Transformers: These Games We Play

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by spockandawe, Jul 8, 2016.

  1. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    It was a baby update, but it was a GOOD update!!!

    OH MAN, I was pretty positive the seekers would defect, but I wasn't expecting the triplechangers to go with them!! But but but but what did Octane do? What did Bumblebee do? What about Fireflight?????

    Oh my goddddddd, I want to know what's up with the slaves! Because Bumblebee was definitely down for treasonous shenanigans, and Fireflight seems to have one of the best relationships with his master out there, and Thundercracker wants to take care of him. Octane was ALL about that megatron fanboy lyfe, but the narrative also mentions that triplechangers are pretty clannish. Did the cone trine go to? What about Groove? Also I was so worried about Soundwave and backlash, but he's REALLY the good child in this dysfunctional family now. But he's also a target for Starscream, since as of the Insecticon fight, Starscream has officially stopped giving a shit about whether Jazz gets murderized or not. WHAT ABOUT SKYFIRE???

    Agh, before I go off on that tangent, okay. So is Starscream *really* planning to hole up in Vos? Because I kind of doubt it. I think maybe for short-term regrouping purposes, it's a good bet. But Cybertron is a wreeeeeck and Megatron is super hostile and still has oodles of firepower at his disposal, even if he's kinda lacking in fliers at the moment. Actually..... if we assume both trines and his triplechangers defected, the combaticons (and blast off) are still prodigal sons, and I belieeeeeeve the stunticons are all grounders.... does Megatron have ANY decepticon fliers left to command? Or wait, I'm forgetting cassettes. Given what's happened to Laserbeak, uh... I guess the only flier Megatron has left under his command is Buzzsaw :VVVVVV

    But oh right, I tried to avoid one tangent and went off on another instead :B But basically, how long is Starscream even planning to stay in Vos? Even if he brought a number of high-level decepticons with him, all the general population is still living under Megatron. Megatron can recruit additional bodies for... forever, pretty much. But Starscream's got like. Eight decepticons and maybe a few slaves. And no real access to resources. There's an energon shortage. How are they planning to feed themselves? How will they protect themselves from an eventual assault before being starved out? Unless the Constructicons secretly defected too, they don't have any medics. I doubt the author is a reliability engineer or anything (like me!), but I bet the basic preventive maintenance for a flier is significantly greater than it is for those grounder plebes. And also, Starscream might be protecting himself in Vos, but he's also cornered himself and has cut off any opportunity for future growth. He's either going to make another attack on Megatron (a risky proposition, given the extreme differences in manpower), or... I think he might go for the space bridge. Because he knows Megatron already wasn't going to let him rebuild Vos, and that goes double now, because this Megatron is a pissy spitebaby. But earth. Earth has resources, rain that isn't made of acid, a cowed native population, a relatively small number of loyal decepticons to fight. And Skyfire. I betchu Starscream's going to go for the space bridge and try to set himself up as ruler of earth.

    Alsoooooooooooo I wanna know what's going to hapen with Perceptor!! Because Megatron was already side-eyeing Soundwave and the way he treats his slave, but Soundwave is the Good Son right now and Starscream is SO far off the end of the Worst Son scale that he's making new records for how Worst he is. Would Megatron give Perceptor to Soundwave? Or would he keep Perceptor for himself and work off his Starscream anger issues through a... surrogate. I think giving Perceptor to Soundwave would really upset Soundwave given his ten million jealousy issues, but leaving Perceptor with Megatron at a time like this would really, really upset Jazz. And Bluestreak... sorry, buddy, I don't see a good way out for you :P

    Basically, Soundwave, baby, if you were only willing to be just a LITTLE more treasonous, you could have bailed from the city with your entire family, and Megatron would have been left with like... the Constructicons and Shockwave (though I do guess that then Laserbeak would have been a little fucked, and Jazz and Soundwave would have been very Not Okay with that)

    Aaaaaaaaaaa, this is so EXCITING!!
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  2. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    So I just started another reread of this fic, and aw man, just in the first chapter, this line gets me to so bad

    I just have so many emotions about Soundwave and cassettes and auuuughghhgghhh EVERYTHING. I'm really sad none of the continuities I've read have done much similar to what this fic does with the carrier protocols. The closest we get is IDW, with the telepathy, and his eventual cassettes finding him on the streets and helping him learn how to cope. But that was only briefly in focus, and we don't get anything comparable to all the emotions we get here. My heart breaks for him in this setting, even when he's doing shitty, shady things, and that's just the way I like it.
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  3. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    I got my friend to read this fic and now I'm trying to lure her onto the forum. She's not really a tf fan, but the story is stands well enough on its own to really hook people. We yammered about it for like 5 hours, it was glorious.
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  4. Petra

    Petra space case

    Yeah, although some things probably have more impact if you know who the characters are.
  5. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    True! I personally knew..three characters before I read that fanfic. It's the reason I care about Soundwave and Jazz...aand why I know anything about a huge number of gen 1 transformers. It's kind of a testament to the writing that you don't need to know anything about the characters beforehand to get really involved in the story.
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  6. Petra

    Petra space case

    Yeah! I mostly looked up characters on the tf wiki as I read, haha.
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  7. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."


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  8. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

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  9. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement



    jazz is so fucked oh my god
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  10. it was, omg
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  11. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    THEY FINALLY DID THE THING!!!! jazz is officially in a poly relationship SORRY PAL, THAT'S THE WAY IT IS!!!!

    god i'm just??? soundwave expressing his regrets and feelings, and jazz saying 'okay that's legit, time to make you feel better with The Sex'

    and!!!! ravage is super pleased to get in on the Jazz Experience, and rumble and frenzy are so pumped that they just drop everything to engage in Celebratory Sex, and buzzsaw is like 'unexpected but okay' and LASERBEAK IS SO SO HAPPY, AND!!!! and jazz is so into it
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  12. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

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  13. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    also!!!! a brief look into fireflight's relationship with TC!!!!!!
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  14. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    Oh my god, WHAT A GOOD UPDATE!

    First, I love love love that the seekers and triplechangers were totally clueless about what Starscream was doing, but so willing to drop everything and bail without hardly any hesitation, even from the non-seekers. Really says something about how shitty Megatron is as a ruler. Everyone must know by now that this is Starscream's Thing, and they all have seen how well that worked out every other time, and they still all ran with him. I want to know what Thundercracker thinks about Fireflight being left behind. I'd LOVE to know whether he wishes he'd brought Fireflight with him (kinda shaky when they need to fly fast and Fireflight can't transform) or whether he thinks it was safer/better for Fireflight to leave him there, especially since it means he'll maybe be reunited with his gestalt team. I want to know what Fireflight thinks about all this. I am dying to know what his reaction is.

    I also have to wonder about Megatron's personal reaction to all this. I mean, we've seen some of it. Lots of pointless violence, etc. But... is he going to take the defectors' slaves for himself and take his anger out on them? :C That's Perceptor, Bumblebee, Groove, and Fireflight. I hope he won't, but also I kinda do, because mm, angst. Especially if Thundercracker has to realize that he kinda brought this on Fireflight, on top of all the other suffering that goes with being a slave.

    Slash, if Megatron keeps four more slaves for himself, on top of the two he already has, on top of the one renegade autobot he's preemptively claimed for himself, I wonder how his remaining underlings are going to react to that. Because the slaves are their reward for loyal service, and they've stayed even when half of Megatron's officers totally defected, but are they getting rewarded for that? No, no they are not. Regardless of where the slaves go, I think there's going to be a lot of resentment. Because the stunticons will want more workers (and mining more resources has got to be important right now), the loyal soldiers will want to be appreciated for their loyalty, Shockwave will probably want more workers for his pet projects. And if anyone gets rewarded, I bet it's going to be Soundwave, since Laserbeak was the one who caught Starscream, and Soundwave doesn't want to be rewarded like this.

    I also have to wonder how close the Constructicons are to defecting. They've got their gestalt family thing going, so I assume they come as a package (also now I wonder if mind meld gestalt orgies are a thing, like with Soundwave and company. it couldn't be shared with their other partners, but STILL. DANG). I'm guessing Starscream didn't bother approaching them at least partially because they don't have flying alt modes. The Combaticons are already gone. The Stunticons seeeeeeeem like they're still pretty solidly Megatron's, but we don't have much window into their situation at all. But they're pretty tied down on earth. And especially as Megatron bulks out the labor force there with formerly-loyal cybertronians, it's going to be harder and harder to keep a handle on them. Slash, I wonder if maybe Springer is going to be taking indirect advantage of this power swing to instigate a revolt? He's had less time to be worn down by the prison camp than the autobots, and his wreckers are probably in better shape than the slaves, with less restrictions in the way of deep-wired collars and such.

    Also, what is Starscream going to do by way of gathering resources? Because... the space bridge is firmly under Megatron's control, and I'm sure it's going to be well-guarded now, especially. Cyberton's ecology is fucked. The acid storms have been getting worse. Will Starscream and company even have the resources available to properly track the weather patterns? They stole as much energon as the cone trine could carry, but how long will that even last? It's not a tenable situation, in the long term. Starscream is going to have to make an offensive move soon, and I think his best bet might be doing it as fast as he can, so Megatron doesn't have time to prepare.

    And Megatron's forces really are decimated, aren't they. Soundwave and company are intelligence. The Constructicons are construction. Shockwave is a bureaucratic waste of space. The only real soldier-soldier forces he has left are the Stunticons, who are already busy. I wonder if he's going to start promoting neutrals into true decepticon-hood? And if he does that, I have to question how effective and loyal those new decepticons are going to be. I think in the eighties movie, most of the fatalities were autobots. I think Starscream died, and Megatron became Galvatron, etc., but past that, I think the decepticons mostly made it out alive-ish. I don't know who most of the post-movie new decepticons were. There's Octane/Tankor, and there would be Cyclonus (but he's like, Galvatron's herald or whatever, and always has Weird Time Shenanigans going on, which seems like an awkwardly large thing to bring in this late in the fic, and a big enough part of his character that it would be hard to dodge).

    But oh my god. That orgy was everything.

    First of all, my heart MELTED when Jazz finally coaxed Soundwave into opening up a little. Because Soundwave doesn't even articulate these worries to himself. You can read it into the text around what's actually written, especially because of how wrapped up in his family he is, but he said it. And Jazz giving him comfort, aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh. That was the sweetest sex scene. And then Soundwave opened up the mindlink. Oh my god. That's one of the hottest things I've read in ages. The slow burn of cassettes being folded into the link, Jazz asking for more, him being so overwhelmed, all the joy and happiness coming from the cassettes. Just. Oh my god. All the distinct reactions. The contrast between Ravage's initial, persistent hostility and his contentment here. The exuberance from Frenzy and Rumble, and them getting busy themselves while they're in the link with the others, and everything echoing back and forth. Buzzsaw and Laserbeak, and the pleasure pushing the pain aside for her. Just. Holy shit, man. This was so good.

    And also, I kind of wonder if it's really possible for Ravage, Laserbeak, and Buzzsaw to do interface in any other way? Because this flavor of interface is all about getting inside someone's plating, and their plates are so small! I'd be worried about Frenzy and Rumble too, but clearly they can take care of each other (and do). But bird/cat anatomy is a lot less conducive to sexing up other cybertronians, and seems like it would make self-service pretty tricky too. And all six of them and Jazz, with all the sensation and pleasure echoing back and forth!!! I'm so happy to have the sexy poly family confirmed, with Jazz happily in the mix, and that was as hot a sex scene as I could have ever asked for.
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  15. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    i mean i am SUPER excited for where the plot is going don't get me wrong but i cannot stop re-reading the sex scene. i just?? it's not even just everything i wanted, it was what i didn't even know i wanted in the first place. the trust, the gentleness, the intensity, the checking in??

    there's never been so much honesty and.... not equality but balance, i guess? in their weird fucked up relationship as there was in that scene and the bathing scene before it. like. they want such different things and their situation is so fucked up and there's so much they can't say out loud but they understand each other and they care so much about each other regardless??? just fuck me up

    AND THE SYMBIOTES....!!! when was the last time they got to experience that, do you think? the only person soundwave explicitly mentions having been intimate with is megatron, and those were coerced and all about megatron's pleasure, not soundwave's. and there's no way he and megatron would ever have done what he did with jazz.

    but like. who besides megatron would he ever take to bed? he has an almost universal disdain and/or dislike for his fellow decepticons, and a reputation for frigidity, and pretty much everyone is scared of him. honestly, i feel like the last time soundwave got laid consensually and let his symbiotes in might have been like. before the war.

    ANYWAY i'm so happy for these tiny little mechs and their big ol' vicarious poly orgy :') they finally got the goods

    (the TRUST......!!!)
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
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  16. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    casual reminder that TGWP is so good, what the fuck, how did a slave-kink LJ anonymous kinkmeme fill turn into this incredible novel length sexy political thriller/romance, what the fuck

    (i'm re-reading it again)

    (what the fuck)
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  17. Petra

    Petra space case

    That was A+ good update, mmmm, that's some good shit.

    Actually really surprised Thundercracker left Fireflight, though, especially considering that he had no way to ensure Megatron would keep him alive or wouldn't, uh, keep him for himself. Really surprised. Suspiciously surprised. Guess he might not want to drag FF into a warzone, but still sketchy.
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  18. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I'm so conflicted about this plot point! I love it, because protecting Fireflight mmmaybe hopefully. But also I wish he'd taken Fireflight with him, because goshdarn do I ship it. I wish wish wish we had an insight into his POV, so we could know how mjuch of this was expedience/practicality/being ordered to come alone, and how much his personal feelings and judgment factored into things. I want to know moreeeeeeeee my shipper's heart can't handle this.

    But also, I have some dreadful suspicions that Megatron is going to use Skyfire to try to hurt Starscream. Maybe with Soundwave on duty to watch, record, and broadcast the whole thing. I don't want Skyfire to suffer, but... also I am a sucker for angst. IF I am reasonably assured of a happy ending, but I just can't judge how happy the endings are likely to be for some of my problematic faves in this story :C
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  19. Petra

    Petra space case

    Yeah! The thing is leaving FF behind might not be protecting him. Megatron might not have noticed how much TC cared about FF, in which case FF will probably just be sent back to earth, reunite with his gestalt, and be not so physically comfortable (for a given value of the word!) but be emotionally and mentally healthier. But I'm scared something nastier might happen, because Megatron is a sadist.
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  20. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Yeah, me and Spock were talking and it seems like Skyfire and Fireflight are the most likely to get made an example of, but I just wouldn't put it past Megatron to line up the slaves of everyone who took off, set Soundwave to record, and...well. Terrible bonus points if he then ships them off as spiterewards to truly horrific people like Shockwave
    • Like x 4
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