Should I be going within 5 feet of this place. Help Please?

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by Allenna, Sep 15, 2016.

  1. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    Okay context: Current Pysch is moving to a new place - which would be great because this place is catered towards low income and no income -- only she can't see adults there but she's gotten permission to see old clients as long as we don't let on we're patients and pretend were parents and oh yeah she wouldn't be able to prescribe me some of the things that work for me because I don't even know.... So yeah not happening - she had a collugege agree to take on her clients with no evaluation fee and at the same rate but this person works here:

    And my brain is going -- this doesn't look like a place my autistic ass needs to be near.

    Plus do I want to take the rec of someone that hasn't given my complaints of cognitive issues (I'm loosing more and more words lately) and issues with swallowing and sweating too much then being freezing and other stuff little consideration - which made me downplay them because oh no authority figure doesn't think this is imporant and well the doctor that made me loose my disability lawyer because she wrote on a questionnaire that I could totally work and wouldn't be off task more than 15% of the time...which uh lady I was in tears in the waiting room thinking you forgot me because you were running behind and didn't think you should give me a heads up?

    I'm just, tired and stressed out and fearful of everything right now and I don't have the engry to fight with mom about the cost of a new psych with evulations when she already thought current pysch was pricey. I wish the therapy place was getting a new psych but that doesn't look like its happening.
  2. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    Yeah, not going there AT ALL. A friend did some more research for me and in his words "don’t do it. they describe themselves in search results as “a sober living house for men” and that doesn’t sound like your jam"
  3. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    I cant help much with the main thread topic but the sweating and then freezing thing could be your seroquel (if you're still on that?) I have the same problem and the nurse practitoner i go to says sometimes seroquel can cause symtoms similar to hot flashes.
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  4. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    Omg really? That makes so much sense. Thank you. I wonder why she just didn't tell me that?
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