Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Of course, the Thirteen being contemporary historical figures and only one (known) copy of the Matrix Of Leadership existing, we have no proof that Micronus was capable of integrating the Matrix... which is said to have been in the hilt of Prima's sword at the time anyway, Nova being the first (known) loony to stick a glowy rock in his chest.

    I would probably commit actual murder scream a lot for an official IDW history/lorebook. This surprises no one :P
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  2. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    DJSD: hunting down decepticons for posting online about the things that happened to them during the war. Because um?? ? You shouldn't really be posting about those things where people can see it? If you want to work through your trauma, like, ew, why would you want to post that in public? Even if you're coping, you should have the decency to keep that hidden away from everyone else, yikes.

    Bonus: Imagine Tarn cry-typing

    i jsut wa nt meagatron t o noticceme?? ? hwy ar eyou be ujing so mea n i jusst do'nt get it?????
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  3. Petra

    Petra space case

    Something that would be hilarious would be if Micronus was the prime for Devisiun and people assumed they were tiny bc twins but NOPE.
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  4. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    now i'm not sayin anything in particular but
    p15_13 copy~2.jpg
    i'm just. puttin that out there, along with "you'll make Prime one day for sure"
    i'm just. sayin.
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  5. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I read my entire way through a 300k fic that, ostensibly, was supposed to be about Starscream. It was not. It was a 300k fanfic about a bunch of characters loosely linked around Starscream, which was cool, and then there was some guy wearing Starscream's body playing the role of sad, scared, uke. I read the entire thing. The entire thing.

    So if anyone has some Starscream specific longfic recs, that would be fab. I'm probably gonna trawl through the previously linked stuff too, I just. Why did this happen to me.
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  6. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I know I've linked it in the not-too-distant past, but Delicacy is suuuuper Starscream-centric, and has him being a competent, proud, effective asshole, who remains himself even in the face of a lot of trauma. Potential downsides include the whole forced breeding thing. A plus for me, a minus for lots of people. Optionally, jumping to chapter 7 skips the breeding part of the breeding (but not the egg laying), and the egg laying itself isn't very human-y (the eggs come out of the top of their chests). And Vir.Rabbit.D isn't Starscream-centric (and also isn't finished), but he's there throughout, and he's definitely Starscream, and he gets a glooooorious sex scene with Grimlock near the end. Potential downsides include a sex drug virus thing, with implied future breeding, though that doesn't show up in the story as yet. I apparently have a thing for Starscream and breeding specifically, sorry :V
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  7. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Delicacy was actually what kicked off my uh, Starscream kick! I will check out Vir.Rabbit.D though.

    (And in return I give you Consequence, which is an OP/Starscream TFA fic in an alternate universe where OP became a bounty hunter instead. And it is wonderful, and clever, and reminded me a bit of TGWP in regards to the political maneuvering.)
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  8. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ahhhh, I had a tab for that and lost it and couldn't remember the title, so this is excellent!! I'm going to start that tomorrow at the gym! :DDDD
  9. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    (psst, @WinkWonk, when you feel up to it, you should definitely yell about your favorite characters, plot points, moments, ships, any of that! Especially problematic faves. I can guarantee there is at least one person on here who will 100% definitely absolutely be interested in yelling about these things with you :DDDDDDD)
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  10. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    omg what the fuck, i had avoided reading vir.rabbit.d cause i thought it would squick me, but holy shit, i just finished it and not only did it not squick me, but. SPOCK..... YOU WERE NOT LYING ABOUT THAT GRIMLOCK/STARSCREAM SCENE............. *fans self delicately*
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  11. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I KNOW, RIGHT? I found my way to the fic through a commission larrydraws did for a future grimlock/starscream scene, and I was like okayyyyy, I'll skim it, I just need to know how that's going to happen. But then there was the scene with Brawl and the constructicons. And then there was the scene with Megatron on skype. And then the shower scene. And it was all a slow, sexy burn of ohhh no no no, I'm invested now. I really need to go back and reread now that I know all these characters much better.

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  12. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    GOODNESS GRACIOUS!!!!! i do believe my stomach just went all swoopy..... this is DANGEROUS....... LOOK AT THAT POSITION, LOOK AT THOSE CLAW MARKS, LOOK AT THAT FACE......

    the megatron skype call was just. incredible. fucking. "Guess."
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  13. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oh my god, I just had to (very very very very) reluctantly put this down so I could get back to work. And. OH MY GOSH???? This is so good!!!!! I'm not even that deep, but I'm already shipping OP and Starscream so hard, and this is far and away the best emotional in I've found into TFA Starscream's character, which is gr8, because it always bugged the heck out of me that there was a version of Starscream I couldn't get emotionally overinvested in. I am in love with this story so far.
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  14. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    I've been picking at both RiD2015 and TFA for awhile now. Last night TFA got good enough that I binged the rest of the way through season one on accident.
    TFA is definitely a more interesting show then RiD for me. It's got a nice mix of silly, good character stuff and drama. I honestly wish I liked RiD better because the animation is good, but there just isn't much to latch onto beyond the first few episodes.
    - Back to TFA - Sari is a really good human for the show. She's right in the center of the narrative, she's the heiress of a big robotics company that provides many of the plots, her Key Ex Machina makes her valuable to the team, she gets the autobots to do silly human things like experience halloween and go camping (also very important to the show). Miko from Prime is definitely her spiritual successor. Also, her dad has Megatron's head in his lab for the entire season, this gets him major points even though he's a sad hamster of a man.

    - The Villains: They are so much fun! Prime's villains definitely were more believable, but the TFA squad has more fun. Even though the Decepticons aren't in as many episodes, their personalities really shine through. I love how Blitzwing and Lugnut play off of each other, they are definitely besties (Blitzwing shifting between old timey german intellectual and Arnold Schwarzenegger is my favorite thing). All the bad guys chew the scenery like no one's business. Starscream in particular is sillier and much less tragic then I've seen him before, he finds the scenery particularly tasty, I love the simplicity of him.

    - The Black Arachnid episode was amazing and tragic, she had a good super villain backstory that kinda reminded me of Demona from Gargoyles. I think she's going to be better here then she was in Prime.

    - Still have hard time taking Optimus seriously anytime he's in profile. His chin juts out like a squid's head.
    - When he and Sentinal are in the same frame, I keep thinking that they are going to start dueling with their massive chins

    - The Primes being captains instead of hugely important quasi-religious figures is pretty jarring. Sentinel Prime is a self centered jock AND Optimus' frenemy from their college days, and it cracks me up.

    - Nice to see that Ultra Magnus is still taking cues from impulsive bots that are much smaller than him. I swear, Jazz was the only sane one on that giant ship from Cybertron.

    - Anytime Prowl is on screen is a joy and a pleasure. Everything he does is perfect. Stop teasing him, Bumblebee, he just wants to be one with nature! I hope he and Jazz become best buds/I ship them. TFA and G1 Prowl could not be more different... He's such a gentle soul and I love him.

    - MEGATRON IS SO CUTE! I can't believe he manages to be both menacing and adorable. He doesn't have a big chin and he's got the cutest kitty nose-
    I can see why Ray likes this version so much, I need to dig up a plushie of him asap.

    Hopes for the future - A Lugnut and Blitzwing episode, just let them be Team Rocket for 10 minutes.
    - Starscream wakes up in some precarious situation after the last time we saw him when Megs electrocuted him for 30 seconds (he missed the whole finale and it was sad).
    - Jazz joins the squad :D
    - All the wild theories that Bulkhead and Bumblebee came up with about Sari's mysterious origins should come true.
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  15. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Also, you better not be a non-decepticon with any purple parts because tbh thats???? like????? appropriation of decepticon culture????
    Seriously though, these are actually hilariously terrifying, bless you :') Thank you for the beautiful mental images!
    Ahhh, I'm super excited for it ;-; You are spoiling me! And please, don't rush yourself, okay? Take all the time you need. I'm sure it's gonna turn out amazing!
    And yes! I think I might have gone through it a little too fast, which is why I definitely need to re-read it some day now that I have some idea of the characters and mythology, so that I can appreciate all the foreshadowing and little details instead of speeding through because I wanted to know what happens next. And a lot of the art is so pretty and detailed it really deserves to be savoured!
    Oh!! Thank you! Suddenly, that explains a lot of my confusion. Re-reading it now, #56 makes a LOT more sense!
    I don't even know where to start! I am still entirely too overwhelmed by these robot feels so for now my reply would just be wild gesturing and weird urgent noises. There is such a great array of problematic faves to choose from as well so I'm just sitting here like sabrina_pancakes.gif
    I can already say that I adore pretty much all the canon ships though! I still can't believe just how openly, explicitly canon they are, and I'm so so happy ;o;

    Alrighty, back to catching up with the thread!
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2016
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  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    OH, one extra detail that wasn't expliiiiicitly in the comic, but was confirmed by the creators in an interview: Chromedome and Prowl used to be more than just friends. I love this detail so so much, it makes everything to do with these two hurt so good :3

    (and to complicate the Titans Return mess even more, there was apparently an additional titans return BOOKLET that got handed out at San Diego comic con, and I guess that's where Sovereign gets introduced or whatever. I still have no actual idea about what goes down in this thing :P)
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  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Holy shit, you guys. Issue 51? In this thread? On page twenty fricking eight. We have done SO much talking about these silly giant robots.
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  18. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    *Conversation about Minis
    It's hard to say if Tailgate is mini or not? I've been wondering this for awhile. Minicons/Minibots are usually the same height as humans (I know this is the case in the older stuff and in RiD animated). Tailgate, Swerve, Rewind and the other 'minis' on board the lost light are bigger then that, but I'm not sure how much bigger?

    I would kill to find a side by side height comparison to say, Fixit and Tailgate.
  19. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Minicons are the size of humans. Minibots are about half the size of an average height cybertronian or shorter.
  20. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Wait, I thought minicons were Decepticons and Minibots were Autobots???
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