hello yes chickens are cool and i love them

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by taxonomicAtrocity, Sep 21, 2016.

  1. in an effort to avoid spamming other places w/ chicken info, i will attempt to confine my sperging to this thread.

    here are my three current chickens:
    the flock patriarch and a massive weenie, macklemore was a buy one get one free chicken that came along w/ ishtar when i spent a whopping $3 at the local feedstore a couple days before the end of 2013. he is currently molting and looks like ass so these pictures are old. he only fucks blonde hens, because i raised a fuckboy. macklemore is an easter egger, a mutt breed that lays blue eggs.
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    noted pecking prodigy and connoisseur of attempting to ingest all things inedible, ishtar is macklemore's main girl and the proud owner of a hilariously wispy beard. ishtar's also an easter egger.
    cocoa, a gleefully useless layer and certified Old Lady TM, spends her days being very fat and cheepy. she's six, which is pretty old for a production-bred chicken! she's an australorp.
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    so, um! i will probably post a lot abt my favorite chicken breeds/weird chicken breeds and shit, but if someone wants to asks questions about my favorite idiot birb species that'd be cool too! i just really love chickens a lot u guys.
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    koly was the last of my first two hens, both buff orpingtons. (the other was a fiery little brat called ananda who fought ceiling fans)
    i don't think i'm being hyperbolic when i say that koly saved my idiot teenaged life? she passed away earlier this year at the age of seven. we did fuckin' everything together when i was younger, i'd drag her in the house and take her on walks and watch tv and sit at the computer w/ her. and she was great about it, the little fucker loved the attention and would just kinda chill w/ me and fall asleep when she got bored. we'd cheep at each other. i even smuggled her into school one day sophomore year. she intimidated all the art kids into giving her their granola bars. 8')

    idk where i'd be if i hadn't had her and ananda and the rest of the chickens to look after, tbh.
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  5. anyway! my fave breeds are orpingtons, modern games, silkies, showgirls, asils/aseels/malays, araucanas, easter eggers for all they don't count as an actual breed, faverolles, javas, jersey giants, ayam cemanis, bielefelders, wyandottes, esp bantams, and d'uccles. i'll try and find some good pics in a sec 8)
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  6. orpingtons
    modern games
    easter eggers
    jersey giants
    ayam cemanis
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  7. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    Hello I'm not a conoisseaur of chickens in the least but did you know the Angola Chicken? It looks like a chicken wearing her Sunday best


    Also do you have pictures of what easter egger eggs look like?
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  8. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    silky chickens are my favorite because they are just piles of fluff
    i am always fond of animals that are just walking floofs
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  9. angola chickens/guinea fowl aren't actually chickens! they're another sort of pheasant 8)
    but yes i love them and they're excellent. i'd like to get a couple sometime, i love their antics!

    and here's some egg pix! i'm too lazy to go downstairs and take a pic of the ones in my fridge, lol.

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  10. silkies are incredible tbh! i want some to fulfill an emotional support animal type role for me at some point 8D
  11. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    omg that would be amazing
    i'd love to get one, but unfortunately my area is REALLY bad for keeping chickens in, apparently. no one who's had birbs has been able to keep them safe enough.
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  12. aww, that sucks 8(
    my area's p hostile to chicken life and we get by by just not letting them free range and having a real secure chicken run. (it's got a roof and wire dug a foot under the ground)

    what's ur fave silkie color? i'm partial to the splashes and the paints and the lavenders!

    ...and the white is, of course, super nice lmao. picking a fave color of silkie is hard!

    edit: the real deal breaker for me is whether they're bearded or not. i get that beardless are easier 2 care for but the bearded ones r just so poofy.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2016
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  13. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    Idk if I have questions, but your birbs are really cute :o
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  14. omg thank u! i will tell them so when i go outside 2 feed them the overripe tomatoes later 8)
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  15. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    I have a barn in the backyard, but my dad has already called it for carpentry, so unfortunately it can't be turned into a chicken home.

    they come in so many cute colooooors. lavender is my favorite though.

    prime poof is v important.
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  16. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Yes hullo, chicken thread I am here. This is my current flock, just started this spring. Rose is a welsummer, Brenda Chunks (thanks @roach for that name it really fits her lol) a cuckoo marans, and Aubrey (white) and Blue (blue) my two easter eggers. Their boyfriend is Zebanon (named after my husband's old RP character that had been jokingly nicknamed "the chicken cleric"). Zeb is a silver laced wyandotte cross of some kind. Mom was the wyandotte, who dad was is a mystery. On the first day in October I'm going to get one each of buff orpington and slw pullets. If any of them go broody in the spring I may try sticking some hatching eggs under them. I'm thinking speckled sussex and cream legbar but I also want a frizzled polish because oh my god I love those muppet birds.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2016
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  17. what pretty girls you have! and what a lovely boy. i esp love aubrey, splash is such a nice color! and rose is of course radiant. the only marans i can find around my neck of the woods are black copper, but i've always wanted a cuckoo! buff orpingtons are incredible birds, you will not regret having one! if i was to pick one breed and color to keep for the rest of my life it'd be them 8D
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  18. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    I was going get the slw and a light brahma, but we went to the fair a couple weekends ago and my daughter was all over the buff colored birds. she wanted to get one and name it Nugget "because it's chicken nugget colored". Well the farm I'm ordering from only had light brahmas, no buff, so I changed the order to a buff orpington instead XD.
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  19. she's got good taste, lmao. buff orpingtons are super chill w/ kids, i used to let all sorts of little ones at my pair! very patient and sweet unless of course they were broody ahaha. not that they were really that nasty then, either. did some therapy work w/ koly once, actually! she was great at it.
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  20. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Also, for those considering easter eggers, my girls are the naughtiest. they will get out of the run and hide their eggs at every opportunity. they are also my best producers though; since they started laying they haven't missed a day yet! I imagine they'll slow down and molt next month but so far they keep me in eggs.
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