Steven Universe

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Oh, we're back here.
    Yeah, bubbled gems aren't aware of time passing.
    Hah nice and body-horror.
    Peridot, that's uncalled for.
    "i meant the monster" aww
    it's just scared and panicking...
    are we doing Roadrunner cartoons?
    or is she gonna get poofed and be the Kid?
    man she's durable.
    wait we ARE doing Roadrunner cartoons!
    Now all we need is to paint Acme on the side.
    OH MY GOD.
    Man, Garnet must've squeezed her HARD.
    also good thing Steven brought snacks.
    Yeah Peridot they had their minds RIPPED APART.
    steven you are wasting valuable marshmallow.
    ...i mean that's a fair point.
    also that is an endless marshmallow bag.
    ...except Peridot has no combat abilities without her limb enhancers or metal nearby.
    I mean. didn't she fall off this same cliff earlier.
    ...lapis why are you reading Pretty Hairstylist.
    • Like x 9
  2. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Well, Garnet does it by squeezing in Catch and Release.
  3. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Her hair needed cut after it got weird and huge in Same Old Earth, and that kindled an interest in cosmetology. Clearly. :::PPP
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  4. soulsuckingisaacnewton

    soulsuckingisaacnewton strange fuzzy creature

    I didn't notice the differences in their poses, but you're right - PD's is much more dynamic than the others. Good call!
    Looking at it again, I wonder if there's any significance to the varying sizes of the halo-like circles behind each Diamond's head. YD and BD's are barely larger than their heads. WD's is a bit bigger (maybe just because she has such big hair), but it still doesn't go below the neck. PD's encompasses her entire upper body.
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  5. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    I thought those might just be planets with rings
    • Like x 4
  6. Aniseed

    Aniseed Well-Known Member

    if lion is pink diamond i hope that 'redrawing pink diamond in screenshots of lion' becomes a thing

    mostly because i want to see a giant diamond stuffed into a ferris wheel car
    • Like x 11
  7. Aniseed

    Aniseed Well-Known Member

    that video short of lion sliding into boxes, but with pink diamond sliding into boxes
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  8. missoyashirou

    missoyashirou Someone please give me a tiny dog to play with

    Pink Diamond's eyes weirdly bugging out as Steven pulls Bismuth out of her hair.
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  9. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    I need this.
    • Like x 2
  10. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    did i miss the part where we talked about the eyeball ruby in bubbled? because

    i think tumblr was right, and eyeball is lonely, and hungry to be loved. when she was imagining the honors she'd get for killing rose quartz, she said 'they might give me a pearl!' and makes a conventionally lecherous face at the thought. it was startling and gross, but i think there's a lot to be extrapolated from it.

    individual gems have individual desires, and one of those desires is smoochin it up, however that works with the way they reproduce via cliff. pearls aren't just considered pretty in an abstract ornamental way, but in a sexy way. owners expect, at the very least, dedicated companionship from their pearls. and pearls are awarded to lower-ranking soldiers that sufficiently distinguish themselves.

    so, i think there's a really good chance that our pearl was pink diamond's, and was awarded to rose quartz as an honor.
    • Like x 18
  11. Petra

    Petra space case

    If the Diamonds are shown with their colonies in the massive portraits, and PD only has Earth, and everyone else has at least 7, and Earth went very wrong very fast, does that mean PD is the youngest? Or did she fall from grace? Was this her first takeover?
  12. aetherGeologist

    aetherGeologist Well-Known Member

    I think this is very likely, since blue diamond was also on earth since early in the rebellion
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  13. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    bdsm pearls is a Very Good Idea
    *confused but interested smoke noises*
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  14. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    So I just saw a great "Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond" post courtesy of scotchtapeofficial.

    • Like x 14
  15. Wasn't Eyeball one of the two Rubies who seemed to be crushing on Jasper? Because I am now imagining Eyeball getting her own Pearl and then dressing her up in orange with a big shaggy wig. =P (Does Gem society have clothes and wigs separate from those formed as part of their bodies? We know extended shapeshifting isn't healthy, and not all Gems can do it.)

    Re: Pearls belonging to Diamonds... if our Pearl belonged to a Diamond and wasn't just created to belong to a lower-ranked Gem, then I think she was originally White Diamond's. We've seen two other Diamonds' pearls so far -- blue and yellow -- and both pearls were very clearly the same color as their diamonds, and had matching gem placement. Our Pearl is more white than pink, and based on the murals, her gem matches White Diamond's placement.

    Now, this raises a lot of interesting questions about how she became a Crystal Gem. Was she given to Rose? Was she given to Pink Diamond and stolen by Rose? Did she run away of her own volition?
    • Like x 5
  16. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    I mean, it's amusing, but I still think the theory itself is kinda...tinfoil-hat-y.
  17. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    That's nice. It's also fun.
    • Like x 3
  18. Meagen Image

    Meagen Image Well-Known Member

    "I might get my own Pearl! And then I'll never be lonely again!"
    • Like x 13
  19. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    Peridot is so smol and tough I love her


    Also also could Citrine get in on some of that sweet gem BSDM. She could really do with someone telling her what to do for a while and I think some Pearls might like that??
    • Like x 5
  20. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    ok but if beta kindergarden is in australia then:


    holy shit? like the continent's been crunched. there's three major catastrophic changes to the globe, i think: northeast asia got fucking cratered (goodbye russia and mongolia), west africa got torn off and slammed into south america, and australia got crunched. maybe now we know what could have done it?
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
    • Like x 8
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