shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    It's all right, sweetspark. Fighting sometimes happens in families, because everyone has different personalities and opinions and sometimes they clash, especially when people are in prolonged contact. It can become unhealthy, of course, but at the moment I'd just classify it as a step above grumbling. Though it is a bit rude to do it in front of someone conflict averse, sometimes it does happen.
  2. Mister Simon Schuyler

    Mister Simon Schuyler Her Majesty's Agent, Recently Expired | 18+

    "Well it was not the first time I attempted to fake my own demise in the interest of ridding myself of a persona that was weighing me down, you see. It was just the first time I, ah, succeeded so badly I failed."
    • Like x 1
  3. Amalgamous Prime

    Amalgamous Prime Who puts cats in bags anyhow?

    Ooooooooh no no no, you don't get to pin that on me! Get in the middle of a breakup spat and Maximo playing his little games? I liked him but not that much! I'm not risking my mortals over him!

    Quuuuuuuuuestionable, my dear mech! Haven't seen him since I left Cybertron and that was...

    hm. How long ago was that?

    Well, good to see they're still functional! How do they articulate with your shoulders?

    WE TRIED! [Their optic goes red, and the many extra bits around their frame start moving more rapidly. Somewhere, at least one engine is revving.]
    You think we didn't try to get you? But no, you were too busy to come see what your own creations were up to! NEXUS DIED, you think the rest of us were too-- what, too proud to come ask our own creator to step in, when you and old Uni were the only ones who could ever really stop any of us once we got going?!
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2016
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  4. Averagius Of The Rave

    Averagius Of The Rave Literal Robot Angel | 18+

    -They very carefully pet her.-
    Do you think Amalgamous might want a hug? I don't like fighting :c
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  5. Angela Ziegler

    Angela Ziegler Do angels grow bitter? And what then?

    Oh, those are beautiful!
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  6. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    I don't know them very well, so I'm not sure, but most people don't like physical contact when they're angry, so I don't know. You can ask, though, and I'll hug you if you like.
    • Like x 1
  7. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+

    My fifth time actually dying, not faking it. Yeah.

    Boo boo boo boo boo, motherfucker!
    • Like x 2
  8. Libre of Iacon

    Libre of Iacon My name is not Libby, NS

    -if Libre were not a robot he would blush- Thank you! I can´t fly with them, I would probably shatter if I fell. But I can make them show things. -he adjusts his reading glasses-
  9. Averagius Of The Rave

    Averagius Of The Rave Literal Robot Angel | 18+

    [clings to Life Support]
    Would you like a hug, @Amalgamous Prime ?
  10. Mister Simon Schuyler

    Mister Simon Schuyler Her Majesty's Agent, Recently Expired | 18+

    "Excuse me sir, you seem to be under the impression I was trying to insult you? Please, I meant no such thing, it is simply not my fault you seem so fond of dying."
    Simon is sipping his coffee.
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  11. Angela Ziegler

    Angela Ziegler Do angels grow bitter? And what then?

    *she furls them again*

    They're actually part of my Valkyrie Suit. It's wired to my brain so I can control them as if I had been born with them.

    *she shows him the range of movement, which is quite extensive*

    But a lot of my body is machine these days. Sometimes combat medics take bullets.
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  12. Angela Ziegler

    Angela Ziegler Do angels grow bitter? And what then?

    That's very interesting. And useful?
  13. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+

    I'm not fond of dying! It just keeps on happening, and I've learned to fucking roll with it!
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  14. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    -somewhat derailed-
    What, Nexus died?
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  15. Mister Simon Schuyler

    Mister Simon Schuyler Her Majesty's Agent, Recently Expired | 18+

    "My good sir. You generally want to dodge the bullet."
    Still sipping coffee. My this cup seems to be postively bottomless.
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  16. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+

    It only was a bullet twice!
    • Like x 1
  17. Libre of Iacon

    Libre of Iacon My name is not Libby, NS

    Yes, it is. Mostly in my altmode, for displaying information. I´m a librarian. -he looks a bit shy- What´s it like, flying?
  18. Mister Simon Schuyler

    Mister Simon Schuyler Her Majesty's Agent, Recently Expired | 18+

    "You want to dodge the knives too. And the pens. And check for explosives, obviously. And walking into fire is also not very conducive to your continued aliveness."
    • Like x 3
  19. Amalgamous Prime

    Amalgamous Prime Who puts cats in bags anyhow?


    [Another optic-- this one pale blue-- telescopes out of the massive shambling pile of machinery to get a closer look at how the wings attach. They either aren't capable of carrying on multiple conversations at once or have nothing to say, but they are watching intently as she demonstrates her range of motion.]

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  20. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    I'd toast to that if I had a hand free. It isn't fun. (Your wings are lovely, by the way.)
    • Like x 2
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