Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    I wonder if post-war there's a lot of confusion around those names.
  2. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    Optimus is making Starscream sad and I am not equipped to handle this

    I already had one starscream/op fic yank the rug out from under me really upsettingly. Can anyone tell me if that's going to happen here? I can deal if it does, I just need to be emotionally braced for it :c

    (and I think I've sorted out the shades of characterization to write tfa starscream properly. he's always a balance between self-preservation, power-seeking, and pride, and tfa just tips the balance really fricking hard in the direction of pride)
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  3. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    It has A Moment where things get really upsetting BUT after OP shoces his foot in his mouth like an ass, things get better. And he starts taking Starscream more seriously and treating him more like an equal.
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  4. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Come one, Come all to the FINAL Transformers Prime stream of the summer! We'll be kicking off with a the Season Finale for prime, a 65 minute TV movie. There'll be robot dragons, zombies, spiders, robozombiespiders, possibly zombiedragons, as well as the main combatents, joined together for one epic confrontration in the Ruins of dear old Cybertron. Will our heros be able to revive the planet this time? FIND OUT AT 5:30pm! (PDT) (roughly a half hour) (stream, as always, will be with text chat on and subtitles)
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  5. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    i am 99.999% sure i know what fic you're talking about because SAME, if it's that TFP one?? i got to the end and was like. "wait for fucking real?? thats the last chapter??? what the fucking fuck"
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  6. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    With the temporary memory loss? Because I WAS SO UPSET!!!! I came here to have a good time, and honestly I'm feeling so heartbroken right now :( I'm all for looking at abuse and its effects and having melancholy endings, but. You don't get to play things all openly sweet and optimistic until WHOOPS LAST MINUTE TURNAROUND, everything is sad now forever, kthxbaiiiiiii

    But yeah, I was genuinely, deeply upset after finishing that story, and I'm still fairly unhappy I was tricked into reading it in the first place :P

    (on the other hand, Consequence is gr9. I could do with some more romantic mooning over each other, but the plot is awesome and I could always do with more mooning in the fics I read)
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2016
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  7. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    that's the one!!! i was!! so hopeful!! i was enjoying it so much! and then the last chapter was just. a terrible gutpunch, and i had faith!! i like that author, and i had faith that they were hurting me for a reason, like 'ah yes, starscream is going back to be abused by megatron, but ha! i know this trick. next chapter optimus will come find him and they will Work Things Out, and starscream will get to be Happy For Once. thought you could fool me, fanfic!!'

    and then. that was it. that was it, there was no next chapter, it was just the most out-of-nowhere downer ending!!! i was so fucking upset!!!!

    (also i am so glad you're reading consequence, that fic is SO SO GOOD...... blurr is my favourite forever, and also starscream, and also ninja prowl, and also all of them??)

    edit: OH FUCK IT WAS MLLEMUSKETEER??? how could they betray me like this
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2016
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  8. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that was! so good! oh my GOD do i miss that longfic high!

    So first, omg, between this and TBSHTC, I am b l e s s e d with TFA fic that gives all my minor character faves all the love and attention they deserve. Blurr! RODIMUS, PRECIOUS! The Jazz/Prowl dynamic!!!!!!! Not gonna lie, for the longest time, I thought that Jazz was the original commander the ship had who died, and that's why Prowl was so touchy about it. And I was sad! Because TFA Prowl keeps making me sad! And not the fun angrysad of the IDW shitchild. But then he showed up and he was JAZZ and I love him so and Prowl also loves him so and they're so cuuuuuuuuuute

    (also, Long Haul was such a good when he was bantering with Bumblebee. Precious construction child. Worm your way deeper into my heart)



    Wow, I, uh. Didn't notice how thirsty I was for trine dynamics until this happened. But goddang am I thirsty for trine dynamics. And this? OH MY GOD, THIS? Holy shiiiiiiit man. My cheeks hurt from grinning. I've been cackling to myself all afternoon. I still have the doofiest smile on. And they even included Starscream's old trine too! Okay so, I... have issues with focus and attention, so I completely missed the Megatron/Optimus label at the beginning, first of all. And then when Optimus is like 'ayup, time to bond with Megatron' and was mean to Starscream, that's when I came over here to yowl about ships. But I also went back to the beginning to look at the tags and make sure I hadn't been led astray. And there was Optimus/Starscream,yes. And Optimus/Megatron.


    Just, ahhhhhhhhhh, the plot was great, and it's the kind of plot-plot that gets me double extra stoked about the romantic content, the same way that TGWP does. And this has less romance than TGWP, but hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Oh man. I was still passionately invested, especially in the Starscream/Optimus side of things

    And!!!! The twist!!!! Like in TBSHTC, with the True Prime bait and switch! STARSCREAM is the political leader, Megatron is the military leader, and Optimus gets walk in both worlds and on the religious side of things, and be the glue that holds everything together! I AM SO PLEASED. Even if the ending didn't explore this too thoroughly, this is the BEST. It is better than I could have hoped for, and I'm still kind of reeling that this is the direction the story took it. Especially with all of the worry and heartache on Starscream's end about how the Airlords have been totally shafted, and he's expecting Optimus to leave him out to hang too, and it'll fuck everyone over in the process.

    I just. I genuinely had never expected to read such a thoughtful take on TFA Starscream, and the fact that it happened in such a creative, worldbuild...ed setting, with one of my most favorite rarepairs, with trines... Yeah, this all still feels super unreal in the best way possible. I feel hella inspired to work on starscream trinefic now. I'll have to see about getting in with that as soon as I clear at least the silly overlord fic and the palestuck exchange. Just. HOO. WHAT A RIDE.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2016
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  9. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Starscream/Optimus is giving Megatron/Optimus some reeeeeeeaaaaaal stiff competition for being my favorite TFA OP ship, that's all I'm saying.
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  10. Petra

    Petra space case

    SEE I THOUGHT THIS TOO. But they're two different size classifications. Although I think it's been said Nickel is technically a minicon, so??
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  11. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

  12. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

  13. Petra

    Petra space case

    Well, bless their hearts.
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  14. aetherGeologist

    aetherGeologist Well-Known Member


    If you wrote this I would be delighted to draw some illustrations, if that was ok with you?

    And yeah, a setting where Starscream assumes Megatron was going to take advantage of Rodimus was kind of what i was aiming at? After #54 Rodimus has latched on to Megs pretty hard, and I don't think it would take much for Starscream to pick up ont hat dynamic (especially if it's after Rodimus painted himself purple)
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  15. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

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  16. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Let's take them and run
    Come up with better backstories

    eta: put some more flesh and backstories there
    Megaempress: That's actually a nickname, but who even knows what her original name was. And who cares! You'd think she's a Mean Girl Queen Bee with a Posse, and maybe she is, but damn if she doesn't have dirt on everyone. She originally worked in public relations and it shows - she can talk you into the ground and make you comply to her demands and think they're reasonable. Megatron is not stupid, but he really has no skill for actual politics. Too much of an idealist, at heart. Megaempress is the politician, and actually Starscreams tutor in that regard.
    And if that fails, she can still crush you.
    Her entourage is a hand-picked group of people of high potential, who would benefit from someone taking them under their wing.
    Thinking she is Megatron's SO and trophy wife is a common mistake, and a surefire sign for her that she can play you like a fiddle.

    Lunaclover and Moonheart are prime gossips. They have a flashy and loud act - they're heard. This is a ruse. They can be quiet, but no one (except Megaempress, and Flowspade who is onto them) knows that. They're hot shit and they know it. And primus beware if you touch either sister, then you'll get hell to pay. Because, in the beginning? They came from the dredges. And they learned to fight to survive, and then they realized they could fight for fun, too. And that there's nothing greater than making someone underestimate you, make someone think they understood you, and then show them just how wrong they were.
    Lunaclover flirts with anything that moves and is a very technically inclined person, able to judge the physical and dynamic intricacies of a frame or an environment at barely a glance. The more utilitarian a frame, the more attractive it is to her.
    Moonheart is artistic, and can be mistaken for quiet and only getting pulled along by Lunaclover. Her hobby is collecting pictures and memorabilia of, well, everyone. Her candid shots are a currency, and show both her knack for composition, and spywork. They're also overpriced.

    was sent as a spy, but really, she was interested in that group beforehand. She is proud, fiercely so, and respects Megaempress for her subtle skills, and the rest for their efficiency even though they're not nearly as graceful as they could be, primus damn it. Lunaclover and Moonheart especially, those girls are (rage noises). Her fighting style is built on speed, dodging, and death of a thousand cuts, and don't think you'll notice even half of them. Or that they come in quick succession. Because between her pride and speed, she's patient. It anoys her to no end, but it's a skill she has.
    With all her previous friends dead in a raid, and mistrusted for surviving, Flowspade, in the end, yearns for a new crew, someone to accept her the way she is, proud and fast and patient and subtle and lonely.

    Trickdiamond is a lore nerd. She's the one who can decipher the ancient warnings, and knows exactly how to ignore them that the unleashed doom doesn't hit her. But let it just rust there? That's just a travesty. She's also the type to strike up friendly conversation with unleashed dooms, to learn more of it. Megaempress was a bit of a surprise, but a good one. Trickdiamond does not really care for anyone save herself, in the long run. But as long as you're still useful to her, or have knowledge she's interested in, she tries.
    She knows some people, from her lore nerdiness, from research in the deepest edges of the systems and libraries, but those who don't know when to stop end up dead. People are wary of her, if they know, and dismissive if they don't know just how deep the rabbit hole goes with her.

    Megatronia is a bit... well. Obviously powerful and potentially dangerous? Take on a name that outrageously flatters the boss and dare anyone to say anything, duh. Her fighting style is "effortless domination", enabled by Megaempress' character judgement, Lunaclover's frame and environment evaluation, Moonheart's eye for details, Flowspade's speed, and whatever aces Trickdiamond had hidden away. Combined or not, they are a force to be reckoned with.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
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  17. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    I mean, why is it that female characters need to be reduced to love interests? Even those slightly bland and off-the-shelves blurbs give so much potential.

    Being the wife of a leader is not a cushy job, it's full of politics and maintaining image.
    Someone who can stalk a 2nd in command while being a teenager obviously has the skills to hide and cover her tracks and not get caught.
    And you can't tell me Trickdiamond wouldn't be all over Call of Cthulhu.

    But I love that the commenters on the reblogs are basically "how about lesbians tho"
    • Like x 8
  18. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    ....and I just noticed the names are all playing card suites. I'm smart.

    I mean I kinda like the 'sent to spy on you, fell in love with you instead' thing. Though the idea of calm logical Shockwave getting jealous of Megatron's girlfriend to the point where he buried her underground (but didn't kill her?) So he could go after Megatron or whatever is kind of hilarious.
    Also they combine into DECEPTIAVATAR. that's great.
    • Like x 7
  19. Petra

    Petra space case

    Yeah, there's a lot of fun ways you could spin this. Honestly the one I'm struggling with is Megempress.
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  20. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Mirrors-Heute um 18:19 Uhr
    nice. xP
    today i copied out a blurb on a book that contained the phrase 'vibratory grinding'

    IvyLB-Heute um 18:19 Uhr
    not sure if want context

    Mirrors-Heute um 18:22 Uhr
    this, btw, about sums up what i do every time i go to volunteering

    IvyLB-Heute um 18:25 Uhr
    also okay but like my robot trash hell brain literally went "this kind of scientific writing is like. thinly veiled erotica for transformers right?"

    Mirrors-Heute um 18:26 Uhr
    oh my god
    it totally is
    aw yeah look at that solid material being reduced via vibratory grinding

    IvyLB-Heute um 18:27 Uhr
    please now imagine Megatron, who, as an old miner, has some knowledge of how to break down solid materials
    calmly and amusedly reading to rodimus
    who is just
    so confused over whether this should be hot or not

    Mirrors-Heute um 18:27 Uhr
    perfect image
    this has to turn up in fic somewhere

    IvyLB-Heute um 18:28 Uhr
    I am sadly too bereft of spoons to deliver on this exciting new installation of "Megatron should stop misusing his time as Rodimus tutor to make the poor boy hot and bothered"

    Mirrors-Heute um 18:30 Uhr

    put this conversation in the TF thread and dare someone to take you up on it. xP

    IvyLB-Heute um 18:31 Uhr
    okay :P

    • Like x 7
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