shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    1f 7h3y'd 3v3n r3c0gn1z3 m3, 1'm n07 wh0 1 w45. 1'm 5upp053d 70 83 83773r 7h4n 7h15. dunn0 wh47 1'd 3v3n d0 w17h 4 ch01c3 47 7h15 p01n7, 8u7 1'll 7ry my 8357 n07 70 fuck y0u 0v3r. 8)

    1 5h0uld'v3 f0und 50m3 w4y 4r0und 17, 1 5h0uld'v3- 1 u53d 70 yuck up wh3n3v3r 1 h4d 70 cull 4ny0n3. 1'd 83 51ck f0r n1gh75 4f73rw4rd5. 8u7 7h3 w0rld5 1 c4rp3780m8, 7h3 p30pl3 1 h3lp 5u8jug473- 7h3y ju57 m4k3 m3 f33l 71r3d. 1 7ry 4nd l34rn 7h31r cul7ur35 fr0m 7h3 n0735 7h3 4n7r0llp0l0g1575 74k3 4f73r w3 74k3 0v3r, 8u7 7h47'5 45 much 70 k33p my53lf fr0m g3771ng 80r3d 45 17 15 70 k33p 7h3m fr0m 831ng f0rg0773n. 50 17 d035n'7 c0un7.

    -He smiles weakly.-

    8u7 1f y0u 3v3r, l1k3, w4n73d 70 kn0w 7h3 m4ny 4nd v4r13d c0ur71ng r17u4l5 0f 7h3 p4rv4n4551 f3d3r4710n 45 1n73rpr373d 8y 4 8unch 0f g3n0c1d4l x3n0ph0835, 1'm y0ur guy.

    0k4y, 7h3n 1'm 4 l14r. dunn0 wh47 1'd g37 0u774 ly1ng 480u7 7h47, 8u7 1'm n07 480u7 70 73ll y0u wh47 70 7h1nk.

    7h3 73rr18l3 p3r50n 7h1ng'5 l1k3ly 7ru3, 700. 8u7 1 d0n'7 r3l15h 7h3 1d34 0f 07h3r p30pl3 f33l1ng 84d. 7h3r3 4ny7h1ng 1 c4n d0 70 h3lp y0u??

    -Mituna settles down next to her, hovering a couple inches off of the ground. For-realz sitting is for plebs.-
    • Like x 4
  2. aquiliferBowdlerized

    aquiliferBowdlerized OH DEMONESS WHAT THE HELL

    [] You just,,,

    -She stops, confused.-

    [] Why should YOU give a shit??
    [] You just think you're so great. but you're not,
  3. Valiska Pines

    Valiska Pines [WT/18+] Witch of Blood Queen Courinna

    Valiska sighs. "Nobody here currently is all that impressed with themselves except Cronus in his many iterations. Burt and Bill, sure, but they don't seem to be around," she tells the younger troll. "What about anything Mituna said makes you think he is pleased with himself?"

    She turns back to Mituna. "What is the largest civilization she's conquered, and what was their technical level?" She smiles, but sadly. "Asking for a few quintillion friends."
  4. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    *smiles nervously* Uh. Yeah. So, you're not upset with me?
  5. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    dunn0. 1 g1v3 4 5h17 480u7 4 l07 0f 7h1ng5 7h47 1 m4y83 5h0uldn'7. w4n7 m3 70 84ck 0ff??

    -He frowns, considering.-

    l4rg357 1n 73rm5 0f p0pul4710n, 5h33r 51z3, 0r m1l174ry 57r3ng7h?? 83c4u53 7h053 4r3 4ll d1ff3r3n7 4n5w3r5.
  6. Valiska Pines

    Valiska Pines [WT/18+] Witch of Blood Queen Courinna

    "Why would I be upset with you?" Valiska sighs. "I couldn't be honest with you about my actual intentions or feelings at that time because Ford and I were still working things out between ourselves and it would have been wrong to share it with anyone else before we shared it with Sev himself. We wanted to be absolutely sure that we were not taking advantage of him, or trying to run from some other problem, or..." She shrugs. "Nonetheless, you would have the perfect right to be upset with me for not telling you that I had my eye on him."
  7. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    *sighs* Actually, I think you did kinda mention it once. Or gave some kinda significant look or something. Or someone else did. But I didn't take it seriously at the time.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2016
  8. I heard she doesn't even send out more than one type of soldier against any one civilization because she doesn't need to~.
    She makes them compete for the honor~.
    • Like x 1
  9. Valiska Pines

    Valiska Pines [WT/18+] Witch of Blood Queen Courinna

    "That's a very good point. I believe our technology is better than hers for the simple reason that slave societies almost always have poorer technology than free societies; if you can make someone else do work, there's no incentive to improve your technology. My impression of the Empire is that it is rather intellectually stagnant and there are not many new advances being made. We definitely have better information technology, which is saying something, and we have an expert in the use of yours as well. But there are a lot more trolls than there are Pennarines, although I do not know that she will be able to get her entire fleet where she needs it to go--that's the tricky bit."

    Valiska sighs. "If the whole fleet comes through, we can beat her with numbers and firepower alone only if we can convince our neighbours she's as much a danger to them as she is to us. But if we can hack her, we don't have to overrun her."
  10. Like, there are the archeradicators, and the cavalreapers, and ruffiannihilators, and a ton more~.
    It's a misconception that all trolls become soldiers, though, or even most, although we all technically join the military~.
    It's hard work keeping the internal structures of the empire running~!
    Teals like me know this more than most, since it's what we're supposed to do~.
    • Like x 1
  11. I mean, we're not considered good enough to be highbloods, really~.
    But we're not considered bad enough to be lowbloods~.
    So we're mostly shunted to civil servant work~.
    It's dumb~.
    I'm going to be a scientist~.
    • Like x 1
  12. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    17'5 4ll g0nn4 d3p3nd 0n h0w 53r10u5ly 5h3 74k35 y0u. 83c4u53 y34h, w3'r3 5pr34d 4ll 4cr055 7h3 v3r53 f1gh71ng 4 7h0u54nd d1ff3r3n7 l177l3 w4r5, 8u7 1f 5h3 7h1nk5 7h47 y0u'r3 4c7u4lly 4 7hr347, w3ll- 7h3r3 4r3 r350urc35 5h3 c4n dr4w 0n 7h47 y0u l1k3ly d0n'7 h4v3 4cc355 70. 7h0ugh y0u'r3 r1gh7 7h47 '1f 17 41n'7 8r0k3, d0n'7 f1x 17' 15 4 c0mm0n ph1l050phy h3r3.

    n0w, 1 d0n'7 kn0w 3x4c7ly wh3r3 y0u'r3 fr0m 4nd 1'm n07 g0nn4 ch3ck, 50 74k3 7h15 w17h 4 gr41n 0f 54l7- 8u7 5h33r num83r5?? unl1k3ly 70 w0rk 1n y0ur f4v0r unl355 y0u c0m3 fr0m 7h3 50r7 0f 50c137y wh3r3 3v3ry0n3 15 7r41n3d 1n 4nd u53d 70 c0m847. l1k3 m1n3. 4nd y0ur v4lu35 d0n'7 533m 70 83 p4r71cul4rly 1n l1n3 w17h 7h47 7yp3 0f 50c137y, 1f y0u d0n'7 m1nd m3 54y1ng. 1'd f0cu5 0n 7h3 h4ck1ng. 74rg37 7h3 h3lm5m3n. u53 my 5u8n37. f0rc3 m3 1n70 l0ckd0wn, w4l7z fr33ly 7hr0ugh my h4ll5 w17h0u7 4 c4r3 1n 7h3 fuckd4mn3d v3r53.**

    n07 7ry1ng 70 73ll y0u h0w 70 d0 y0ur j08, 7h0ugh. y0u'v3 l1k3ly pu7 4 f41r 4m0un7 0f 7h0ugh7 1n70 wh473v3r y0u 1n73nd 70 pull.

    **l0ckd0wn pr070c0l5 d0 n07 7r4p m33n4h l1k3 7h3y d0 my cr3w. m4y83 run 1n5734d 0f w4l7z.
    • Like x 3
  13. aquiliferBowdlerized

    aquiliferBowdlerized OH DEMONESS WHAT THE HELL

    [] Are you saying I'm worthless??? That no one should kare about me???
    [] What the FUKC. you,,,

    -She struggles with herself for half a second and snuffles loudly.-

    [] No,
    [] I don't cnow,
    [] Wanting things is stupid,

    [] Wow thanks for the kondeskension!!!
    [] It's super apprekated. ma'am. I love being sighed at lice a tiresome pet!!!!!
  14. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    7h47'5...p4r714lly 7ru3, y34h. 817 m0r3 c0mpl1c473d 7h4n 7h47 1n r34l17y, 4 f3w m0r3 c4v3475.

    17'5 n07 4 m15c0nc3p710n, h0w3v3r, 7h47 n34r 4ll 7r0ll5 c4n func710n 45 50ld13r5, 5h0uld 7h3y n33d 70.

    y0u'r3 r1gh7, 17 15 dum8. 7h3r3'5 4 734l x3n0810l0g157 0n 0n3 0f 7h3 5h1p5 7h47 f0ll0w m3 4r0und. 8)
    • Like x 3
  15. Aaaah~!
    That sounds so cool~!
    What are they like~?
  16. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    n0, 7h47'5 n07 wh47 1'm 54y1ng. 1'm ju57 g01ng 70 517 8y y0u f0r 4 53c, 15 7h47 0k4y??

    5h3'5 7h3 d3p4r7m3n7 h34d'5 pr073g3, 4c7u4lly. 5h3'5 v3ry 8r1gh7, 4nd g00d w17h 4 5c4lp3l. 5h3 k33p5 4l13n p375 1n h3r h1v38l0ck, 50m371m35 1 c47ch 7r4n5m15510n5 fr0m h3r 5h1p wh3n h3'5 817ch1ng 480u7 7h3 m35535 7h3y m4k3.
    • Like x 2
  17. Alien pets or pets that are aliens~?
    That's cool, that's really cool~.
    I'm not going to let myself become some stuffy noble's pet teal secretary~.
  18. twofoldAbolitionist

    twofoldAbolitionist 7h3 817ch1ng357 8477l35h1p 70 3v3r 817ch

    p375 7h47 4r3 4l13n5. n0n53n713n7.

    4nd 7h47'5-
    7h47'5 g00d. 7h47'5 4 g00d g04l.
    • Like x 1
  19. Do you know what kind they are~?
    Are they bugs~?
    Can we really call alien bugs bugs~? They're aliens~! They wouldn't have evolved the same~!
    • Like x 1
  20. aquiliferBowdlerized

    aquiliferBowdlerized OH DEMONESS WHAT THE HELL

    -She finally drops her hands from her horns to her upper arms. She nods, but deliberately doesn't look at him. Her cheeks are very brown.-

    -That was humiliating.-
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