Boat Trolls

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by jacktrash, May 25, 2015.

  1. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    bel, jethro, and sigmah are all pretty moral, though they have their not-nice moments despite that. bel doesn't really display his dickery until he gets a kismesis. the rest of them are mixed bags. but there are no through-and-through bastards until cloris, who is going to get a faceful of angry well-armed bel pretty soon unless she pulls an impressive disappearing act in the next roughly 12 hours gametime, so... might not be your thing. i don't really have a good handle on what you like so it's hard to say for sure.
  2. BPD anon

    BPD anon Here I sit, broken hearted

    I don't have a 100% handle on what I like either lol. I'm slowly trying to look at what makes me go "oh god no" and "that's boring" and what makes me go "hell yes" and make some general rules.

    I like rebellions. This "they rebel against the empire" thing intrigues me. I'm not so keen on tidy rebellions where the good guys are perfectly moral and the evil empire that gets overthrown consists entirely of dicks and no innocent people get hurt and there are no complicated politics and the new state created afterwards works without a hitch, but I guess I like that kind better than no rebellion at all.

    So far it's been kind of a chore to get through bel and maalos and sigmah's bits. I like characters with flaws that hurt the people around them, not character with flaws like "insecurity" or "recklessness" that only hurt the character who has the flaw. I haven't even seen any flaws in sigmah yet. I like characters whose flaws punch you in the face.

    I love Galley. If this was just the Galley show, all Galley all the time, I would love it.

    Also, a through and through bastard sounds just as boring as a Mary Sue. For me, a good character has one to three of the following traits, but not zero or four:
    -Moral motives
    -On the side of the good guys
    -Moral actions
    -Nice to others
  3. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    hmm, lemme think... well, sigmah is a sociopath who has decided to be moral and kind for logical reasons. he does not always get things right, and is a bit creepy even when he does. bel is genuinely good, but kind of judgy and a bit of an sjw sometimes. so i guess they each have three of your criteria; sigmah is lacking moral motives, and bel is lacking nice to others (sometimes).

    jethro is just a disney princess. :D

    as for maalos, he is a classic Precocious Child Character, but his player wasn't able to keep up and ended up leaving.

    the alternian empire is genuinely fucked up, we have that from canon, but it's also the only game in town, so it's definitely not a monolithic evil; it's made up of everyone who's not a rebel, and since 'rebel' is like 'test pilot' but without medical benefits, most decent folks side with the empire to save their own skins, and keep their mouths shut about what they don't like. so innocent people getting hurt is absolutely on the table and all the boat trolls know it, even if they haven't gotten to the actually-doing-war part yet. how ok they are with that varies between individuals. for instance, bel is a tactician at heart; casualties are just numbers when he's got his game face on, and people only when he's trying to sleep, even though he's one of the more moral trolls in the game; pancho, on the other hand, sees kill-or-be-killed as the natural order, but she's also a medic, and her first instinct is to patch people up if she can.

    teal deer: they are definitely The Good Guys but we try to keep it realistic and complex.
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  4. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    You might like Loreli.
    She is kind of an ignorant dumbbutt and a bit overzealous and naive but she really believes in her kind of Revolution. She is an avid follower of the Summoner, knowing about him through the songs her Ancestor wrote (so she is prepared for A LOT of casualties, even though she tells herself that they probably all deserved it) and while she likes a lot of people she has a tendency to be kind of a bitch, especially to other 'royals' (plus her massive insecurities because she is a freshwater aquatic troll and can't hang out with actual seadwellers in the ocean without getting massive fucking headaches and kind of dehydrating all over the place). Also she is vain as shit lol.
  5. siveambrai

    siveambrai Negative Karma Engine nerd.professor.gamer

    Generally I've found you can do fine with just following Bel and Lu's blogs for the story. Once Erskin really gets involved with a bunch of other characters it can be useful to follow him as well.
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  6. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    erskin's been a big plot mover lately, i'd def advise looking at his blog to catch up.

    we're working on moving the actual rp over to kintsugi, so pretty soon the trolls' blogs will just be for ooc, asks, art, and archive updates.
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  7. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    I check bel's when im really jonesing but basically just wait for it to update. Tumblr is a backwards mess for following.
  8. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    it really is. kintsugi is turning out to be a godsend for our rp sanity.
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  9. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    ...did cloris deliberately get erskin a leg that didnt fit to hobble him? I have suspected this since it turned up and its driving me crazy wondering. Feel free to tell me 'too bad' tho, i just lost my will roll re: asking this time.
  10. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    While Erskin did get severely damaged from frostbite, and had to have enough gangrenous and infected flesh cut out of him that he's going to have problems for a long while— I think part of the pain in his hip is the bioware having to grow into his pelvis and leg socket— Cloris definitely hasn't made any effort to get his leg re-sized or re-examined. So like, I don't think giving him a painful replacement was her plan, she just wanted a really beautiful one, but when it turned out he had to lean on her to get anywhere, she liked that. She doesn't really care that he's in pain if it makes him easier to control.

    Erskin's going to get a better prosthesis after he's rescued, but will still have to use a cane from time to time. Nerve damage sucks, amputations suck, not having enough leg left for the bioware to anchor into sucks. And it feels better to have a damaged troll actually be limited by his injuries and have to deal with that, than to just sort of stick robot parts on a character because it looks cool.
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  11. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    Wow. I kind of hate her more for the shallow careless cruelty than i would have even for deliberate malice! Unexpected and delightful. <3 Thanks for indulging my curiousity.
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  12. vegacoyote

    vegacoyote dog metaphores and pedanticism

    ... I am currently imagining Bel going through those rainbow drinkers at the party like Spades Slick going through the Felt Mansion, with a list, crossing them off with a big red pen.

    5 of 12 green torsos murderfied. One of them twice.

    (important notes under Cloris: bluh bluh huge bitch)
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  13. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    My reaction to basically every single post in the boat trolls rp right now: *LOUD, INCONSOLABLE WAILING*

    Every. Single. One.
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  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    haha i was imagining him going through them like the winter soldier through shield agents, narrating into his bluetooth thingie while pancho manned the drones and curated the list. soooo basically the same thing. :D
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  15. vegacoyote

    vegacoyote dog metaphores and pedanticism

    I am reminded of some advice given to me by a dog trainer, on handling two dogs who don't get along: "Take them for a walk together. Get them looking ahead and going the same direction. They'll be a pack then."

    She demonstrated with her dog (patient older German Shepherd) and mine (nervous, protective Aussie mix who had started the workshop by jumping the instructor's dog.) And it worked!

    ... Still wouldn't have let them loose together. No good if someone comes away from that situation bleeding. :\
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2015
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  16. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    @jacktrash If it´s not too much trouble to remember, would you anounce once all the tumblr RPs are in the archives?

    Cause I don´t have the spoons to archive dive tumblr, but forum threads I can do and I´d like to be able to catch up.
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  17. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    What is etiquette on liking the rp thread posts? Ive been treating them like any other but i dont see anyone else liking them and im worrying im Doing It Wrong?
  18. vegacoyote

    vegacoyote dog metaphores and pedanticism

    Been wondering that myself! I liked the first three in the thread, but wasn't sure whether to keep going or not, so I decided to save it for later. Been going back and forth on it, not sure what prescident I want to set for my brain there.
  19. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    yes, absolutely. your plight is not uncommon, and in fact we kinda have the same problem when we want to recollect what went down last week or whatever, which is why we're moving it over here. so i will definitely mention when the tumblr stuff is all archived.

    tbh i quite enjoy it when people like the rp posts, it's nice to see what bits of storytelling really work. we're all aware we're writing for an audience, it doesn't bother us. just don't post/reply IN the rp threads, use the +quote button and bring it over here if you want to comment in more detail.
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  20. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash



    *delicious giggling*
    • Like x 8
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