Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Does anyone have fic recs for Starscream centric fluff? Happy with any pairing/quadrant that doesn´t involve Megs.

    ETA: I bet that car show would also be good for robit swearwords, since Arcee canonically calls people poppet valves. (Though from googling, there´s nothing actually very objectionable about irl poppet valves. One could headcanon the valve part is the filthy bit with some well applied fanon.

    Also there is such a thing as a jesus clip. So called because they like to spring all over the room when snapped loose and make the mechanic shout "Jesus!"
    I suppose transformers would call them primus clips.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2016
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  2. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I like how Bee's symbol has just magically, seamlessly melded with Megs's chest

    Nauticaaaaaaa 8D

    D'aaawwww, Stormy remembered Rung's name!

    Anyone sassing Prowl gives me life, thank you Roddy

    Roddyyyy stop trashtalking my trash jet, he's Trying :T

    Snrrrrk OP getting derailed by the destruction of a priceless artifact

    Why are these robots so bad at government

    Return of the son of dick jokes

    "My name's Swerve-- you may have heard of my mouth--"

    The fuckign crewditions

    "We're not allowed to take anyone who might remind Rodimus of Prowl"
    While I can appreciate the sentiment, das r00d

    Nautica is love, nautica is life

    "Pre-Golden Age literature" GIVE IT TO MEEEE


    Congrats, Prowl, you're singlehandedly responsible for Domey backsliding, thanks >:[

    That is really neat and legible graffiti, I'm sure Mags is proud


    Whiiiiiirrrrlllll D8 Whirl plotting with Getaway?

    ...I am uncomfortable that they're including anti-Senate shit with the rest of Megs' charges :/ hello autobots, have you forgotten you did the same?

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  3. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

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  4. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    fffff look at that size difference between Megs and TG, I need to go read spock's thing again

    ...part of me says "yay, Swerve recaps!" and part of me says "oh noooo Swerve's depression arc is coming up"

    Aaaaaa we get to see Tailgate's alt finally!

    Also that tackle hug is adorable


    also noooo baby they did miss you, promise :cc

    ATOMIZER >[ how dare you have such an expressive helmet when you're going to be a traitor

    atomizer you shitwad I'm gonna break your crossbow and shove it up your ass, stop making my flameson sad

    Oh my god what's going on on swerve's floor, who Is He

    TEN! :D

    Sweeeeerrrrve D8

    Gotta love that Autobot-biased media :T


    Screamer. Baby. Revenge is not recovery.

    Trailcutter's drunken adventure is wonderful

    "Slamdance" is a great name and he and Jazz need to have a music party


    Domey's alt looks hilarious

    "With what, the power of love? Don't be ridiculous" snrrrrk don't you know you're in a comic, Nightbeat? Of course he'll be saved with the power of love

    Domey :c

    ...I really am interested in how TFs stay colored while alive, because given the protection of the coffin I'm pretty sure alt-Roddy's paint shouldn't have degraded so fast, and that's a really uniform color.
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  5. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    ive been wondering about that as well, tbh!
    when skids died he automatically lost all colour as well, whereas censere didn't.
    and the suddenlymonochrome can't be ubiquitous either, or the scavengers would've recognized whatshisface isn't actually dead. not that that would've stopped them from trying to steal his fuel pump.
    or red alert and trailcutter would've recognized that kaon wasn't actually dead.
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  6. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    I think it has to do with how fast transformer dies? If they get shot in the spark or beheaded, the body still has color. The characters we've seen go grey all died slow deaths. Well, maybe that's not the best way to put it (the djd doesnt leave grey corpses behind either). I think the dying bot has to be in a situation where their lifeforce is drains in order to go grey.

    EDIT: speaking of the djd, it was well known that tarn had a shape changing addiction, but we never see evidence of it when the comic focuses on the djd. I wonder if he needed all those tcogs for another reason...
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2016
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  7. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    oh my god the Rodpod got a cover, A+

    Guuuuuuyyyss your "rescue mission" only makes things look worse

    "I'm protesting my innocence by braiding my hair and watching off-world cinema."
    Whirl is love, Whirl is life

    [Grumbles at Prowl's everything] I'm shipping First Aid and Ambulon


    ...wasn't Drift spectralist? Did he not leave the alt!LL?

    Roddy no

    Getawaaaaaay GET AWAY FROM MY SON

    [Uncomfortable squirming] could've just given the orders to stand down, this reads a lot like groveling and I just. Mrrrrgh. OP continues to be a dick. "Concepts are flawed," "killing organics for giggles is wrong," sure. But. The particular wording of "we were wrong to assert ourselves" just. Hits some unidentified button, iunno.


    ...I wonder if that was actually a list of people most likely to oppose the eventual mutiny.

    Return of the Ill-Timed Science Bouncy Bird Mating Dance

    "[Everyone's ignoring you b]ecause you're wearing fourteen swords and they think they're in trouble."
    Drift is precious

    Is that Domey in the background?


    "I didn't realize how hard the science was to explain until Tailgate asked me how 'quanton technology' worked. I don't think you learned anything that day, did you?"
    "Just some new swear words!"
    Pffffff look at my children

    Okay when Nightbeat (who I just typo'd, entertainingly, as Nightbrat) isn't being an asshole and sharing personal cold readings with the class crowd, he is actually pretty funny.

    Tailgate. Baby. You got brass ballbearings but stop that.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2016
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  8. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

  9. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Aww man, in the middle of packing for my trip, I got sidelined by comic books, and flipping through the shadowplay arc, and seeing young Prowl is so upsetting D: Seeing him in love and comfortable with Chromedome and uptight-but-with-emotions-for-other-people and with ideals and principles he still cares about, and just... fuck. It's really, really hard seeing him with Chromedome and overlaying that comfortable sort of love where it's like 'well, we're going to get married eventually, but for now we're just taking things at our own pace.' Awww, baby :C

    Also the part where the guards at the Institute say that senator Shockwave is a 'screamer.' just... fuck, man. What a sad way for him to go out.
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  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Well, either that, or Shockwave has just been banging the hell out of the entire Institute staff to pass the time while he waits for his surgery. I think I like that explanation better.
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  11. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    I've got this horrible itch to RP transformers. The problem is I haven't done much online RP since.. 2004? Most of my RP for the last 10 years or so has been in-person freeform. Are there any transformers-y rps that are open to new players kicking around Kintsugi that I could try?

    Also, if anyone is curious/interested in doing voice/video chat rp, I would be very down with that. I can definitely intro the basics.
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  12. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    WELL I've been catching up on the last few SU episodes and

    I've got so many emotions I don't know what to do with about the parallels between the insta-soldier kindergarten and the MTOs, especially. Because, just walking through Jasper's kindergarten, we don't see how these quartzes came out of their holes, but... it would be really optimistic to assume that all of them were totally-functional-just-the-wrong-size, like Amethyst is. Like, how many of these quartzes were born with significant physical deformities, and sent to fight anyways? The implication is already that somewhere between most and all of the quartzes besides Jasper died in the war, but even if it wasn't all of them, I sure bet the ones who were furthest from Jasper had the highest mortality rates.

    So... MTOs. We see a lot of them, really. Getaway and Brainstorm, to name a few. Plenty of them. But notably, we're only seeing the survivors, and like, those two? Getaway has a knack for getting away, and that's why he even has his name. Brainstorm has a flying alt mode, and after that first surge, he's got the skillset to be put in a lab and not on a battlefield. Getaway even mentions that his eyes hadn't thawed when they tossed him out of a plane. The text said that the MTOs had a life expectancy of five minutes and were being mass produced on a massive scale until they ran out of frozen sparks. Sooooo. How many of these soldiers never worked properly, and died without ever standing a single solitary chance?

    Sure, their bodies were all built in decent (probably) conditions, but whatever pre-life tests they ran, that's not exactly the same as having a person in there, and these are massive, INCREDIBLY COMPLEX machines. Infant mortality is a thing as far as reliability goes. And actually, I'm kind of reconsidering that 'built in decent conditions' thing. In the bad parts of the war, when both sides were being pressed to produce soldiers as fast as possible, I bet they didn't build them with any real care. I bet they weren't given time to test them. I bet they just slapped a spark in ther and tossed 'em out of a plane, because hey, most of them are going to die anyways, amiright? I just... want to see soldiers trying to land on the battlefield, but their legs won't work, and they just lie there for a few terrified, confused minutes until a stray shot takes them out. I want to see soldiers try to transform to run, but their t-cog is misaligned and nobody knew because he hasn't been alive long enough to try it before, and he gets stuck half-transformed like Tailgate did, but he's in the middle of a battlefield and nobody listens when he tries to call for help. I want to see what happens to the poor fucker who gets made when well, we don't have quite enough sentio metallico, but we need every soldier we can get, so let's just give it a try anyways and see what happens. How bad could it even be?

    There's just so much horrible potential in there that I'm not even articulating in any real depth, and I'm dying for more. I might see if I can work some of that into the Dominus Ambus fic I definitely haven't abandoned (I've just been so busy and exhausted, aughhhhh), but I don't want to derail the actual plot :T

    And Jasper particularly is giving me all kinds of feelings about Autobots and Decepticons (but mostly Decepticons) trying to readjust after the war. We've got massive time scales for tf and su, with huge emotional losses for Jasper that like... it reminds me of the Scavengers and other background Decepticons, where it's like we fought so hard and lost so much, and now people are trying to act like we should forget it ever happened, pretend like we were never hurt. Maybe with a little more sadness on behalf of the Decepticons, because they lost the war, and Megatron was forced to give that whole speech about how 'they never should have reached above themselves', etc., but it's been five thousand years, and Jasper is still aching over the death of her Diamond. The Rubies didn't lose the war either, and they didn't lose their Diamond, but like... the way Eyeball talks to Amethyst!Jasper pings me in the way that like, lower-tier Decepticons trying to talk to Megatron after he's done his heel face thing and made that big public speech, the pressure he must feel from everyone he won over with rhetoric and passion, and the way he's abandoned them now. It's not the same dynamic as the Rubies have with Jasper, but it drew my attention to the extra stress a leader figure can have on them during the war. Makes me reconsider Optimus's Issues, and look at Prowl's shadow commander bullshit and the way Rodimus tried to be only a solo operator after the debacle with the Magnificence, and how he tries so hard and fucks up so hard with his current crew. Heavy stuff, man. Give me more.
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  13. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    you could drop by the spr2, that's the general open rp hangout/dressing room beyond the actual rps
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  14. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Starship roadtrip Dramatis Transformae is over in Galley's Turn and we're hitting a space station soon :D we've also got a literal ship load of NPCs if you'd rather not play "totally new person gets picked up"

    Or this, yeah! The SPR doesn't really have any pressure to keep up or remember everything that's going on, it's a great place to just sort of show up and get used to forum-style RP and/or hammer out a character's personality as long as you don't mind everyone having their own narration style :P
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  15. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Back to liveblogging--

    That is a really detailed shot, probably good ref for the LL's internal structure if anyone needs.

    ...nautica treating beastformers (that is, Ravage) as nonsapient is kind of cringe-y. Does Caminus not have beastformers?

    Megs is so tired. Just. Let grump dad rest.

    ...when did Nightbeat pick up on the concept of amicas? I thought that was a Camien construct?


    ...oh, that's a really interesting way to play with the timewarp thing, A+ artists

    Oh nooooooo The Pet is in the big DJD shot
    did this Dominus have to watch what they did to Rewind and his new husband
    Like. I can't see Dom being salty about Rewind moving on after literal millions of years, but holy shit that does not make it any easier on Dom's end to watch his husband get psychologically (and maybe physically) tortured

    "It's an old wartime game-- when someone shouts DJD you find your friends and run like hell."
    [Conflicted gigglesnort]

    Rewind is so bitty compared to Megs
    Also, I need the psych-horror fic like whoa for this. Being scared enough to hide inside a corpse is... and Rewind wouldn't even know who most of these new people are, Skids is there (assuming this LL even picked him up) but so are Ravage and Megatron himself plus a bunch of strangers, clearly the hell ride Does Not Stop
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2016
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  16. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    I would be slightly interested? Would likely use Mina @Cosmina Kastellan in robot flavour at least to start with. She can be a scary con or ex-con nurse.

    Also liked the idea of bird school which is for birds the flier academy that was thrown around the voice chat.
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  17. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    my darling gets an ominous cover all to himself

    Swerve's recaps give me life and also pain

    Fucking hell Nightbeat, learn "time and place" and stop traumatizing my faves

    I laughed at your quantum joke, Nautica

    Nightbeat clearly does not read enough fanfic to on

    > lay down
    > try not to cry
    > cry a lot

    "The nice one"
    Yeah sure Rewind's nice, but he's also a sassy fuck who survived the entire war
    (If that line was a reference to fandom flanderization I will laugh)

    I know how this is gonna work out and it's still tense
    Good job, writers

    ...I actually had to lay down and scream for a solid minute
    I have Too Many Feelings about these robots
    the groundwork is being laid already for Rewind choosing Domey over Ambus-- he'd search for Dom, but without Chromedome he considers himself dead
    And maybe it's just because CD's death is more recent, but... that seems an important distinction.
    Dad Megs comforting a soon-to-be-dead "disposable"
    Just. Bury me.

    actual physical tears on my actual physical face
    Look at them
    They're so happy
    They're together again

    Atomizer continues to be in the middle of everything bad

    I forgot we went directly into the next plot arc
    ...okay but did Brainstorm go back to save his boyfriend because CD and Rewind got reunited and proved a hypothesis

    ...wait. I keep shortening Chromedome to CD
    CDs can be used for data storage
    another level of puns has been unlocked
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2016
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  18. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    ...So I started reading the first chapter of MTMTE and oh shit they're likable.
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  19. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Dramatis Transformae has an OOC thread you could ask any questions you might need at if you wanna. Currently mostly important would be headcanon fine calibration I guess?
    We're sort of IDW verse, minor canon divergences to allow for some timeline shifting and some headcanons and stuff.
    Also fair warning, there is alien flavor romancing and also occassionally sex scenes so mind the 18+/NSFW tag.
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  20. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    They're so likeable! That's how they suck you in D: And before you know it, you're trying to cradle 20 robots the size of a house to your metaphorical bosom, and biting your tongue before you start arguing that Starscream didn't really do anything wrong. Because he definitely did, he's a major asshole, but oh my god will someone give this poor guy a hug? It's a dangerous, dangerous universe. I never meant to get this emotionally invested
    • Like x 8
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