Steven Universe

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Inkblot


    • Like x 1
  2. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

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  3. Inkblot


  4. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    ...narrating? why?
    Ooh, nature.
    He's Garbanzo, by Pokemon rules
    Ooh, mask children.
    Wow, good guess.
    A forest of nonverbal food children. Who are also thieves I guess.
    A whole PANTRY of friends dawww.
    Awww these kids.
    awww, steven actually thinks he's DEAD.
    .....steven oh no. That was suddenly painful.
    ok is it just me or does Soup look kind of like Frisk.
    uh. oh no.
    aww, Onion.
    • Like x 8
  5. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Kids are cute/awful.

    Also man Steven is short but like... compare him size wise to Onion&co and he's definitely larger than the rest of them.
    • Like x 7
  6. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    Gonna try the live reactions thing!
    Aww Steven and Onion are hanging out!
    Steven's narrating what they're doing, I guess?
    I never realized how short Steven was.
    Go somewhere? Where?
    Onion is so fast!
    "Your slow approach is making me uncomfortable!" The writers for this show are great!
    Who are these people?
    They're all food names? Suppose that makes sense for the friends of Onion...
    Garbonzo only says Garbonzo. Like a Pokemon.
    Oh no Garbozno! Is he OK?
    There's no way he can be dead...please don't be dead
    Oh of course the baby is a defibrillator :P
    Are they going to sneak into a movie theater with that trench coat...
    No? They're going to...take pictures?
    Garnet at the end probably knew it was a bunch of kids in a coat the whole time what with her future vision...
    I thought they were going to eat those bugs to be honest
    They're racing them? Cool!
    Don't kill it! No!
    I can practically guarantee no one else is available Steven. Such is the way writing works.
    Poor onion.
    Oh never mind.
    It's the bug!
    Where are they going?
    The girl on the right has a sad Lenny face.
    More narration.
    That's a good lesson. Lately the episodes have been full of them!
    I liked that episode. It may not have affected the survival of the Earth or the Gems in any way, but still a great one!
    • Like x 3
  7. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

  8. OnnaStik

    OnnaStik Relatively nice for a bloodthirsty mercenary

    ngl, Vidalia painting Yellowtail like one of her French boys was the highlight of the ep for me.
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  9. My favorite part was the bug moving after Steven put it back down in the house. *skitter skitter*

    Onion having friends is good. I usually don't like Onion episodes was this one was kinda nice! And yeah, after the Homestuck references in the last episode, Soup looking kinda like Frisk (plus being nonverbal and ambiguously gendered) was most likely intentional.
    • Like x 10
  10. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    im super curios as to what the homestuck references in last one out of beach city are, I must have completely missed them XD
    also i thought the group of friends was really cute! and i also totally thought soup (I did not at all pick up on their name until reading yall's posts, I thought steven called them sue?) looked like frisk
    • Like x 3
  11. versi2

    versi2 ???????

    I really liked this episode ^_^

    I like onion and his weird friends. I like how they act weird and it's just ok. I like how they don't talk and have weird rituals in the middle of the goddamn woods. I like how steven is still kind of scared of onion, it's hilarious.

    ...I think I wish I could've joined onion's gang as a kid :/
    • Like x 10
  12. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    NGL this episode was really heart warming for me.

    Onion has gotten shit for being the weird kid in the tumblr fandom circles, with people going as far as to claim that Steven should be ostracizing him/breaking all contact with him because of "abuse" and boundary violations and shit... and that was incredibly upsetting because I knew so many Onions as a kid. I new so many kids coming from broken homes whose parents weren't around (even if they loved them and took pains to make sure they knew they were loved, it's not always the same thing has having someone there for you). I knew so many kids that were completely socially inept and used shock/gross out tactics to get reactions out of people because any attention is better than nothing. I knew so many kids that were hurting and alone and didn't have the skills to dissect and understand the feelings themselves, much less communicate them to other people. And tumblr's reaction to seeing this in a cartoon 7 year old was. It was painful. I want to shake anyone who says Onion "is abusive" and should there for be more isolated because THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF THE CORRECT SOLUTION!!! And the thing that really stabs me is how often that was the reaction of the adults around me to those IRL kids. They're no good, they're too weird, they're delinquents who will only ever be nothing but trouble. That willingness to simply give up on a child who hasn't even begun to figure out who they are, or where they fit. I remember that. I remember people saying that about my friends and it fucking stings, even today literally decades later.

    Seeing Steven make the effort to connect with Onion even though he doesn't always understand him. Seeing Onion get to have a social group, even if small and temporary and that helping him reach out and better communicate with Steven even without words. I'm feeling so happy and misty-eyed rn because that is what should be happening. That's how you should be handling young kids that are struggling. Not shutting them off, but reaching out to them. I really hope I get to see more of Onion growing up and becoming better adjusted.
    • Like x 22
  13. Urrrgh Tumblr no. Yes, Onion does a lot of creepy things, and it's fine to dislike Onion or Onion-focused episodes.

    But he's also a kid. A lonely weird kid whose parents love him but whose dad is absent a lot of the time.

    But even if his dad wasn't absent, even if he wasn't lonely, he's still a kid. He's seven. It's not appropriate to hold him to adult standards of behaviour! It's one thing to say he's behaving badly, and that his history of stealing Steven's stuff and setting the roller coaster on fire more than once is deeply troubling if considered through an IRL lens instead of "this is a cartoon". You're 1000000% right, and Tumblr is equally wrong -- the solution is so not "ostracize him". The solution is to have more people keeping an eye on him and giving him positive attention!

    Good grief.
    • Like x 14
  14. VJ Wocky

    VJ Wocky 36 Somnolent Void Seeks Perfection in Dissonance

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  15. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    Considering the day the episode came out, I wouldn't be surprised if they did that on purpose!
    • Like x 11
  16. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    The puzzle Steven & Pearl are planning to do has "612 pieces" (and 612 is one of the homestuck arc numbers) and the puzzle itself seems to vaguely resemble the battlefield (plus Lauren Zuke worked on that episode and is a confirmed Homestuck.)
    • Like x 7
  17. Plus we had pearl drinking apple juice and trying to be cool, which if you stretch it could be a reference to Dave.
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  18. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    someone please draw pearl cosplaying dave
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  19. OnnaStik

    OnnaStik Relatively nice for a bloodthirsty mercenary

    I may have indulged my curiosity about goffik!Pearl.
    • Like x 14
  20. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    ...that sudden contemplation of using fossils as the stone for generating a gem

    a gem from ebony

    enoby you might say
    • Like x 13
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