Dreams thread

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    A more detailed version of the Goddess dream from back in March 2015:
    Something is wrong.
    We're in a house, a large house filled with nothing but corridors. There must be about two dozen of us, trailing along after the Goddess that we faithfully worship as she wanders the halls. Her robes brush the floor, white that is grey in the half-light, gathering dust at the hem.
    She's concerned. About what we ask, but she just points to the walls and can't explain. The walls slant inwards, the ceiling warped and drooping. Everything curls inward. What are we looking for? It's hard to be scared with so little information. These are how walls and ceilings are supposed to be, right?
    The house is bathed in night. The hall behind me is dark, or at least I know it to be dark even though when I turn I can clearly see the creeping things that line the walls, watching, trailing us, eyes and eyes and eyes and claws. They're part of the house, like furniture or decorations that hiss and stare at you.
    Something is wrong.
    She starts walking again, urgency in her steps. I glance back. The hall behind me is the dark that one can see in. The hall beyond that is pitch black, the edges of darkness slithering forward. The creeping things wait for the dark to proceed before them, grabbing at the faithful who lag behind.
    Near the edge of a wall as the corridor turns a sharp right I find a lightswitch, a wire from it trailing as close to upwards as is possible. I flick on the switch, revealing a new hallway that starts dark and as it trails off into infinity only gets darker, closed, locked doors on either side. We don't go down that hallway.
    Something is wrong.
    The house is getting smaller, even as we travel down yet more endless corridors. Some of the faithful have disappeared. Maybe they've been eaten. Maybe they've been turned into creeping things. This is not what the Goddess is concerned about, or at least she doesn't notice, so I don't worry.
    We enter a cramped room, a storage area of some sort. A pile of mattresses take up most of the space, creaking, dirty. The windows look out into empty fields. Below the windowsill, attached to the wall are bits of clockwork, tiny springs and dull grey plates and gears. None of it is moving. Some of it is rotting. The walls away from the window are filled with shelves, dusty, empty. Near the window the room is bathed with orange light, the rest a silver bordering on black.
    She is terrified. About what, we ask, but she just points to the sky and can't explain. I look. The sky is orange, flat orange. The grass is uniform, cheery yellow. The sun is setting.
    Something is wrong.
    She gestures and talks, despairing and we cannot comprehend. It's just the sky. It's just the sunset on the grass.
    Something is wrong.
    She tells us that the thing we see outside, or what we could see were we not mere mortals, is the sign that something is wrong, some fundamental part of the universe has been cracked and broken and thrown aside by a being so great as to dwarf Her. Why can't we see it? How obvious the portents are that the end of some fragile peace between the Powers is at hand?
    What are we looking for? Is it the color of the sun? Is it the color of the grass? Is it that the sun is setting at all? Suns do set, right? Are suns allowed to set?
    Something is wrong.
    It's hard to be scared with so little information.

    The predominant feeling throughout all of that was confusion, followed closely by faith that whatever had the Goddess riled up was probably bad, but that the sympathy-fear would be a lot less abstract if anyone other than Her had any idea what was going on.
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  2. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

  3. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    i had a dream of some sort where i was going to die
    and i knew long before
    but couldnt change it
    but it wasnt a nightmare
    just slightly unnerving
    and i acted so much like real me too
    I just, stayed up till a few hours before impact, then cuddled up with my two sisters (who were with me)
    and we all tried to fall asleep so we wouldnt have to feel it
    that was my plan
    fuck man
  4. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    I dreamt I was participating in a study that was using a drone to investigate wildlife living in a cave system. At first I was pretty into it, because I think bats are super cool, and that's what the initial footage was of. Then it turned out that the floor of the cave was absolutely covered in rats, most of which were alive but had only skeletons for heads and paws. I thought this was freaky as hell. The person I was with was pretty blasé about it, and said that there was an infection that would do that, but it's no big deal, because the rats could still eat, they just needed to put food directly into their throats.

    Every time I remember this I feel a mix of pity and revulsion.
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  5. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    So this morning I had a very cool dream, and it's just occurred to me I ought to write it down somewhere before I lose it.

    There was an emperor, or a mage-king, or a maharajah - this all took place in a brightly coloured pseudo indian type place - who was powerful, and had gotten where he was by his power, but had little kindness for his people and even less for the beautiful giant animals under his charge.

    The man who took care of his elephants - there were once three, but only two now, old and saddened and embittered and larger than four of the elephants in the waking world, a walking wall draped with golden finery and finer patterned silks with tusks as long and sharp as stakes wrapped in gold and carved to beauty - and also took care of the great blue ligers, and the menagerie of other, smaller things, he was very kind, and it made his heart heavy to see how cruel and careless his king was. But he had little enough magic, and knew that he could not challenge the emperor without dying a very swift and very painful death. (Which would not trouble him except that he knew that those under his care would suffer more for his loss.)

    The one of the remaining pair of elephants died, and her mate was left to grieve. In the night the dead one came to him and said, this will not stand. Challenge your lord when my last loved one joins me, and we will see all of this suffering come to an end.

    Three days later, at one of the parades the emperor held to show his power and glory to the people who were so long used to hardship that they could not fight any longer, the last elephant's legs gave way from under her, and she bowed, and she broke. When the dust settled, the emperor saw his head beastmaster stand across from him - across that vast empty husk - and spit in his face.

    This would not stand.

    The first of the attacks were small enough, little conjurings that were just strong enough to turn his head and keep him entertained - because, in truth, the Emperor was so used to victory that even a small challenge was welcomed - and the man who stood against him for all the suffering and neglect he had caused to his land did not even dodge his returned blows, but watched him steadily as his mortal blood flowed and his skin bruised.

    Finally, when the King thought that this was no real challenge, that he had already won, and had let his defences down just that one inch-

    As I said, even the tusks of dead elephants are very sharp, and none can stop such a charge once it has decided to advance.

    You cannot heal easily from injury when there is something thicker than your wrist through your head and heart and gut, and even mages die like men when so impaled. The king was dead - and thus the kinder man became king.

    He was not entirely man, after that, but he was good and pure and the people loved his quiet manner and peaceful ways. Jasmine bloomed where he passed, and birds sang - even the crows, who are usually much too clever for such chicanery - and when white men came, they saw his peace and his wisdom and left them alone, because they had nothing to take in that country and needed nothing other places could give.

    (Does it count as creative writing when I didn't consciously make it all up?)
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  6. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

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  7. BlackholeKG

    BlackholeKG I saw you making fire

    Last night I dreamt that I'd authored and drawn but not finished a shittily drawn Homestuck fanventure that was 3000 pages long, involving detectives and superheroes flying around a city, which started out as a shitty funny parody but transformed into a deeper, darker storyline with better artwork, and the final completed panel was a darkly comic flash in which Dave rapped and then committed suicide.

    When I woke up it was like a full 10 minutes of sleepy lying there before I remembered that I hadn't actually written it.
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  8. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    I just dreamt I got a pomeranian puppy as a present and I called him Maris Piper because he looked like a potato. (If I ever get a pomeranian irl I am absolutely naming them thusly.)
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  9. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    I just had a really cool Steven Universe/Voltron crossover dream where Hunk was actually Steven's descendant and had the Gems looking after him and could summon the shield and everthing :P (Also there was a really epic scene about summoning some kind of super-weapon staff and blowing bad guys out of the sky with it.)

    I think I had a lot of fandom-inspired dreams last night. I know there was something to do with setting warrior's hearts alight that involved both Legolas and the orcs from LOTR as well as Fenris, Merrill and Hawke from Dragon Age II? And there was also some stuff to do with Stranger Things on netflix where Eleven was updating the wall-fairy light ouija board and people were turning into the things from the Upside Down? (I'm only on episode five or six, don't spoiler me ^^;;;)
  10. Carnivorous Moogle

    Carnivorous Moogle whose baby is this

    long involved vivid dream about being trapped in some kind of game; wandering around the grounds of an eldritch, haunted modern-day megachurch with eerie pink-and-blue lighting and frightening angles of construction

    looked through a window, was blurry for a minute but i managed to see a small, snowy, silent town at night, mountains in the distance, tall thin bridges arcing away into the mist toward them

    a tall, muscular man with long brown hair, green cargo shorts, and no shirt was following me slowly around the sandy woods-surrounded back lot of the church at one point. he was amiable enough, but he wanted to rape me; when i climbed into a car to escape he was standing at the window in an instant, pushing the window back down with one hand while i tried to roll it up.

    i don't remember exactly what happened, but someone climbed into the car and told me he wouldn't be a problem anymore. when i looked at him he was amputated below the waist, and walking on red metal springy poles grafted to his hips under the bandages. he looked very upset and in a lot of pain.

    people talked to me in the church, told me what i needed to be doing or where i shouldn't go if i knew what was good for me; we carried on conversation just fine, but i couldn't get more than a glimpse of any of them--they looked like low-detail background characters in a painting, blown up to size--because they would always talk to me from behind things and around corners, and every time i looked at one head-on they would quickly end up Somewhere Else. i didn't seem to think this was strange.

    last night was a trip, i might try drawing pictures or something
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  11. lobo

    lobo Fandom Trash

    Dreamed a few nights ago about an invisible woman being in the olympics. She was on the volleyball team. Since she was invisible, no one ever passed to her because they didn't know if she was ready or not. Finally, finally, someone passed the ball to her and she was super happy. Also someone shared a medal with her.
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  12. Carnivorous Moogle

    Carnivorous Moogle whose baby is this

    guess who is awake at 5:50 because a dream about one of her OTPs hangin out turned into a nightmare about zombies with stomach-turning music that's still stuck in my head XC

    (horror violins, to be precise, but not the usual screechy ones. just. Upsetting. it involved a kind of abusive and emotionally dysfunctional family/settlement of survivors, climaxed with the youngest child realizing her mother was infected while they were being escorted into the bunker mid-attack, taking lighter fluid out of her jacket, and sending the entire house up in flames. and it ended with bounty hunters trudging through the bombed-out shell who knows how long later, waxing poetic, while the upsetting music--the same three notes over and over--slowly increased in volume and intensity)

    (this is the worst earworm urgh)
  13. lobo

    lobo Fandom Trash

    I... kinda wanna hear these horror violins now.

    Anyways, dream last night involved getting a bunch of monster children together because they were the only way to save the day sorta thing. There were soooo many kinds of monster children. And to get the witches to agree to help us, we had to give them a map to the moon (kinda like the map of the holes in time and space in Time Bandits, if you're familiar). The witches would live forever unless killed and liked to destroy things, so we were like "hey, if you help us instead of the other guys, we'll give you this map from the mermaids so after you finish destroying everything on Earth over the centuries, you can move on to the moon". Also there was a vampire kid in giant bat form somehow trying to perform CPR on somebody because he accidentally hurt them and then was freaking out about it. Giant bat CPR looks really weird.
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  14. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    I had a dream about going through things that people no longer want because they're moving and need to lighten the load... it started with books and shelves and practical things, started featuring Lego kits and model train tracks, and eventually included plastic minis and action figures.

    Now I'm sad because I dreamed I had some adorable action figures of the skeletons of Undertale.

    And sometime after my dream turned to a big minecraft-but-not-blocks where some jerk added star wars stuff so instead of just creepers spawning in shadows, freaking ATSTs did!!! I died a lot.
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  15. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    isnt that basically the plot of the lego movie
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  16. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Did I dream the plot of a movie I didn't see....

    I mean, Batman wasn't there. Some Kingdom Hearts characters were there when I was fighting a secret boss partly inspired by the main boss of a neutral run of Undertale. And then they were singing carols about how quickly some homeowners spent their money, look at the size of that flat screen tv...
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  17. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    I had a really upsetting, terrifying dream that my parents' house came off its foundations and slid down the hill it's on with me and my partner inside. I was sobbing and freaking out about my parents and their two adult cats and a new (sadly not real) kitten they'd just adopted. The house finally stopped in a hole and people were wandering in and out like it was some sort of attraction. Woke up shortly after thst, but I'm still unsettled from it.
  18. Meagen Image

    Meagen Image Well-Known Member

    I had an actual Homestuck dream (fragment)! I was in the viewpoint of Rose, Dave and John were there too, and apparently Karkat and Kanaya were living in the same place? Kanaya was kind of playing coy in a "These Human Customs Are Very Alien To Me And You Will Have To Explain Further" way. I just went ahead and expressed interest in her in the most straightforward way, because who has time for that snarky horseshit.
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  19. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    I dreamt I was giving a lecture on how Elizabethan audiences would have understood Hamlet as a comedy. This required reciting the To Be or Not To Be speech in a squeaky voice, as Shakespeare intended.
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  20. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    Since I have considered Hamlet a comedy since I studied it at school, I think your brain was totally right and To Be or Not To Be should absolutely be read in a squeaky voice.
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