Dragon Age anyone?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Kittenly, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it does. There's a hard-to-find place in DAI - a little cave where the Chantry keeps some stuff - with a codex entry that describes some of the process. The blood is taken and immediately put into a vial and magic done to it to tie it to the mage. Just having some sticky, rapidly drying blood all over the place isn't going to be too useful. I could see them managing to get a bit to enchant before it dried and all the vitality went out of it, but it being very weak.

    I also can't see there actually being huge gouts of blood happening when someone does blood magic - Jowan wouldn't have been getting very far after the few pints of blood loss he'd have gone through to blast those templars and get through the ones guarding the door and threaten the boatman enough to get him across the lake and running away. That and the stabbing the knife clear through his hand I take as more dramatic effect inherited from D&D style games than anything.
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  2. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Posting this over here just in case a long and spoilery discussion results--

    Golems and rock wraiths/profane don't have a lot to do with one another, other than that they were both dwarves, once. Golem wiki entry | Rock wraith wiki entry - although I don't know if we can take info in the Dragon Age tabletop game to be canonical.

    What we can take as probably-a-given is that the Profane fed on the red lyrium in the primeval thaig. Dwarves can live on lyrium without becoming rock wraiths, although it seems to be a special circumstance, like the Sha-Brytol in DAI's Descent DLC, who
    live within the titan the Inquisitor seeks to calm. With the implications brought by Trespasser, it's likely that they're living how dwarves used to live, in a symbiosis with a titan, before Mythal 'freed' them.
  3. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    I admit, I'm mostly just wondering now what a red lyrium golem would be like. Besides probably "terrifying."
  4. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    I think we could add on "insane" to that as well, considering red lyrium's usual effects. It probably couldn't be controlled, or if it could, it'd be unpredictable and unreliable. (I wonder how many of the red lyrium monsters in DAI turned on their fellows eventually, tbh.)
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  5. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member


    ***THIS GUY***
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  6. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    good luck with blender, from your tumblr posts the whole thing sounds like a NIGHTMARE
  7. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    It is a migraine of a program to figure out from the actual documentation, but I found a noob guide that is much more clearly and concisely written that has REALLY helped. Not having to beat my head against the program just to figure out basic functions means I can actually apply my prior knowledge of meshing from another program, rather than want to cry over how I can't figure out how to select a vertex. (In retrospect, trying to figure out Blender at 3 am was a REALLY bad idea.)
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  8. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    ok i'm. going to revive the thread.

    i posted this on tumblr and i pestered kittenly on skype about this but it's still bothering me. I'm trying to wint the award of most boring fanfic someone ever not-wrote, so it's like. major canon decisions regarding Anora.
    i just.. don’t know what to do with Anora in my canon. i like her and i had her as sole ruler originally, then i changed after HLTA because hell no i’m gonna separate Alistair/Lis and Simon/Anders, and i’m jusssssssst not very happy with alistair ruling alone? So i was thinking about Anora and alistair ruling together. it wouldn’t change a lot, otp-wise, because Liesyn is Alistair’s mistress anyway and that's not what's worrying me, but i’m not sure what it would mean for the… ugh, political landscape i had arranged for the mages and all that. cause it was sort of hanging on the nobility being heavily opposed to the alistair/liesyn-as-queen-in-all-but-name arrangement - she is a mage elf.

    so alistair accepting the mages in redcliffe had a handful of political advantages and wasn’t entirely out of charity, even if he and lis are sympathetic to the cause. it had the weight of a powerful entity made of a bunch of powerful people who were loyal to the king, or at least owed him something. a safeguard in case some of the banns thought it’d be grand to start another civil war. and the maneuvering to get the mages for the inquisition post time travel bullshit would be a big part of the, well. post time travel bullshit chapter. it would lead to the signing of a treaty that took the evicted mages from ferelden and still gave the king enough advantages to be ‘safe’, still made him look good. and this signing would be the first acknowledgement of the Inquisition as an actual political entity, would be the first thing to recognize it.

    but i think having anora in the mix messes things up a bit and i’m not seeing how to keep the end-goal for the inquisition with Anora as the competent queen she is. cause then it wouldnt be, like. the threat of an anti-coup? cause what the wardens and Eamon did was a coup, sorta.

    I could use the excuse that Anora is technically common-born; loghain was a nobody catapulted to nobility by Maric, and Cailan was giving legitimacy to her ruling. With Alistair's parentage being easily debatable in-universe, it could still irritate the nobility that two nobodies are at the throne. Especially if my Warden still holds some sort of political weight, which she does - sort of in opposition to Eamon and Teagan at times, which threatens to weaken their support at the Landsmeet. I sort of like the dynamics at play here and i am tempted to just make it canon but i can't think of a good enough impact on the inquisition plotline, and this is an inquisition fic, not a Warden/Alistair + Anora + The Entire Goddamn Landsmeet. and while i could just halfass it with what i have thought it's just. i don't wanna leave things half assed? even if it's not entirely relevant stuff, cause it's... well, the political scenario in ferelden durin inquisition is pretty important in my heart.

    also please admire the cute poof during awakening???

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  9. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

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  10. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    I'm really enjoying it so far! I really like the characters, Ren especially. Jsyk, there's a typo in the first sentence - I think the "she" shouldn't be there?
  11. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

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  12. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    *fucking dies*
    Why why. *Hides head in shame hole*

    Thanks, for both reading and pointing out that flaming typo.
  13. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    So it wasn't just me who thought of him when I heard about the Eevee trick?
  14. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    I didn't when I heard of it, but I did when I actually tried it. XD I let the random number generator decide the first one bc I couldn't pick, and got a jolteon, and then when I was doing another I wanted to make sure I didn't get a duplicate jolteon. So. Blackwall fishdog.
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  15. glitterchance

    glitterchance 34 Vigilant Gaze Engulfs the Void

    I'm playing Dragon Age II, largely unspoiled, and
    it's been two minutes and I seem to have gotten Carver killed.


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  16. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    feel free to feed me your reactions 8D going through DA2 unspoiled was hella fun for me too!
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  17. glitterchance

    glitterchance 34 Vigilant Gaze Engulfs the Void

    I just finished Dragon Age: Origins with an Aeducan warden who was a conflict-averse diplomat, and so in DAII I wanted to play a warrior based on Deadpool. Agatha Hawke tells people to call her 'Ag' because that's the noise they'll make when she punches them in the throat. She thinks that joke is the height of humor. She's evolved from a pure Deadpool expy but she is a DISASTER who responds with violence and/or snark to everything. It's hella cathartic.

    I've played for about three hours, and I just met Anders. Anders is (to me) throws up a billion red flags of "when a dude tells you to stay away because he's just TERRIBLE, it's probably safer to believe him." Agatha is like "... aw yeah, I'mma fuck that mage."

    Also when Anders mercy-killed Karl, I thought they were going to kiss.
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  18. glitterchance

    glitterchance 34 Vigilant Gaze Engulfs the Void

    Things Agatha Hawke thinks about Anders:
    - "you talk a lot of shit about demons considering that you've got a blue glowy spirit in your brain."
    - "dude, I was just telling you that you can compliment me any time you want, don't make it weird."
    - "I can take care of myself, I have killed scarier things than you before breakfast and you saw me do it."
    - "... why are you getting all 'disappointing you would kill me faster than the templars???"

    Things Agatha Hawke thinks about Merrill:
    - "this is my precious tiny blood mage now and I will cut you."

    Agatha punched a lot of people in Lothering for looking at Bethany funny, even if they weren't actually doing so. "You want me to fuck this guy up? I will totally fuck this guy up. Whoops, too late, already fucked him up." She probably also punched a lot of people for Carver when he wasn't around.

    She has a Thing about her people, but it's relatively easy to become her people. Anders would alarm her more if he didn't hit the "must protect mages b/c Bethany" button in her brain.

    Anders reminds me, the player, way too much of Edward from Twilight. He's about two seconds from going THIS IS THE SKIN OF A KILLER, BELLA. He needs a cat, a chill pill and years of therapy.

    I'm doing Isabella's intro quest and I'm getting the glitch where I'm supposed to search the bodies but can't. It is driving me slowly mad.
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  19. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    anders is terrible and i love him and his romance
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  20. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    He is my trash husband. My Problematic Fave (tm).

    Unfortunately, his writing is a little weird in DA2. His dialogue is a lot better with MHawke, and he focuses WAY more on being torn between The Cause and love and it's less "Being together will only cause you PAIIIIN." (though I do headcanon that he still does it some, and Mara has to grab him by the ears and shout, 'stop being so fucking melodramatic, you absolute walnut. You're embarrassing.')

    The DA2 boys are angsty little drama kings and I love them so much.

    There's a mod, I think called Anders Dialogue Tweaks or something like that which helps. It puts back Anders talking about his past and makes it a little less twilight-y for Fem!Hawke.

    Ag sounds like a lot of fun. It's too bad she doesn't have Carver around to bully tho.
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