@Re Allyssa don't worry. clarifying stuff was no problem at all, and i understand getting confused about that stuff, especially after being gone for while.
@Acey more like "wow what a rad and funny person" you're hecka cool and also a memelord and I like you a lot dude. Keep up the good shitposting
@Acey you're the Megido Person, in the same sense that i'm the Norm the Genie Person. and you have lots of interesting thoughts and stuff, and you're funny. and yeah, "hecka cool" is pretty good way to describe you. :D
@Re Allyssa we rp'd back when the college tunnels rp was still a thing and that was fun. I'd love your impression, whenever/if you feellike giving it. Between that and the homestuck meta thjng i remember you mostly as just having really interesting and insightful things to say. :)
@emythos my impression of you is sort of, small and a bit hesitant, but smarter than you give yourself credit for and... Hmm. The kind of person who tries really hard. Like, things arent always easy for you but you keep at it anyway and dont let it keep you down, sort of thing. Im not saying it well.