The Wheel Turns

Discussion in 'The Queen of Cups' started by Zin, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. Legion

    Legion For I Am Many

    "I-" She hesitates. "Even's outside. Are.. "

    Her fingers tighten a bit on Mutt's shoulders, and she hugs them tighter. This... this feels right. "...I don't remember things very well, right now. I. Legion really is my name, isn't it?"
  2. Mutt

    Mutt Active Member

    "Y...yeah. Why wouldn't it be your name? Are you okay?"
  3. Arie Kluss

    Arie Kluss from here on out I wear this face for both of us

    "Of course it's not normal." Arie doesn't bother looking up; there's nothing Even could possibly be talking about that would get a different answer.
  4. Legion

    Legion For I Am Many

    She hesitates, then speaks, slowly, voice coming out in a raucous chorus. "I don't remember which person I'm supposed to be," she says hoarsely.

    A few voices whisper other things, but it's difficult to pick it out in the mass of sound.
  5. Even

    Even Smoke Never Rises Without Fire

    " long have.. your parents been.. like this?" He asks slowly.
  6. Arie Kluss

    Arie Kluss from here on out I wear this face for both of us

    That gets enough of her attention to unbury her face, though she clasps Ethan even more tightly to make up for it. "All week," she says, just as slowly, "but it only got really bad last night..."
  7. Mutt

    Mutt Active Member

    "You're not supposed to be any one of them, you're supposed to be Legion." Mutt frowns. "You're not supposed to be scared."
    • Like x 1
  8. Legion

    Legion For I Am Many

    Legion stiffens. "I'm not scared of anything."
  9. Even

    Even Smoke Never Rises Without Fire

    "...tell me more? This... this is very bad."
  10. Mutt

    Mutt Active Member

    Mutt hugs her tighter. "That's good."
  11. Nul

    Nul Who the hell is Mica?

    "I hate to be that guy, but we should probably shut the door before something else happens," Nul says.
    • Like x 3
  12. Arie Kluss

    Arie Kluss from here on out I wear this face for both of us

    "They didn't-" Arie pauses. Actually eases up a little on the clinging to Ethan. Looks over at Nul. Looks at the door, which is indeed hanging wide open. Once upon a time, Mom would have been on her ass about wasting the heater.

    Starts laugh-crying.
    • Like x 1
  13. Even

    Even Smoke Never Rises Without Fire

    Even pulls the door closed.
    • Like x 1
  14. Legion

    Legion For I Am Many

    Legion quietly pets Mutt's hair. "Oh. Hi," she mutters, as Mr. and Mrs. Kluss walk over, and Mrs. Kluss smile cheerily.


    She blinks as a present is pushed into her hands. "T...thanks?"
  15. Mutt

    Mutt Active Member

    Mutt detaches themself from Legion and goes to hug Even.
  16. Even

    Even Smoke Never Rises Without Fire

    Even hugs Mutt, ruffling their hair. "...hey kiddo. Thought you sounded familiar."

    He looks at Arie. " they seem like they're a possible danger to you all?"
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2016
  17. Mutt

    Mutt Active Member

    Mutt grins. "I knew you wouldn't forget me."
  18. Arie Kluss

    Arie Kluss from here on out I wear this face for both of us

    "They're certainly a danger to Ethan," snaps Arie, "you saw what was happening there!"
  19. Even

    Even Smoke Never Rises Without Fire

    "...yeah, I won't forget you. Didn't forget what Lee and I promised, either," he smiles quietly, hugging Mutt a little tighter.

    "...Miss Kluss? Do you have any iron?"
  20. Ethan Kluss

    Ethan Kluss Smol Cinnamon Roll

    Ethan is clutching at Arie, holding tight. "I... I shouldn't have been doing that?" He asks uncertainly. "I...Mom and Dad said... said I should. T... to bond with Mutt..."
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