Kintsugi Kitchen

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by jacktrash, May 19, 2015.

  1. hanka

    hanka the sweetest double agent

    thank you to everyone who gave me advice! roomie is a crunchy trader joe's hippie and i keep kosher so we have compromised by keeping the room vegetarian. today is scheduled shuttles to actual grocery stores, so we're going to buy the ingredients for fridge cake (fruit, graham crackers, coconut cream) and overnight oatmeal! ill let you know how it goes.
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  2. devils-avocado

    devils-avocado tired and gay

    eggs are amazing and keep for a reasonably long time, they are still edible if stale, avoid if they smell bad when you crack them. a small dorm fridge probably has little room for frozen vegs, possibly the dried add-to-soup type would be good. peanut butter; canned tuna; cans of beans/corn/tomatoes (fast chili, just add aromatics :D) a sack of white rice will keep indefinitely, be wary of brown rice since the delicious healthy oils go rancid in 6-12 months. SPICES. you might not have room in your fridge for a ton of condiments and sauces, so stick to your faves and/or the ones you can just store in a cupboard. pasta is very useful to have around. dried fruit?? SNACK MIX

    tl;dr shelf-stable high-energy groceries are gr8
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  3. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    I made a birthday cake for @Kaylotta
    there is a hilarious story to go with it, but I know that Kaylotta wants to get me and our sister on her vlog channel to tell it, so i'll hold off for now
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2016
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  4. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I can't see the pictures?
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  5. Key

    Key never make a triangle

    Same here.
  6. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    did that fix it?
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  7. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

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  8. devils-avocado

    devils-avocado tired and gay

    I tried out @Vast Derp's cake mix and fruit substance recipe today except I added more stuff for science. I had 4 bananas, 3 of which were VERY ripe, and that was about 10oz. of mashed fruit. added 1/4 cup oil and maybe 1/3 cup greek yogurt, that made it the ~15oz. the recipe requires. after that, vanilla, nutmeg and ginger (could've been stronger but I didn't want it to taste weird with the mix I was using), and I mixed an extra 1/2 tsp of baking soda into the dry mix, which was chocolate devil's food cake. and then I put in way too many walnuts, like 1 1/2 cups. this made a dozen nicely sized cupcakes (none of that slightly-domed hockey puck nonsense) and a short mini-loaf with the extra. the walnuts actually don't seem excessive, but re: the fruit I think apple sauce or just yogurt will be my choice next time. but at least I finally used up those bananas.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2016
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  9. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    So there's this thing called home chef, and if you guys use my refferal code, we each get $30.00 off. Sister says its good, but i'm just trying it for the first time. It seems like a really good way to try new food, which is hard because people in my house are picky eaters. Also, you can select dietary preferences.
  10. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    Making @Vast Derp cake recipe, Pre Frosting pics!
    They came out of the pan perfectly, but they are each maybe half an inch tall. I think i'll have to make them into one cake.
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  11. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    @hanka I saw this on tumblr and thought of you.
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  12. hanka

    hanka the sweetest double agent


    i've been buying roommate's food the last few days because i got paid and she didn't. i'm gonna make her make me fudge to repay the debt.
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  13. missoyashirou

    missoyashirou Someone please give me a tiny dog to play with

    I had some good luck with chicken today, even if I had to leave before it was done

    Cook two big spoonfuls of mashed garlic, about a fourth to a third of a cup of soy sauce, a really big spoonful of miso paste, and enough vegetable oil to coat a pan in a pot set to medium heat. After everything blends together, add about two teaspoons work of honey. Once this begins to boil, place in four chicken thighs (thighs seasoned with salt and garlic-mix prior to this). Cover and let everything fry on medium for 20 minutes, taking some time to flip the chicken. Once the chicken is mostly done, place them on a baking sheet and toss them in an oven set to 400 degrees for between 15 to 30 minutes.

    Meanwhile, with the sauce mixture, add a cup and a half of cooked rice and half an onion. Once the onion turns transluscent, add about a cup and a half of mixed vegetables of your choice (I added shredded brussel sprouts, asparagus, and grated carrot), and cook everything for a few minutes before mushing all of the food to one side of the pan. On the other side, fry two eggs, either scrambling them or as fried eggs, and then when they're mostly done, jostle the shit out of them and mix them into the rice mixture.

    As soon as the chicken is done, serve the chicken on a bed of fried rice. Delicious, goes well with a guava and cheese pastry for dinner.
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  14. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I wanna do this.
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  15. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    I am currently trying a recipe for crockpot orange chicken. Smells yummy! But I will keep you guys updated with how it turns out and link to the recipe if it's delicious.

    (The recipe itself wasn't broken down enough for my poor helpless brain so I'll also offer some insights if it turns out).
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  16. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    I threw a lunch together to get rid of crap in my fridge and it turned out pretty good!

    Quesadillas and tex-mex rice

    You will need:
    • 2-3 corn tortillas (flour's okay but my house is gluten free so. either 8inch or 6inch)
    • about half a cup of shredded cheese (cheddar or monterey/pepper jack or a mexican blend)
    • 1 avocado
    • 1/2 can rotel (diced tomatoes and green chiles)
    • 1 to 1 1/2 cups cooked rice (you can make this with uncooked too, just takes a bit longer, and I make rice in big batches and freeze it)
    • Adobo or other mexican/southwest seasoning blend
    • Hot sauce (optional)
    • a little canola oil or butter, for frying
    Put a pan on medium-high heat and let it warm up. Slice open avocado, remove pit, put in bowl, and mash with fork. Add a generous shake or two of your seasoning blend and a heaping tablespoon of Rotel. Mix together. (If you have lemon or lime juice, add a little. I didn't and it was just fine.)

    Heat your tortillas for 5-10 seconds a side on ungreased pan. Spread avocado mixture on each tortilla on one half only. Sprinkle both tortillas generously with cheese, both sides, and add hot sauce if you are so inclined. (If you have black beans, a big tablespoon on each tortilla would be awesome.)

    Heat canola oil or butter in pan. Fold tortillas in half and fry, about 45 seconds a side. Remove from pan.

    Add remaining Rotel to pan with rice. Stir together until heated through, about two minutes. If you have any remaining cheese, add it. (If you use uncooked rice; make it according to the package directions, just also put the rotel in the water.)

    Ba-dum! Delicious food.
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  17. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    i made a pretty good meal the other day! i was pleasantly surprised, given that it was "i am tired and lazy but need real food"

    -some frozen flounder/other mild fish fillets (i cook for three people, and used three fillets, but i think next time i will use four)
    -bag of frozen peas (half a bag will probably do for one person)
    -a Good Helping of rice (i used what i had left over from ordering chinese, but basically again this is 'use as much as you need')
    -soy sauce (i describe the amount as 'a couple good plorps' because of the noise the bottle makes, but probably a few teaspoons/tablespoons depending on how soy sauce-y you want it)
    -garlic (i used minced garlic from a jar because my chopping/mincing skills are subpar--if you use fresh, use about the same amount or less, if you use powdered you might want to add more?) a couple good spoonfuls worth
    -various other spices you think will taste good (i considered adding ginger, but didn't want to overpower the flounder)
    -next time i will add the shallots i have sitting around, but onions are good too
    -olive oil

    put a splash of olive oil and a little butter in the bottom of your pan, then add the fillets. as they started to cook, i used a fork to tear them up into little pieces. once they were mostly-done, i added the peas and seasonings+ a little more butter, cooking until everything was hot and the garlic had started to brown. heat up or cook your rice (for cooking rice, i either use a rice cooker or follow alton brown's sushi rice recipe, minus the part where you season it and turn it into, well, sushi rice.) and then serve the veggie-fish mixture on top. nomnomnom

    (also i want to try that chicken recipe)
  18. devils-avocado

    devils-avocado tired and gay

    yesterday I made melon bread, having never eaten one before, and now I love melon bread. contains no actual melon for some reason. it is a sort of brioche bread dough wrapped in sugar cookie dough and baked as little rolls. DELICIOUS

    I'm gonna use this as my excuse to buy masa flour and see if a non-gluten version is possible
    I am intrigued by whatever a guava and cheese pastry is - do you make them at home or buy them, usually?
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  19. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    omg i could MAKE MELON BREAD

    !!!!!! this never occurred to me somehow
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  20. devils-avocado

    devils-avocado tired and gay

    it was pretty straightforward tbh - like, make doughs, shape doughs, wrap one dough over the other one, wait around a lot for proofing. and it doesn't take a lot of milk and butter for the batch of 10. two eggs for the batch, one in each dough. wrapping the cookie around a squishy doughball was fun but if you sort of use the heat of your hands to mold it, like food plasticine, it shapes itself around fairly easily. and the bottom gets nicely smooth when it's baked. the interesting part was kneading butter into the bread dough, which is messy and weird but it all blends eventually. (the recipe seems to advise 15+ minutes of kneading and I reeeally don't think u need to go that far)
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