Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

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  2. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

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  3. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    A horror story from a half awake brain: Swerve and Misfire shoot-out
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  4. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I can actually keep up a decent pace with liveblogging if I believe in myself
    Dark Cybertron: Prelude and an OP cover? *SIGHS SIGHS SIGHS*
    awwwww Waspinator hi!
    oh my gosh I feel so bad for the poor buglet. Can I hug him?
    Nooooooo don't be mean to him. Don't make him do difficult things he doesn't look too keen on doing!!
    Here we go again. Orion Pax, professional narrator.
    "Perhaps this Question must remain in the realm of poets and philosophers. Not a warrior." Y'know, OP, Megatron managed to be all three of these things. Step up your game.
    "For today - as everyday-... the universe needs me to save it not understand it." This statement is alarming in many different ways. Many, many different ways.
    Thank you Hardhead.
    "It's not a trap if you know you're walking into it." Yes but if it's the third not-a-trap you are walking into, you are still stupid.
    ... That's. Sick. But fascinating. About the small organics Jhiaxus turned into small cybertronians (?). Jhiaxus what the fuck. (No but seriously who lets Jhiaxus do things? He's like a walking scientific ethics violation holy shit)
    wooooo architectural history less- WHAT THE FUCK
    well at least that seems to have actually stopped it omg
    "Nothing like this's ever happened before" THEN WHY WAS SHOOTING OFF HIS ARM YOUR FIRST REFLEX
    yes THANK you Orion Pax
    ... well I mean it IS awfully stupid of OP to call Monstructor components "monster" but I mean...
    Hardhead seriously please respect his decision to return to his old name it's getting cringeworthy
    OP you can't just raise every titan you come across all willynilly that's bullshit.
    whaaaaaat does "Pax Cybertronia" meaaaaaaaan again?
    Pax.... you are just straight up pulling that out of your ass aren't you? Goddammit
    Well that is... almost badass. Almost.
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  5. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    [Gestures wildly to Titans Return]

    I forget the context here but it's the name of the peace accord ending the Autobot-Decepticon war. Whiiiich has some premonition/prophecy stuff about it in earlier IDW comics... from Jhiaxus, referencing Nova's ideals.
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  6. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

  7. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

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  8. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oh! I was just backreading the thread for another hit of issue 55 feels, and I missed this the first time around. If this is one of your big hangups, it's not a problem in the series anymore! It stops being a thing by the end of Dark Cybertron. Which, tbh, was a huge relief to me, because it was suuuuuuuch a thing in phase one, and it just got really depressing after a while.
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  9. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    well, that's one way of putting it...
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  10. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    I've been thinking about skipping straight to season 2 of exRID, honestly - I read DC - but I don't know exactly how much I'd miss? I just can't take it, I get six pages in and have to put it down.
  11. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    That would actually be a pretty easy thing to do! Season two changes focus in a major way. Season one is alllllllllll about those Cybertronian politics and autobot/decepticon tensions, but season two starts off with Thundercracker on earth, and largely focuses on earth/outer space shenanigans. As long as you have a rough idea of where things stand on Cybertron (Starscream in charge, Windblade doing her thing, etc), it shouldn't be hard to follow at all. Plus there's always the wiki or the thread to fill in holes if you're confused with something to do with a character or plot point! And as much as I love Cybertron and scheming and all that, I honestly enjoy post-DC exRiD a lot more. Plus the art gets a lot more streamlined, which improves my reading experience a lot.
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  12. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    I'll probably do that then! I don't mind politics but just like. The meanness of everyone was just killing me.
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  13. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Also sorry for double post but I just read 56 (i somehow missed that it was out for like. five days??? idek.) Cross posting my tumblr liveblog again.

    Size Kink 2: The Kinkening

    On the one hand yay Red Alert and Fort Max! On the other, oh no my hard won robot facial recognition skills will now be useless.

    Awww, Red.

    …oh my god this comic is fucking dragging itself so hard. “Who talks like this?” Indeed. I cackled.

    I love that the word “boundaries” was used and Max is immediately like “oh yeah whoops my bad”.

    Are those Rorschach blots in the portal Red Alert is looking at? Clever!

    THANK YOU for calling out that “taking over their bodies” shit, Christ.

    (Still haven’t read exrid so I have no clue what Prowl did to deserve getting kicked. Although, according to the fandom, I’ve picked up it’s (in a loving tone of voice) “fucking everything, my garbage son”. :P)

    Oh my god. One full page and I can tell why everyone has that reaction. Whyyyy. Why this.

    Oh man, so people now know about the killswitch. Good to have confirmation!

    What on earth??? I don’t understand anything happening on this page. I’ve looked it over like five times. Outrigger gets slashed and then… ???? these action lines make no sense.

    “he killed 23 people and not all of them deserved it” prowl. honey. no.

    “my contact - my friend - my old friend” are u talking about Chromedome here Prowl. I’m getting some very exes vibes off of this line.

    what. what the fuck. I am so confused????

    edit: I also missed the note that Titans Return comes first. GJ self. Hopefully reading that will unconfuse me some.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
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  14. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    This actually dates back to phase one! After the autobots captured Shockwave, Fort Max was made the warden in charge of Garrus-9, which is pretty much the most hardcore autobot maximum security prison. There was a big coordinated decepticon push across all the battlefronts, initiated by Starscream and [traitor]. While one force of decepticons was making their assault on Garrus-9, Overlord (who had just flipped Megatron the double bird) waltzed in and was like MY CITY NOW. As the warden, at the mercy of Overlord, a bunch of decepticons, and a bunch of freed decepticon prisoners, Fort Max was... yeah, it was not good. On the other hand, now I have a wonderful sweet max and hella overlord header for my tumblr mobile page!

    Fort Max's big grievance is that Prowl knew this had happened... and it still took him three years to send any help. That part is the plot of Last Stand of the Wreckers. Max is a little bit traumatized by the whole thing. He's doing much better now than he was after coming out of his coma, but I'm sure it's still pretty rough.

    edit: WHOOPS, forgot the bit where the Wreckers weren't actually sent there to help Fort Max at all, they just happened to trip across his dismembered body while they were on their actual fetch quest. Y'know, I'm not sure Max actually knows about that part, or how it would affect his dealings with Prowl

    (there are other Prowl shenanigans that get covered in post-DC exRiD and Sins Of The Wreckers, but I don't think Max cares that much about that stuff)
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
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  15. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Fort Max was warden of Garrus-9, an Autobot highsec prison also used for... less-than-ethical experiments. (Thanks, Jhiaxus and Prowl!) By rules of narrative conservation, a lot of shit went down here in earlier comics, and basically all of it boils down to "Prowl convinced OP to do something questionable For The Greater Good and it backfired horribly".

    Aaaand then Overlord took the planet, slaughtered almost everyone, and kept point-one-percenter Max around as a plaything.

    Prowl apparently didn't think recovery of a point-one-percenter worth the risk of taking on Overlord, and left Max to rot for fuck knows how long three years apparently. Max (comatose and half-dead) is incidentally picked up by the Wreckers... who Prowl sent in to recover information, not, yknow, the guy who could've gone toe-to-toe with the Phase Sixers.

    So Max is holding a bit of a grudge.

    edit: wwwwhoops, Spock got there first :'D
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
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  16. aetherGeologist

    aetherGeologist Well-Known Member

    Finally got around to reading the latest comics

    I was kind of sceptical going into this one knowing it was mainly about Fort Max and Red Alert as they've not been the most well developed characters in this series but no. I love them now.
    Sleep driving
    Ok, Max had a conversation with Rung the other day. That means we're almost certainly still in the six week period before the messages from the necroplanet come through.

    How did this make me feel sympathetic towards PROWL?
    In four panels?

    Outrigger's brilliant. They're all brilliant.
    ...and now he's being attacked by Sentinel, who is a head. And who also manages to establish himself as really creepy in his first page.

    'Not all of them deserved it'. That's pretty surprising from Prowl. How hard was he hit again?

    Ok, I was wrong about the timeline then. I wonder if we'll see the the return of Team Rodimus as part of the event? I kind of hope not, I'd like it to see the focus it deserves...

    Did no one remember that titans have laser eyes? I'm pretty sure the ones in dark cybertron had laser eyes.

    I wonder what the halfbreeds sentinel mentions in his rant are?

    He is fused into a brain. That's kind of wrong, and by kind of I mean extremely.

    Red Alert :( . I'm pretty sure this is some kind of remote mind control since that was brought up earlier, but even so...

    Sentinel again, and I think I might be reading these in the wrong order. Oops. This has to be the attack Prowl mentioned in 56 though.

    Flashback to the Lost Light! And Ravage!

    Are those nibbles decepticon symbols? ...did Megs make them himself?
    I would be so happy if the mtmte cast's involvement in this crossover was just them arguing about the backstory. So happy.
    Thank you Cyclonus for at least trying to defuse things
    Not a proper prime - well, if he's a head and no one knew, would the matrix have been in his body or his host's body? Does it actually matter either way?
    Rewind, maybe don't refer to Megatron as outright evil when he's sitting right next to you. There's such a thing as politeness
    Well, of course he didn't steal the head. The head escaped on its own. I'm sure this would have been a shocking twist if I'd read them in the right order.

    Hang on. I know I'm not really up to date with the other series but Autobot City? On Earth? Really?
    Earth is a colony?
    Do all the primes just eventually go ridiculously power mad? Probably best that Rodimus broke the matrix when he did.

    I ship Starscream <3< Windblade really hard now

    Yeah, I don't think that approval is a good sign.

    Hmm. Sentinel leaves Cybertron alone and arrives on Earth. He then arrives on Luna 1 with a follower, but there's no indication of what happened in between. Have I missed something or have we just not seen it yet?

    I know we've left Megatron and consent talk way behind now, but I'd love to see a fic where Starscream finds out about Rodimus being in a relationship with him and tries to intervene because he genuinely doesn't want anyone to go through what happened to him, but Rodimus just assumes it's another plot.
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  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity



    Oh my god, I have a mighty need

    Gahhhhhhhhh now I'm trying to figure out a decent way where I can have that kind of emotional setting but with Starscream and Rodimus banging (because PRIORITIES). I do love me some megarod, but it would be hard to wrangle a casual sextime between Starscream and Rodimus if Rodimus has emotionally latched onto Megatron. Maybe a setting where Starscream assumes Megatron is taking advantage of Rodimus or is going to, like happened with him? HMMM. But the transition between 'FUK U STARSCREAM 420 YOLO' to tender lovemaking would be tough. And Starscream's hostiledefensive 'I AM 100% FINE THERE IS NO WAR IN BA SING SE' makes it even tougher :T But I've been wanting to poke at this rarepair anyways. And. HMMMM.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
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  18. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    ...I mean, my first thought was "threesome," but it would probably take a lot to convince a terrified Starscream to get anywhere near Megs' berth.
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  19. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oh my god, I would love to wrangle that threesome ♡(ŐωŐ人)

    It would definitely be tricky though. HMM. Maybe if I manage the Rodimus/Starscream first, and then have Megatron try courting Rodimus? Maybe with a moirail for Starscream on the side (and/or a kismesis) for extra emotional support? I will have to give this some very serious thought
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
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  20. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Okay, nope, still confused just in the "previously on" because. Last MTMTE issue megs definitely went back on the never harm thing. I suppose maybe this was written before? idk.

    Okay dude, whoever you are, you are a zealot-y douchebag.

    Also I appreciate the comic giving me faces, names, and roles. I will need them.

    Is that... Megatron? What the hell is up with this art? It's super-Brutalist Megatron. I'm not opposed to it, it's just a big change from Badass Trying To Be Friendly Grandpa Megatron.

    Oh my god. "I apologize for being late. I spent too long trying to think of reasons not to come." That is becoming a reaction image now, I don't make the rules, sorry. This whole page is gold. Strike that, this whole section is gold. (And Megs. I love you, you are my favorite, I am covered in Megatron Stan Trash, but like. Ya gotta face up to what you did. You don't have to like it but you can't constantly avoid it.)

    Okay, there's a Titan on earth? cool. And it obeys Optimus who I am told through mild spoilers is not making the best decisions? Supported by Soundwave here saying that (thank you for naming robots I'm unfamiliar with comic). I'm sure this will end well.

    Ooooookay. That light show is. Something. (So that's Megatron, I thiiiiink Drift, Windblade? I think? and I have no idea who else.)

    Okay, Sentinel. You really are a fucker.

    Also I love the shadow of Megatron that still really obviously hangs over Starscream. Also Kaon is back? Hmmmm.

    Eyyyyy Windblade! Fab badass lady!

    Aaaand now Sentinel is on Cybertron. Okay, now I'm in order again.

    That crossover thing confused the hell out of me. Those pages were way too busy and talky.
    • Like x 4
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