Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    snrrrrk mags

    ...why. this is a horrible place for a breather episode, you can't just pop open a fresh cliffhanger and then go do something else, where did all the dramatic tension go??

    ...wait, right, regrouping.

    Ohhhhh no here comes the noncon med stuff. [Squirms]


    Ffffffff Shockwave trying to make Shadowplay illegal/difficult

    Also rung<3<froid

    Stormy no
    • Like x 3
  2. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    I know, I´ve been stalking reading along. Just call me ceiling cat.
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  3. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    YAY!!!!! welcome to hell. KEEP US UPDATED!!! i cannot wait to see you fall in love with these terrible asshole robots, my awful beautiful children, the obnoxious lights of my life

    ALSO!!!! in keeping with my tradition of reading amazing longfics for continuities i know nothing about (eyyy TGWP and TBSHTC) i need to know if any of you guys have read Zekkass's Consequence, because WOW!!!! if you have not: it is a TFA AU wherein OP, instead of accepting UM's ~second chance~, accidentally stumbles into the bounty hunting business under lockdown's tutelage. this leads to INCREDIBLE THINGS!!!!!!!!

    also it was somewhat inspired by these super cool pieces of fanart!!! there are more under the artist's 'bounty hunter optimus prime' tag but those five are my favourites.

    ANYWAY it is 138k and complete and it's OP/starscream and minor OP/megatron and it's just. SUPER GREAT
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  4. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    !!!!! I had been going to just add this to my marked for later pile, but OP/STARSCREAM, YOU SAY??? Oh my god, I have SUCH a thirst for this pairing, for pitchrom idw especially, but by god I'll take any continuity and any quadrant if it means I can get more of these two
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  5. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    And a moirail and a therapist. Please.
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  6. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    the characterization is so nice, the writing is lovely, blurr is there and he is fantastic, starscream is being starscream with style and flair, it's so great. i powered through it last night until i literally couldnt keep my eyes open, then immediately picked it back up when i woke up, and just finished like twenty minutes ago, at which point i knew i could not rest until i had screeched about it here
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  7. Petra

    Petra space case

    Google is trying to tell me viewcomic is a phishing site, anything legit to it?
  8. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    ...doesn't phishing require you to input information? I'd believe embedded malware or smth but...
  9. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Well, I like the flashback stuff to prewar Cybertron so far... It is a little weird that there's someone apparently smart called Skids when that was the name of one of the racist caricature robots in the Bay movies. Which came first?
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2016
  10. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    The G1 Skids was smart. The Bay movies just take the name and occasionally a bit of the color scheme, and completely fuck up the personalities entirely. I'm not convinced that anyone on Bay's writing team has ever consumed any Transformers media at all. The only Bay movie character who I'd venture at all resembles the G1 version is maybe Ravage.
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  11. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    The flashback stuff is definitely interesting!! I read it without any previous knowledge of the canon, and enjoyed it, but it's even cooler once you've read more stuff about current!Prowl especially, and are more familiar with Optimus (though he's a pretty straightforward character, I just like seeing the contrast between young, fresh optimus and exhausted, severely depressed optimus) and Shockwave. But man... current Prowl breaks my heart something awful. He's been the chief intelligence dude for a long, long time, and it's fucked him up good. He's practically made of moral injuries, though he doesn't think of them that way, because he tells himself that everything he does is totally justified. And when other people call him out on being a fucking asshole, he takes it as a betrayal, and is super wounded. His character is much more in focus in exRiD and the Sins of the Wreckers miniseries, and it's pretty heartbreaking watching him fall apart.

    Oh! And trivia. The creators confirmed that Prowl and Chromedome were more than just friends way back when, so you've also got piles of romantic but-we-were-going-to-get-married bitterness from Prowl overlaying all their current interactions, and it's wonderful and makes me so, so sad.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2016
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  12. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    I did some fake energon science and speculated on TF energy production and was told to crosspost it here!
    edit: I cleaned this up and posted it on tumblr!
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
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  13. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    I'm definitely going to do this at some point, but my bravery kind of died since I made that post. I will get back into the game.

    I really do want to do an RP with the prewar Aerial Academy as a setting. I'm gonna see if I can put together the bones of it soon.

    I know right? They are all so precious that it's almost painful. Rodimus just slides in and disrupts everyone's plans by charming 200 bots into going along on his harebrained quest.

    Looks like Skids was in the original 1985 cartoon. The IDW universe is based entirely on the G1 transformers continuity; the movie's universe (Bayverse) is a completely separate entity. I've got no idea why Bayverse slapped Skids name onto a completely new transformer??? I hadn't put those two things together until you mentioned it... Poor Skids has had his named tarnished by Michael Bay.
    ^The wiki is amazing, it even has an in-universe counterpart in the comic called 'Autopedia'
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
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  14. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Oh yeah, tumblr's recommending my blog on a major character tag :D. This has never happened to me before, I feel important. I guess there are some, I don't know, vanity benefits to being in a small fandom?
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  15. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen


    also Rewind is like half Minimus's height and it's great

    Look at them, talking shit out like functioning adults
    For real though, that's gotta be horrifying, even if Rewind weren't so dedicated to his archives having memories suddenly be wrong is... not fun.

    "I've already been convicted, and this is my punishment! You! This ship! This life!"

    Aaand this is why I kept calling Prince IV from Saga "Dominus"

    "Magic is science Rodimus doesn't understand" is still hilarious

    "Small words. Important words." I'm sure your husband still loves you, Rewind D8

    giant robot juicebox jeez. If Damus kept working with OP during the war, then how the hell did he ever
    end up in the DJD, let alone at its head? give me the sweet sweet backstory

    CD, Rewind, TG, Whirl, and Rodimus... this sounds like a very hectic field trip. Good luck, kiddos!

    Whirl getting Brainstorm's toy box is great, lookit the happy bird

    "Chromedome's got [us fucking up] covered," Rodimus says, 1) like that's not a horrible thing and 2) to the mental health professional who knows exactly how horrible it is. I don't think we've ever seen CD in Rung's office, but. Dude.

    Ten seconds and you're already fucking up, A+

    "Well if you're going to kill newborns, you'd want to do it discreetly--"

    ...Nyon. where Roddy's from. we know how old Rodimus is? Did he just help save his own baby spark?

    Am I supposed to recognize Drill Guy, or...?

    "I said it was a "non-stop cop shop," and I only said that 'cause it rhymed."
    Whirl ilu

    Oh god we are pre-Rodimus, it is entirely possible one of the attempted-outlier sparks they saved last chapter was him

    Cyyyyyyyyyy baaaaby, your planet is safe and whole and beautiful, it's okay to be happy

    TG fits in Cy's cockpit [immature snickering]

    Oh, Drill Guy's name is Impactor. I still feel like I'm supposed to know who he is but [SHRUG]

    everything about the escape from the barfight is hilarious

    YOU GET REVENGE, BABY! It might not be healthy but damn if it ain't cathartic!

    ...stormy's control case ain't lookin too hot.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
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  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Impactor was the leader of the wreckers for a long time! He had a super affectionate relationship with Springer for ages, until things went sour. He ended up in Garrus-9 while Overlord was doing his thing. Thus far, he hasn't had much (any?) present-day screentime outside of LSOTW and SOTW, but he features heavily in both those miniseries.

    Also there's a text story where Megatron had Impactor at his mercy, and was making a big dramatic speech before delivering the killing blow. Impactor's vocal processor had been damaged, so he couldn't talk, but while Megatron was giving his speech, he used his harpoon hand to scratch 'not more poetry' into the ground, and Megatron... hesitated. It gave Springer the time to come to the rescue. I really, really, REALLY want to see an Impactor/Megatron reunion, even though I'm sure it would be super sad and bittersweet. Outside of Terminus, that's the most meaningful friendship we've seen for Megatron from the good ol' days, and apart from like, Prowl, these are two of the characters who were the most badly poisoned by the war.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
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  17. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    oh my god we get a boobs-and-butt cover for Brainstorm this is gr8

    Megs. Bro. Your medical phobia is warranted but please don't beat up Percy, he's trying to help.

    Rodimus Stars

    "Look up 'incapacitate', look up 'murder', then come back and apologize." Snrrrrk

    Look at Rung, de-escalating conflict like the pro he is <3

    ...dying? Stormy? D8

    damn, Rewind. Kill Space Hitler, just fuckin do it. (Also, I notice Domey doesn't take the gun til afterwards, and doesn't even sound surprised :P)

    look at the supportive husbands

    Whiiiiiirrrrlllll darling! Confident Whirl is a Good Thing

    "...[Rodimus] hung up."
    "Just like that?"
    "No, he called us a word I don't care to repeat, then he hung up."

    I like how Cy's first protest is "tailgate will die"

    Stormy. It's okay, baby. that the creation of the sparkeater? With that build-up, there's no way Rung's alt isn't important. The scene is completely unnecessary otherwise, and it's not light-hearted enough to be simple filler. Hmmmmhmhmm.

    Deathsaurus :D


    Nickel is darling I love her

    "Not entirely sure what she means by that gesture, but I imagine it tilts towards the obscene."
    "You fix Decepticons with those hands?"
    "Aaand we seem to have an extended version of the first gesture. I-- goodness. That really does leave no room for doubt."
    Snrrrrk Nickel is darling never change

    ...Kaon is a Science Nerd, help

    Pet is so damaged and stripped-down and DDDD8 knowing who he is just makes everything so much worse

    I love so many things about this cover
    Grandpa Ratchet
    TG and Swerve being friends
    Nautica and Getaway casually Posing For The Camera
    Just everything

    Percy still loves you, Stormy :P


    Mags nooooo, Ten's trying to make friends D8

    I love Ratchet
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
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  18. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Could make an OOC thread for planning together? (I just saw pacific rim, and please imagine trining happening because of sparring together. Also well. Bby!Starscream.)
    • Like x 4
  19. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    So I just realized at ass o clock in the morning
    Brainstorm fuckin lays out almost exactly what happens before/during the mutiny at his trial

    [Lays down and screams for ten hours about how goddamn tight the writing for MTMTE is]
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2016
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  20. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    I love the TF wiki. Unfortunately it still didn´t give me an idea of what a Transformers lifespan is.
    • Like x 4
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