So I decided to finally make a fantown thread for Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, which we've been streaming for summer camp! If anyone here has seen the whole idea, it's probably a good idea to spoilertag stuff for the summer camp folk - we're up to episode 6 now. @Salted Earth @sirsparklepants @mizushimo @Key @Deresto @Acey @PRelations
The third movie has not been made, I've heard no news on it. ViVid is... decent - there's a genre shift to being more cutesy and sports-anime-y, but it's got some good new characters and fight scenes. Force should be forgotten. There's also INNOCENT, which is 'what if no one died and all the magic battles were VR simulator games and everyone was friends.' It's ridiculous and self-indulgent and completely a delight, and I want an anime adaptation. The new project in the works is (other than a season 2 of ViVid anime) something called ViVid Strike. I have no idea what it involves. Other than since Yukari Tamura had contract issues she's not going to be involved, apparently? And they dropped the MGLN name from it. But it's also going to be made by the same people who did the original series so... There's also video games but I'm pretty sure no one's translated them. Closest thing there is is a guy on Animesuki who gave a play-by-play of the plot of the second one. Spoiler: Spoilers for late A's and yeah Reinforce was wonderful. Also I ship her with Signum. And with adult Hayate (like, as in 'Reinforce got reborn after 10 years for handwave reasons' type of sense.)
Spoiler YEp, NanoFate all the way. And since that one bit in episode 2 of StrikerS I can see them as an OT3. Though I also see Hayate as being super poly to begin with. One of my minor character ships is Victoria/Sieglinde from ViVid. in terms of fighting they're basically Tank Fate and Melee Nanoha, and they have MATCHING NAMES. And really Victoria showing up at the base of some remote mountain Sieg is camping on to pick her up for a match in a limo with breakfast is. victoria you're not subtle. [/SPOILER
I love that the Nanoha franchise started off as a spinoff from a dating sim where someone thought "let's make a short thing about the little sister". And then later someone thought "that outfit looks a lot like a Gundam". Like, if you watch the proposed Lyrical Toy Box opening it's so entirely different from what we ended up with: I love INNOCENT. It's so, so terribly self-indulgent Spoiler and I want Precia and Lindy to kiss, damnit. Fate has two mommies. Also it's making me ship Hayate/Dearche.
I KNOW RIGHT. Frankly I love the Materials to bitty little pieces, they're wonderful. ETA: Though it might be a good idea to spoiler anything further about Fate, for the summer camp people.
Hello I am here from summer camp! Arf is a Very Good Dog and Fate needs a hug and an adult why has that nine year old been abandoned dear gods. (This is of course a rhetorical question, I'll find out why she's been abandoned later in the series probably!!)
:D I found a video site that has the episode translations I like! Which is good because otherwise you guys would've had to deal with me correcting the subs half the time. (how do you look at 'resound, horn of judgement! RAGNAROK!' and 'echo, whistle of cessation! RAGNAROK!' and not figure out that one is cooler than the other.) So in the future we'll be using gogoanime instead of kissanime.
Just imagine her blowing one of those little metal whistles. FWEEEEET! Edit: Spoiler Although to be fair, that would fit the image of Zwei.
YE WE DO Because I've been doing a summer camp stream! But for their benefit, please spoiler things past original series episode 6. So, the whole Fate family situation, anything to do with season 2, all of that... BUT YES. Frankly I'm surprised there's a few people here who already knew it!
Spoiler Pretty sure that Fate eventually became the Mom Friend of their group. I mean, just look at her with Erio and Caro, and according to the manga she has a LOT of kids that write her and send her photos.
Spoiler Oh my gods yes. Shit. This reminds me of when I first saw how she acts with their kid and I was like awwwwwwww. Fate's the sweet mom while Nanoha's the hardass. AWWWWW.
The common English fanon term is "Befriending". Nanoha Befriends people using Raising Heart. With bright pink magic and sparkles and then they're her friends forever and ever and ever.
Spoiler: StrikerS Spoilers You know, it occurs to me that the ground forces guy who wanted to investigate Hayate wasn't entirely wrong. I mean, Section Six is set up so that Hayate could stack the ranks with her (very, very powerful) friends and family, using loopholes in the rules, and it's set up so that the people SHE answers to are... her foster sister, and the mother and brother of one of her best friends. WE know that Hayate has the best intentions and goals and wouldn't do anything illegal, but it's still pretty dubious. eta: Oh, apparently Verossa was meant to be the one keeping an eye on Section Six - and again, he's Hayate's foster brother. If Hayate were as bad as the Ground Forces people thought she was, that would be a serious threat. Spoiler: Additional ETA StrikerS Also I didn't notice the first time but the Numbers had to RIP GINGA'S LEFT ARM OFF in their fight with her. And that's why her arm has that drill attack later on, Jail built her a robo-arm. Speaking of Jail, anyone want to bet that he had Relic Number 11 in storage? So that he could just string Lutecia along about number 11 being the one to save her mom, knowing he had it the whole time.
Spoiler: StrikerS Yeah, Section Six really could have been a very bad den of nepotism. She could have easily brought in Genya Nakajima (and hence the 108th battalion) too via Subaru and Ginga, which I guess kind of happened at the end. Fortunately Ginga was a combat cyborg so the arm-ripping isn't as bad as it could have been.
Nanoha stream in 1 hour! We will be starting with episode 7 of the original series. And we will be here!