shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Marcus Hampton

    Marcus Hampton Not Actually A Superhero |18+

    Yeah it's sort of a genuine concern. I used to donate every week but I've been banned from the clinic until I stop being anemic.
    *He points, then waggles his finger. Nope.*
    That's like, genuinely comforting so uh. Thanks for saying it.
  2. Kumari

    Kumari Well-Known Member

    feeeeeed meeeeeee. >:[
  3. Mercy

    Mercy Dr. Angela Ziegler - EMS & Former Overwatch Agent

    Well of course, unethical to do procedures or take samples against someone's will!

    There are procedures to help with that, beyond the average 'eat more iron'! I could get my Caduceus Staff?
  4. Marcus Hampton

    Marcus Hampton Not Actually A Superhero |18+

    It's uh. Sssort of a uh, side thing? Like I mean, obviously donated blood for uh, emergencies and stuff is good-- I'm a universal donor for humans at least. I mean, if the reaction between mine and Acheta's blood is anything to go by, it'd probably kill a uh. Troll?

    But like, it can be used for other stuff too. Blood borne diseases and stuff, you know? Like, curing them. I dunno, I never really got the specifics, but it's a thing.
    I mean, I dunno if that's a good idea. The last time a vampire ate from me it was uh... Violently rejected.
    Ehhhh. I mean, go for it if you want, I just don't respond well to... pretty much anything medical, really.
    • Like x 1
  5. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    Certain species here have displayed abilities that are... intriguing, if not necessarily applicable to other species. Study of their components can, however, provide insight as to the mechanics by which these abilities operate, and those mechanics might be applied-- off the top of my head, I think I've only investigated Norm's regenerative capabilities, but...

    (Your frame is quite intricate, by the way-- how difficult are all those flanges to upkeep?)

    [They spread their hands palm-out by their hips.] Glad to hear this. Do not wish to make this environment uncomfortable.
  6. Kumari

    Kumari Well-Known Member

    i'm cuuuuurious.

    have i mentioned how sad it was when i got murdered?

    -She flops out on a chair, gives him puppy dog eyes.-
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  7. Mercy

    Mercy Dr. Angela Ziegler - EMS & Former Overwatch Agent

    Oh dear that's no good, but highly interesting! Is it an antibody reaction? If medication does not react well I assume that nanomachines would not react well. Hm! Though they are like tiny little surgeons swimming in your blood, they mean well! Verdammt, I wish I could help.
  8. Marcus Hampton

    Marcus Hampton Not Actually A Superhero |18+

    Yeah, I'm sure. *His voice is dry and he rolls his eyes, making a rude gesture with his good hand.*

    I bet it'd suck to explode though. It'd be like getting murdered times two. Double murdered. The ultimate in murder experiences.
    Yeah that probably wouldn't work out very well. I sort of... purge everything. Out of my bloodstream. It's not great.
    • Like x 2
  9. Lillian S----

    Lillian S---- Disgraced Southern Belle | 18+

    Universal donor? I'm sorry, I don't know that one. For me, blood donation is fairly uncommon - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't! Does your blood have to do with why? That's very interesting! But of course I wouldn't take anything if you didn't agree - that would be quite against my oath.

    Ah, that makes more sense, though. I thought the humors nonsense - or maybe leeching, which I thought perhaps we'd finally gotten rid of - had come back around in popularity again.

    Ah, wonderful! I don't think I've quite got the equipment to do such study, more's the pity. Women aren't allowed in the premier research institutions - yet.

    My... flanges?
    -she looks down-
    Oh, my dress! It's quite difficult to upkeep, to be honest - but one must uphold the social contract in other ways if one wants to defy it by studying medicine as a woman.
    • Like x 3
  10. Call me Sev

    Call me Sev Yes, I am in fact wearing a cape (Knight of Space)

    That is very odd and also extremely unpleasant sounding.

    ...from what you're describing, it sounds like you're from a continuity where supernatural abilities are at least known, if not necessarily common. Do you know how you respond to various kinds of healing powers, as opposed to material medical intervention?
    • Like x 1
  11. Mercy

    Mercy Dr. Angela Ziegler - EMS & Former Overwatch Agent

    Oh no that's terrible. Do you know why that is?
  12. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    Women--? Ah. This is more of that... 'gendered rules' nonsense Master Schuyler spoke of earlier, isn't it? I'm sorry. I truly hope your world comes to its senses soon; personal inclinations have nothing to do with skill.

    [Silver resizes themself to match Lillian's height, stretches their wings out for a moment.]

    I suppose it makes sense that a pattern so intricate would require work, but it is aesthetically pleasing in my opinion. I'll have to see if I can't find a way to mimic-- pardon, is it alright if I take a visual scan of... [They trail off, gesturing to their own chest roughly where Lilly's cravat drapes.]
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2016
    • Like x 3
  13. Kumari

    Kumari Well-Known Member

  14. Marcus Hampton

    Marcus Hampton Not Actually A Superhero |18+

    Yeah I think I'm type O? Maybe? I mean, I might not be a 'type' at all, weird shit happens to blood when I run it through my systems so that's a thing. So it's like, partly because of actual bloodtyping and stuff, and partly because I'm... me.
    Yeah our dimension has uh, metahumans? At least that's what we're called. I know a little girl who can do like, lay on hands healing, and she doesn't mess up my systems at all, but she doesn't really help that much either.

    I can usually handle diseases and stuff on my own though. Broken bones suck, and it's not like my fingers ever came back when they got bit off, but I can deal with my own clotting and shit. It's just like, chemicals and stuff, you know? I can't drink coffee, or alcohol, or too strong of soda, and if I smoke too fast or too often I like, literally hack up a lung. It's great. Prozac did jack fuck for me too.
    Meta power junk. But I mean, I can do this, so it all pans out?

    *He opens an old cut and makes a smilie face out of blood in the air.*
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  15. Mercy

    Mercy Dr. Angela Ziegler - EMS & Former Overwatch Agent

    Oh that reminds me of one of my old p-- fellow Overwatch Members! There was a bit of an accident and he can do things like that, sort of, mostly with smoke-like nanomachine clouds but you know.
  16. Marcus Hampton

    Marcus Hampton Not Actually A Superhero |18+

    Yeah? That's pretty sick actually. I don't think I've really met a lot of people who do body things like me-- most metas are pretty physically different, or they have powers that are more like elemental things or the psi stuff that a couple trolls have mentioned.

    So that's cool.
  17. Lillian S----

    Lillian S---- Disgraced Southern Belle | 18+

    -she sighs and rolls her eyes-
    I surely hope so too.

    -she frowns at Silver's gesture-
    I quite hope you're referring to my clothing, as taking a "visual scan" of my bosom would be more than improper. I am very happily otherwise engaged, for one thing.

    Type... O? I'm so sorry, I still don't know what that means. Blood is blood is blood - it's the same, whatever mammal it comes from. Is it not like that where you're from?
    • Like x 3
  18. Mercy

    Mercy Dr. Angela Ziegler - EMS & Former Overwatch Agent

    Yes, Gabriel's powers are incredible.
    Too bad he's an ass these days.
  19. Marcus Hampton

    Marcus Hampton Not Actually A Superhero |18+

    Uh. I mean, animal blood isn't the same as human blood, and humans have different like, protein chains or something, I think? And everyone's got one of like, four types. O, A, B, and AB. And then you can be negative or positive, and that's something else, so there's like eight, actually, and all of that means stuff.

    I think, in your point of the timeline, you uh. Haven't discovered this yet.

    I rescind my cool statement, why's he gotta be an asshole?
    • Like x 1
  20. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    Neither "clothing" nor "bosom" are familiar words to me, I apologize-- I'm unsure of the term for... ah, the white panelling rooted just over what would in a bipedal root mode be the sternoclavicular joins?
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