Clothes, makeup, hair, and other such things

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Acey, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    Most of my problem is that I am too skinny, so yeah, an extra small could be the solution
  2. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    hot damn, @renegadereveler, you look classy as hell! I wanna dress like that.
    • Like x 4
  3. renegadereveler

    renegadereveler Floof King

    Relatable, lol. And yeah, most of my menswear sizing problems got fixed when I got over the delusion that I was a medium. I am Most Certainly Not A Medium.

    Anything that says "slim-fit" or "skinny" or w/e is gonna be your friend, as you may or may not have already discovered. I initially shied away from clothing that was labelled that way because I was like, ew, no, it'll be too revealing, but I got over that when I realized that slim-cut stuff fit me waaaaay better than "regular" stuff.

    Also, British and Asian brands are your friends. That jacket is from Superdry (a British label with Japanese influences/inspiration) and fits so so so well. It would've been a lot more difficult, I think, to find an off-the-rack jacket that fit that well from an American brand.
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  4. renegadereveler

    renegadereveler Floof King

    *covers face with hands*

    eeeeeee thank you guys so much I don't know how to respond I'm just flailing wildly
    • Like x 3
  5. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    thank you very much, this is all good advice!
    none of my boy clothes are very classy cause they're all from the kids section, so this will be V HELPFUL
    • Like x 1
  6. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    @renegadereveler I know I have said this before, but I feel compelled to mention it again: I WANT THAT VEST. PLEASE GIVE ME AN OPPORTUNITY TO ADMIRE IT IN PERSON.

    I have also said this, but just for consistency's sake: A+ outfit, A+ body, 11/10 look, would be willing to resort to demonic possession to achieve it.

    and for the sake of smol menswear adviceā€”I am fairly smol (much shorter than Ren at 5'6.5", although a fair bit wider) and men's extra small almost always fits me! for stuff like t-shirts that don't have to be fitted and can get away with being fairly long, a small works too. also some brands are just sized small, so even certain fitted clothes in that size are wearable. it's somewhat of a struggle, but it's not completely prohibitive!
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  7. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    I've seen some fairly cute menswear on Taobao and other Chinese seller aggregates. Might require some researching, and waiting, but if you're willing to go through the process their sizes run very, very small.
    • Like x 1
  8. EulersBidentity

    EulersBidentity e^i*[bi] + 1

    New concert outfit new concert outfit new concert outfit

    I just ordered this online and I am praying to all the online shopping deities that it fits.

    The odds aren't on my side, because jumpsuits are always too short in the torso for me. But if it does, then I plan to get these shoes to go with:

    and then maybe my retail kink will be sated.
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  9. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    Kind of random question for the thread: any suggestions on where would I go to get menswear-style shirts for female-shaped people? More specifically, button-down shirts that button all the way up to the collar, aren't made with spandex, and have full-length sleeves with plain cuffs, but are cut to accommodate a narrow waist and a non-flat chest?
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  10. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    if you find out, please tell me
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  11. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    The only thing I can think of is a tailor, or those... suit shops? they're probably a thing in the US too, those sorta boring places that only sell suits/blazers/stuff like that for Office People That Require It. in my experience even if they don't have a woman's section they have in-house tailoring for free, and usually aren't that expensive.
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  12. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    saint harridan is all about that, and suits. however, $$$$$. wildfang does button ups too but again theyre expensive
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  13. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    Oh my god. I've been staring at these custom suits from Saint Harridan for like the last half hour. If an improbable amount of money ever falls out of the sky and lands on my doorstep, I know where I'm spending it.
    • Like x 2
  14. Sethrial MacCoill

    Sethrial MacCoill Attempts were made

    THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! image.jpg

    And now back to your regularly scheduled programming

    *raptor screeches into the night*
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  15. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    I mean, still looks nice
    • Like x 1
  16. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    I've seen "boyfriend" kinda things that seem to fit what you're looking for, actually. the ones I've seen are structured pretty much like a men's shirt but have darts and such for boob accommodation, and I think if you got the right size some of 'em would be pretty fitted. (I have one, but it is not the right size, since I was futilely attempting to Hide The Boob when I got it.) I also have a very nice fairly fitted women's dress shirt from Brooks Brothers Women, which again is basically a men's with darts to accommodate a female-shaped body. I didn't have to get it tailored, either! idk how much variety you'd be able to find in terms of dress shirts, but yeah.
    • Like x 2
  17. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

  18. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    I spent two hours and almost 260 euros on new clothes today. I needed to buy new trousers, and ended up buying a couple of new tops too. They are really awesome :D
  19. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    Somersaults into clothes thread from the farms derail zone

    I hem my jeans (or rather i got my parents to, and recently had to have them show me how to take jeans to a tailor because huh bwah wuh talking to people?) because i'm like 5'1 or 155cm and even pants from the petites section can be too long.

    The seamstress said messing with the knees on pants isnt necessary or worth it or something, can anyone confirm? Because i have some mens khakis that could be cut to the right length but theyd still fit wrong because they start tapering like an inch or more below my actual knee

    Also, ive asked one of the fashion subreddits about messing about with mens section pants to make them not be so weird in the crotch region and was told it wasnt worth it, sooo i guess i should continue looking thru butch/transmasc fashion blogs for sturdy womens pants recommendations

    Oh also i'll try to remember to post some Good Selfies i took a few weeks ago
  20. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    I fit in the boys section, so I just get my jeans from there.
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