Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    And because the funniest sad things always happen to Brainstorm, Perceptor and Quark immediately hook up! :YYYY No, I kid, I'm holding out for another deliciously emotionally loaded ot3
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  2. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Fanfic: Welcome to the gunshow - Longsuffering Soxshot plays unwilling matchmaker for Tarn and Overlord. Nsfwish, I had to share this with you guys because it's been five minutes and this fanfic is still making me laugh.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2016
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  3. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    I don´t think sparklings are a canon thing (are they?) but I would like to present to the thread at large the image of smol fliers who´ve not yet grown into their wings and look like butterflies.
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  4. Petra

    Petra space case

    You mean like Lacuna? Except she's Devisen, not a sparkling, haha.
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  5. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    A bit but more. Since Lacuna IS a full grown minibot. Was thinking along the lines of tiny bots who are 75% wing.
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  6. Petra

    Petra space case

    Anyway, sparklings aren't canon, but developing protoforms are. They settle down in about a day, iirc, but it's very possible a protoform could just... decide to make the wings first.
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  7. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Best things about Transformers Animated: Blast from the Past
    *Bulkhead trashes an entire parking lot of cars with no consequences
    *Bulkhead can barely move without destorying something
    *Ninja training with Sensei Prowl
    *Any comedy bit with Prowl ever
    *Low-key sure that the reason everyone like's Prowl so much is this show
    *Seriously, Prowl is the best
    *You just know that somehow the themepark animatronic dinosaurs are going to become the Dinobots because there's a Triceratops, Pterodactyl and a Trex in the same shot
    *Megs has a brillant plan to make damaged theme park animatronics into battle drones
    *Show could not wait more then 6 episodes before having giant robots fight dinosaurs.
    *Hell yes, Robots fighting Dinosaurs!
    *Nobody questions the Allspark Key, ever. The Autobots just accept that Sari has super powers
    *Allspark key changes the Dinos color schemes and gives them Autobot eyes, no one questions this either
    *Scientiest telling giant ninja robot that the malfunctioning dinos are 'just machines' when he questions the need to dismember them to figure out what went wrong
    *Without more substantial robots for my body, my prospects are GRIM, LOCKED in the is prison of a lab."
    Grimlock: THATS MY NAME NOW.
    *Grimlock talks like Cookie Monster
    *Dinobots grazing
    *Bulkhead and Prowl - FRIENDSHIP
    • Like x 4
  8. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I finally got sis to keep reading Dark Cybertron (the tipping point was "Soundwave's in it")

    Dead silence for ten minutes, then I hear in a really intense whisper: "go, Transformers, regrets in disguise!"
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  9. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    @amberbydreams, I have the memory of a goldfish, so I could be directing this tag at entirely the wrong person, but had you mentioned that you wanted to read mtmte after you got back from your overseas stay? Because I think that was you, and I think I saw a post mentioning you were home. Though I could definitely be entirely wrong :V

    I only mention it, because with the current releases, if you dig into mtmte now, things will wrap up with a PHENOMENALLY satisfying conclusion to a really intense story arc, with lots of beautiful continuity that makes a straight readthrough really fantastic. If you go for it, I recommend a straight mtmte 1-55 read, skipping Dark Cybertron (about issues 23-28, i think?) But if I have the wrong person or if you're not up for it now, no pressure! Just thought I'd mention it since the timing was good.
  10. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Amber said on the tfp stream that she's got to get a bunch of art ready for an upcoming convention. I think she was gonna tackle it in september?

    Had to jump on here and say that man, I LOVE TFA ninja prowl so much? He's like a stoic version of mtmte drift. Did anyone here grow up with that show? I would have loved it so much as a kid/teen. The only thing I can really compare it to is...maybe darkwing duck? Its got the same aesthetic style.

    Everything Prowl does is amazing. I'm really tempted to drag out my video capture stuff and make some gifs.
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  11. Petra

    Petra space case

    I looove TFA Prowl, too! He's quite different from the Prowl I first met in exRiD, like, I can see there's a few core points of their characters that are the same, but they're massively different overall.
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  12. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    @spockandawe mizushimo's right in that i'm busy right now, but thanks for the thoughts at least >w< How long do you think it'll take to read? Cause I have a like 5-6 day gap between last day to order my prints for the con and when I have to get on a plane where I might be able to binge it down, and my friend I'm tabling with would be super pumped if i managed to read MTMTE before visiting them
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  13. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I want to say that I shotgunned 47 issues in about two days when I read through the first time? But I also read quickly and gloss past things that don't make sense on first read, so that's probably a lowball estimate. And there are also some clean stopping points if you want to just try tackling part of it!
    • Issues 1-21 make a clean arc on their own, with a pretty goshdarn epic conclusion.
    • Issue 22 is a lead-in to the crossover event Dark Cybertron, but it has some good character stuff if you're so inclined.
    • Issues 23-28 are (half of) Dark Cybertron, which I recommend skipping for now, because without exRiD for context, they're kind of hard to follow, and also the art and pacing are erratic.
    • Issues 29-33 are kind of a mini-arc, but they do end on one hell of a cliffhanger.
    • Issues 34-40 conclude the rest of that arc and end pretty cleanly.
    • Issues 41-49 are a bit light on the ARC thing, but 47 is one of my favorite favorite favorite things to come out of this series, and they really set the scene for:
    • Issues 50-55, which are just. OOF. This is the gooooooood shit.

    So there are lots of good stopping points in the middle if you run into a time crunch!
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2016
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  14. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    Got it! I'll keep that all in mind :3 do you have a link where I can read the things?
    • Like x 1
  15. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    Viewcomics has everything but MTMTE issue 55, which will hopefully be up by the time you get to it, but if not someone might have access to scans or something.
  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Right here!! :DDDD And occasionally the site goes down for a day or two so they can raise money to pay their costs, but if it's down, the site view-comic with a hyphen is almost a perfect mirror for viewcomic original flavor.

    (edit: it looks like 55 shows up okay when I go to check it out! At least, that's definitely where I read it originally)
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2016
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  17. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    many thanks!! : D
    • Like x 1
  18. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    Oh! It just shows up below 54 when you search for "transformers" for some reason. Good to know!
  19. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Ok so I am deep in this madness:
    Fact: I want to make an amv of MTMTE BAD
    Fact: MTMTE has no animation
    Fact: I've never made an amv with still images
    Fact: Not letting this stop me
    What I've got so far is 196 images with most of the word bubbled whited out. IVE ALMOST GONE THOUGH THE WHOLE COMIC! I just need to pick through volume 7. I'm hopping to end up with about 250 images (one per second with a cushion), probably will not use all of them. Thinking about including Transformers (2010) vol 13 (I think it was called 'Heart of the Wheel')
    Subject: Rodimus
    Song: Greased Lightning (soundtrack version is shorter and slightly different)

    I'm gonna make a less complicated one as a test run, with a much slower song and like, 30ish images instead of 200.
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  20. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Back to my own reread/liveblog, I gotta stay ahead of sis so I can explain things :p

    ...okay maybe it's mobile but I'm having trouble telling who got zapped, is Stormy or Hardhead officially "dead"?

    Why do space robots have a Hell for the phrase "hell's bells"
    Come on, writers, give me more weird alien language quirks and idioms

    Oh my god the redraw panel of Megs and Shockwave makes Megs look so pouty

    Soundwave why you always frontin
    Just go hug Megs instead of playing the posturing game

    Awwww Skywarp and Screamer back together! Quick, someone grab TC, this trine needs it's stabilizing influence back

    Dude, Bee, when the guy who was in the enemy base says "we need to talk" the correct answer is not "later"

    Ohey the bird twins are back!

    Poor Waspinator, getting stabbed in the crossfire

    Starscream is so blindsided by someone doing good things for him
    Someone protect this jet
    (Especially now that megs is back, jfc)

    I like how Dreadwing's only argument against the invading army is "this is private property"

    N'aaaawww, lookit Megs starting to regrow some morality

    Stormy D8

    Oh my god Rodimus stop posing for the camera you're on a battlefield

    aaaaaa cosmos!

    Whirl: will straight-up murder a guy, ending a stalemate and restarting a 16-million-year civil war, but insists on using the correct name for their society
    Look at the bird son

    Starscream knows what cosplay is
    there's robot cosplayers somewhere

    Shockwave. Dumpster King. Cool motive, still attempting to destroy the universe. Chill out, bro.

    Oh god look at him clinging so hard, he knows there's no way back now, the only way out is through, surrendering won't help (especially not with Megatron there) but that's his friend
    Someone hug Shockwave for me

    "Allow me to rank your threat third, behind 'collapsing body' and 'collapsing universe'."
    Also: Cy being protective of Tailgate's name change <3

    Metalhawk D8 <3

    "I did not actually know this body came with swords, so thanks for that"
    Sassy Screamer gives me life I wonder if "nailing it" has a different implication in modern Neocybex, or at least within Iacon, given the faction called NAILs. NAIL itself is derogatory, so I could see it actually developing into something like "fucking up"-- that is, the sarcastic use of "nailing it" becoming the primary, unironic usage. [/language nerd]

    Brainstorm and Roddy sassing each other is A+ content

    Shockwave's whole worldview is being challenged and he's so scared, look at my son



    Starscream, I know you gotta front to Rattrap, but. You're allowed to grieve.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2016
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