SHOW YOURSELF! (The Obligatory Pics Thread)

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Acey, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. cantankerousAquarius

    cantankerousAquarius Acrasial Macrology

    • Like x 1
  2. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    2016-09-08 19.15.40.jpg

    2016-09-08 19.34.01.jpg

    2016-09-08 20.41.14.jpg

    Summary: I'm cute and mix and match clothing is awesome.
    • Like x 17
  3. Sethrial MacCoill

    Sethrial MacCoill Attempts were made


    Today i have hair like a majestic eagle
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  4. Xitaqa

    Xitaqa Secretly awesome

    I don't know if you noticed, but your human photobombed your selfie.
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  5. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    So, my great-grandmother did a thing with my hair
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  6. Xitaqa

    Xitaqa Secretly awesome

    That is super pretty and I'm jealous af!!!
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  7. paladinkit

    paladinkit brave little paladin

    i have not posted selfies in a while, but that doesn't mean i've stopped being hecka cute

    me & my awesome sister @asynch having a great picnic evening


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  8. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    WIN_20160910_16_12_47_Pro.jpg WIN_20160910_16_20_51_Pro.jpg
    i apparently am really anime
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  9. Anomal(eee)

    Anomal(eee) Grumblepunk Gremlin

    +5 Cuteness for the Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi t-shirt @Void ^_^
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  10. Xitaqa

    Xitaqa Secretly awesome

    @Void if cute face + awesome hair = really anime then yes, definitely
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  11. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    i need a haircut very badly. it's too loooong
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  12. Xitaqa

    Xitaqa Secretly awesome

    Tempted to make "no its perfect" noises but heck that, you do you and please share the results, I am confident that it will be fantastic!
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  13. [​IMG]
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  14. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    @taxonomicAtrocity yes it is what everyone wants thank you for providing this valuable public service :3
    • Like x 7
  15. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    good morning i am a mature adult and i make mature adult decisions. this is my new friend oliver and he is the perfect size for hugs
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  16. cantankerousAquarius

    cantankerousAquarius Acrasial Macrology

    image.jpeg me and a beautiful old lady
    image.jpeg u kno u wanna pap this

    Jk I don't do pathetic-looking very well bUT YOU KNOW
    • Like x 10
  17. Xitaqa

    Xitaqa Secretly awesome

    *looks at first pic* Cute puppy! ^_^
    *looks again* cute face, good heavens! 0_0
    *looks at next pic* yeah, that's pretty papable but OMG LOOKIT THOSE SLEEVES LOOKIT THIS HOODIE JACKET GARMENT THING OMG I LOVE but yeah not so much pathetic but still a nice face for paps yeah
    • Like x 3
  18. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    • Like x 2
  19. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    he is!!! he really really is. very soft, firm enough to squeeze, does not scratch me if i stick my face in his neck, unlike some people i could name, steve
    • Like x 6
  20. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I got a haircut!
    And After:

    [Edit:] What kind of unholy magicks are you people using to get your pictures to display right side up?
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2016
    • Like x 13
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