into play with the mains here. Not just minor characters like TC and Cosmos.

    55 10.jpg

    This makes me really sad, and I wish I knew if that was intentional on the part of the writer. The whole 'you were chosen, and even though you stepped up to the task and did your best, you didn't believe in yourself hard enough, so all these things are being taken away and given to someone else.' Like... WOW. That's pretty upsetting. Especially since Starscream has been trying so hard, and apparently without having any kind of real self-confidence that he's the guy meant for this job. And all that effort doesn't count, because he's had the self-confidence beaten out of him. Just. Dang, that's upsetting.

    Look, apparently we're going to have at least two more Primes farting around the galaxy in short order. Will someone please give this sorry fucker a matrix? And hit up Getaway, Tailgate, and Springer too, while you're at it, at a bare minimum. On a basic level, I'm not thaaaaaaaaat happy with a government being driven by religion, ESPECIALLY with one singular leader, who's pretty fucked in the head and has pulled some major bullshit right there on the screen. And it's odd to me that a story written in this, tyool 2016, would be saying that this religious, single-leader system of government is more valid than the democratically elected leader that the planet currently has. Especially since earth was declared a 'colony' in the middle of all this, which seems extra sketchy. So I'm nervous, but I do want to see where they take this.

    But mainly I want to see Starscream get some fucking validation already, holy shit.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016
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  16. Petra

    Petra space case

    Oh man, is it up?
  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Especially since Galvatron exploited Cyclonus so horribly! Regardless of other moral injury things that may have happened in his past, I think being mind controlled into almost destroying Cybertron was a serious moral injury for him, and the mtmte narrative draws a lot of attention to how much he cares about the planet and culture, and how upset he is over how everything has been destroyed. Which he was nonconsensually forced to participate in. Reading a relationship in between those lines makes that all so much more deliciously painful.

    And just.... ahhhhh, I could talk forever about the ways he'd be afraid that history could poison anything he tries to build with Tailgate. Because he and Galvatron had a serious power differential, whether or not there were age and experience differentials involved. And he and Tailgate have massive amounts of age and experience differential, plus Tailgate is still so relatively innocent in comparison to everyone else, except maybe Ten and the Camiens. I just really, really want to capture Cyclonus being quietly terrified that no matter what he tries to do, he's going to end up exploiting Tailgate in the same way that Galvatron exploited him. There's so, so much fertile emotional ground to plant ideas in there, but I have done... nothing with it :V But I want to! I think generally speaking, I want to write something sad and/or upsetting with Cyclonus and Galvatron to find my footing, then leverage that into cygate (or even better, cywhirlgate), and seeing how that affects the emotional tone of the whole thing.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016
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  18. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement


    "I don't care about the philosophical implications" you really should given that holy wars are like the fucking crux of human history, and religious justification for land wars isn't far behind
    you should really care a lot

    cosmos is so???? tiny??????

    "don't let him ruin soundwave's dream" MY HEART
    aw astrotrain didn't deserve to go out like that
    galvatron ur a dick

    fuck u galvatron that's what u get with fuckin with soundwave's dreams

    onyx prime huh
    wasn't that one of the guys that galvatron fought against in the first civil war?


    (okay, side tangent: saw someone on tumlr talking about OP's execution of galvatron vs Meg's execution of the DJD, and were specifically talking about how Megs was showing SO MUCH RAGE and this was him ~reverting~ or some shit, versus OP who was only ~taking a life that needed ot be taken~ but here's the thing: OP is acting in the exact same moral line as Megs here. being a cool cucumber about it doesn't make him any less of the Moral Arbiter of Justice. and like the execution of the DJD, it was arguably a necessary death, but at this point in time OP and Megs are both standing at the same pinnacle of war crimes and internal locus of moral control. which is a problem, because while Megs wasn't convicted, at least he was tried. whereas OP now has people calling for him to be a religious figurehead for all of the cybertronian race. and a leader with weight on the council of worlds. thaaaaaaaaaat's a problem.)

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  19. Petra

    Petra space case

    Really not happy with more 'HE'S THE TRUE PRIME' stuff when Optimus is so bad at decisions. :c
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  20. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement


    Like okay, with full knowledge that I have "Starscream Apologist" in my sidebar right there, it's starting to get to me just how often the universe and the people in it shit on Starscream. It was that way back when Megs getting not-quite-acquitted sent Starscream into a panic spiral, and people were snarky about it. It was that way every single time OP came in to swing around his Moral Superiority, got buttmad at Starscream for not taking it, and then getting validated because Religion or something. It's been that way for every time Windblade/Ironhide/Wheeljack has noted Starscream's instability and then... continued validating his paranoia by conspiring behind his back??? At least when Rattrap is sitting there manipulating and fucking with Starscream it makes sense.

    I really wanna see where they go with this. I'm really hype for this. I'm also really, really worried that it's going to end up being "OP is right forever because Autobots are the best, and Starscream is wrong forever because he's a meta buttmonkey who doesn't deserve nice things haha" because there's just. This tendency for that.

    And OP! Remains! A war criminal! OP and Megs have both ordered war crimes! OP is annexing an organic planet, on which he carried out military maneuvers, under religious justification, to set himself up as a One True Ruler once again! And, traditionally speaking, Primes have not worked out very well for anyone!

    I AM SO TENSE OVER WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN WITH STARSCREAM and I just. Want someone to give this guy a break, and maybe a drink, and please god a therapist who understands what the shit abuse does to you is. :(
    • Like x 5
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