Hello Sunshine

Discussion in 'The Queen of Cups' started by Zin, Jul 6, 2016.

  1. Munin & Hugnin

    Munin & Hugnin Birb Twins

    The raven asks for feedback on what Corrie wants, and does a few of her own poses, giggling.
  2. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    Some of those poses are pretty non-naturalistic; nobody's going to believe that she got those in any kind of legitimate way. But a lot of them are fine, and the rest she will still have, and anyway the raven seems to be having fun. Corrie certainly is.

    At some point it occurs to her that she might want to go find Eirik before he gets too far ahead...
  3. Munin & Hugnin

    Munin & Hugnin Birb Twins

    The thought makes the bird go still, even without Corrie speaking. "Oh, gosh, yeah. Go ahead! He's fine right now, but I shouldn't keep you."
  4. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    ...apparently this one's psychic, too.

    "Well, thanks for the shoot." Corrie picks the rest of her gear back up, leaving the camera hanging around her neck. "You know you can just tell his dad he's okay yourself, right?"
  5. Munin & Hugnin

    Munin & Hugnin Birb Twins

    "Yeah, but he's a worrier. Something about dying young, you know? Grendel mostly just says to go ahead and try to eat green meat, it'll be funny." She crows quietly. "It was nice meeting you, miss Corrie. Tell Eirik Hugnin says hi?"

    She takes off into the air.
  6. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    (( Rolls Wits 2 + Academics 1 = 4,2,3 (0 successes) ))

    The names ring some fairly insistent bells, but Corrie can't place them right at the moment. More stuff to look up. She should start keeping a list.

    "I'll let him know," she promises. She waves, and starts up the trail Eirik was on.
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  7. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    Eirik is cautiously stepping into the cave, sniffing the air and looking around. "...huh..." he stretches up, frowns, then tries to trace some of the patterns on the cave walls.
  8. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "I like it!" Corrie comes up behind him, then follows his gaze.
  9. Zin

    Zin Professional Lurker

    The colours along the wall are subtle, but the way they blend together in a far more subtle gradient than you would have expected is gorgeous, especially in the places where some of the bands thicken, providing wide, clear bands of colour that are striking against the gentle gradient next to them. It almost looks like the different sections are made of different chunks of rock, deposited at different times or rates... but who knows.

    Eirik seems entranced by it, in any case, smiling up at the colours, fingers running gently along a seam in the rock.
  10. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    It's enough to make a woman wish she knew more about geology. There's got to be better words for this stuff than various synonyms for "pretty".

    "I can see why you wanted to explore the place," she says appreciatively.
  11. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    He grins hugely. "Yeah. And it even smells like treasure..." He rocks on his heels. "Wanna go deeper in?"
  12. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "Oh, definitely." Corrie's answering grin is slightly less huge, but that's probably only because her mouth isn't lizard-big. She'll have a better idea of where to shoot from when she's seen more of the place, and... she may have mostly outgrown the treasure-hunting thing herself, but between Eirik and Sunshine, the enthusiasm is pretty infectious.

    "...uh, also, I'm supposed to tell you Hugnin said hi."
  13. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    "....wait. Hugnin was here?!" Eirik freezes. "When? Oh man..."
  14. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    Corrie raises- well, starts to raise her hands in conciliation; one of them is still holding a bag. "It's fine. He just wanted to make sure your dad knows you're not dead or anything. Also a quick photoshoot, apparently, but mostly the thing where you're okay."
  15. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    "Oh. Uh. Hugnin's a girl. Munin's the boy. So. Uh. I'm not grounded?"
  16. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "You-" Corrie stops to consider for a moment- "actually, it didn't come up? But she didn't seem interested in dragging you home by the ear or anything. Just that nothing bad had happened to you."

    ...she still needs to look it up about Gila monsters, but she's pretty sure ravens can't be sexed visually. Or by voice, apparently.

    "Come on, we can have this conversation while we're walking... What do you think of telling your dad directly that you're fine? At least texting him or something."
  17. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    "Nnnnnh," he groans, rubbing his face. "....bleh. Whatever. Uuuuhm."

    He takes a few hop-skip steps deeper. "I dunno, I guess I should, but. Uh. Dad's probably gonna be super mad, and I don't really wanna?"
  18. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "Well, you want him to know you're grown up, right?" Corrie points out. Someone who doesn't get paid to explore gorgeous vistas might make some kind of point here about adulthood involving doing things you don't want to. Instead, Corrie says "How will he know if you don't tell him how well you're doing?"
    • Like x 1
  19. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    ".....yyyeah. That's true.... I guess." He grumbles, then carefully peers down, over a ledge. "...careful, going to jump. I'll catch you?"

    He doesn't wait for an answer, launching himself over in a quick swandive.
  20. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "Catch my stuff first," she suggests, and dangles her bag over the edge for him to take.
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