shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    I'd wonder how Sunshine even got there. He's supposed to be recovering from brain surgery, after all!
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  2. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    Ford laughs again. "I didn't think she was talking about Sunshine."
  3. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    Yes. Personally capitalize the initial letter of the rank to distinguish Ambassador (position) from ambassador (one who represents but not in an official capacity), but... 1) still useless at start of sentences, 2) my rules don't apply to anyone else. And of course Cybertron won't change the title.
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  4. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    [Silver blinks at that last bit, wings fluttering.] ....thanks. For both the translation and the compliment. I... meant only to convey understanding and acceptance of Achromat Nichrome's mindset, but it is... pleasant to hear one I think highly of say so nevertheless.
  5. Burlesque

    Burlesque Formerly Known As Hot Stuff |18+

    Thank you, Congessi. And yes, the colloquial usage is imprecise, but unfortunately it is the one that we have. For the record, I've never held a rank above Attaché due the nature of my particular brand of diplomacy.
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  6. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    *sighs* Yeah. Probably not.
  7. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    ...I'm on this mission for translating, doesn't just mean between us and other species. Nothing to thank for.
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  8. Feresa Keishi

    Feresa Keishi New Member

    Isn't it exhausting? Talking to people all day?
  9. Burlesque

    Burlesque Formerly Known As Hot Stuff |18+

    Not at all. I quite enjoy it.
  10. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    Ford grins. "It's pleasant to hear one thinks highly of returns the sentiment."
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2016
  11. Feresa Keishi

    Feresa Keishi New Member

    What's enjoyable about it?
  12. Burlesque

    Burlesque Formerly Known As Hot Stuff |18+

    It's invigorating, I get to pick the brains of people who I might not otherwise interact with, I get to stretch my brains for verbal parrying, I get to indulge in a great deal of politics and culture that would otherwise be barred for me... There's a lot to enjoy, for me.

    No one else is obligated to find any of it enjoyable though, so I understand why you might see it as a pain instead.
    • Like x 2
  13. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    "Speaking solely for myself, I only find it unpleasant when you're sharpening your verbal combat skills, even when you are primarily parrying, on persons such as myself who are trying to communicate across cultural barriers and are primarily leveling, but not necessarily skilfully. For instance...I would prefer it if people understood that I don't have enough personal knowledge or any direct experience of mechanoid kink or sexuality, and that I therefore have no opinion about mechanoid relationship styles as long as everyone consents. So, if something you hear me say sounds judgemental I would rather be asked for clarification than accused of kinkshaming."
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  14. Feresa Keishi

    Feresa Keishi New Member

    -She shrugs.-

    I guess not everyone would think the things I like are enjoyable.
  15. Burlesque

    Burlesque Formerly Known As Hot Stuff |18+

    Mm. That's fair, though I would also have to wonder what counts as kinks and kinkshaming for a wide variety of reasons. There is likely someone, somewhere, who would consider 'refusal to explain sparkmerging' as kinkshaming for some bizarre reason.

    I digress. I will attempt, I suppose, to ask for clarification, but I make no promises on the matter. I am too terribly used to people lying in regards to direct questioning, and am not particularly fond of leaving perceived weak points open.
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  16. Focal of Horizon Island

    Focal of Horizon Island Smile for the Camera! (Counselor Decepticon) | 18+

    That would be very helpful if everyone did that!!!
    Um! Excuse me for misunderstanding you, sir! Mistakes like that are inexcusable for someone of my position! I will do my best to do better in the future!
  17. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    "Lying to you would serve no purpose," Ford points out. "I understand that as a diplomat, you are undoubtedly lied to constantly, but we're not doing politics here--we're just amusing ourselves and hoping we'll learn something along the way. I am also not a particularly great liar. When we were all lined up for 'lying skills' before we were born, my twin brother the con man and thief knocked me over the head and took my share while I was still conked out." He shrugs. "I should probably mention that that was a joke, since I have no actual recollection of anything that happened before I was born. Anyhow-- sparkmerging sounds like the sort of thing I would deeply enjoy, were I a Transformer, and...I also don't know what counts as kinks, which means I could come off as kinkshaming because I disapprove of organics doing something that's frankly dangerous to organics. For instance, opening up our exteriors and attempting to join vital organs would be a really bad kink for most organic beings, because it would have a high probability of resulting in death via infection and systemic shock, assuming one could avoid death by exsanguination more immediately. Doing something similar on the etheric or astral plane, however, seems...incredibly hot, but also not a thing most organics could do, because few would have the kind of training they'd need to attempt it."
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  18. dumb things forever

    dumb things forever [WT/18+] Stanley F. Pines, Rogue of Light

    "No, Ford, I'm pretty sure that actually happened," Stan says, grinning like a demon.
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  19. Tamika Arias

    Tamika Arias im the bomb

    jesus mary and joseph what fresh hell have i dreamed up

    if im sick again i swear with the space-time continuum as my witness ill shit the most perfect shitbrick the universe has ever known and place it as the cornerstone of that toolshed i still need to build

    not as exhausting as man-eating megafauna but way more brain-melty

    who needs people? its *man*-eating not *girl*-eating after all so ill be fine and i bet i taste like piss and vinegar anyway
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  20. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    Not alone. Liminal dreamspace, meeting-place, leisure-space. Safe as anywhere else, marginally safer than some places.


    ...I like this logic =]
    • Like x 1
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