Ryuuga Wagatekiwo Kurau - The Overwatch Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by KingStarscream, May 26, 2016.

  1. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    I expect those sorta tactics from a Tracer, honestly. Same with D.va. And Winston, to an extent. Breaking chokes is basically the only thing I want out of friendly Tracers, and one of the best ways to do that is to backcap. I usually play tanks and healers, but Tracer's the one I pull out when there's a Bastion cross-stitch on Anubis or Volskaya. Force dudes to break ranks and play on your terms, yeh?

    And Winston is hard to play! His entire job is basically to be a big flaming neon" kill me" sign in their back line. People focus you down so quickly. And you really depend on your team to clean up while you fire your tickle gun.

    Best bet in surviving a round as Winston is to court a Mercy. Stick close by, make sure to play bodyguard when she's low health, etc. A Winston with a Mercy in his pocket is nigh unstoppable. Or, at least that's my experience with it. Damage boost on a Winston in the middle of a real, full team brawl on a cart is utterly devastating.

    And if you get decent as Winston, you can use his ult + the leap to slap Pharahs out of the air, which is hilarious.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2016
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  2. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    i have never seen this but i have a Sudden Need to git gud at winston & terrorize the pharahs of the world (also reinhardts & d.vas)
    the reason i learned zarya was so i could annoy d.vas & genjis, mebe it's time for wiston to join that club

    sidenote, anyone else find it hilarious when a genji tries to block an unblockable thing? like a sym beam or a zarya beam. i do >:3
  3. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Oh yeh, they panic reflect all the damn time. And D.vas panic defense matrix and Reins panic shield and it is all utterly useless in the face of my tickle gun. And terrorize isn't really the word I'd use for the feelings Winstons invoke in Pharah. I aim for Pharahs all the time, and the best you can hope for out of an absolutely perfect arc is about one second of contact. Mostly you'll end up just tickling their tootsies. I imagine it's mostly just startling, which is really all 'm aiming to be.
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  4. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

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  5. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    this is a beautiful phrase
    i'm quoting this to express my true love for this image
    e. dat filename is Good

    ...i'm one of the d.vas that panic blocks (i'm learning! now i nyoom away instead)
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2016
  6. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    But consider, the D.Va panic block (and now, panic ult I'm noticing) sometimes has great side effects. Like eating a Mei ult or a Junkrat tire you weren't expecting to eat.

    My fave D.Va thing to do is pop my defense matrix in front of a Bastion and have a Pharah behind me EAT THEM ALIVE.
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  7. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    YOU CAN EAT A TIRE?? Oh man, no wonder D.vas keep popping their DM when the tire starts rolling, i just figured they were panicking.
  8. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    i still like canceling reaper & pharah ults. no justice today, no reaper no one is dying, no black holes for you.
    meka hungry for ultimates. Feed It More

    i too did not know you could eat a tire. where do you have to point the dm to do it?
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  9. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I've found that it only works if the tire's in the air. If it's on the ground, you're kinda fucked, but if it's in the air and you catch it before the Junkrat detonates, you can eat it four out of five times. You pretty much have to catch the entire thing around the center of the dm, and most Junkrats are smart enough not to let you, but when they fuck up it is glorious.

    (Also, eating 76 and McCree ults. FEED HER. MECH HUNGERS.)
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  10. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    Just had a 7-kill Mercy match with POTG. And I finally have every Mercy skin except for the summer games one which I dropped $70 on loot boxes and never lucked out on.
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  11. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Watched a vid that suggested that Symmetra's turrets could heal allies, and that that miggt give her a bit more of an edge, now that most prime teleport spots are known which sorta tanks her usefulness against organised teams. Gotta say, I really love the idea of a more direct builder/support combo. Been thinking a lot about heroes that could be "buiders" without the thing they make being turrets, and i dunno.

    Like, my idea was a biotech sorta dude who'd plant icky things that'd give people a health regin within a certain area, mark enemies, slow movement speed, etc. But heal turrets sounds neater.as in cleaner. More aesthetically pleasing. I dunno.

    Biotech's primary weapon would plant seeds or spores or whatever on an enemy, then you'd hit them with your alt fire to activate them all at once, or something kinda powerful but cumbersome like that. Be a support, mostly. Seeds'd fall off after a time, so the goal would be to plant enough to insta kill and activate it before they run.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2016
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  12. Aqua Vitae

    Aqua Vitae put some honey and sea water by your bed.

    I want Mercy to get an E ability that, IDK, gives herself some armor or a damage buff or whatever. She's so vulnerable. :(
  13. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    i agree with both of these, i wish sym had some sort of heals & mercy has some temporary damage reduction so she could actually take some damage & not go down instantly

    anyway i'm just here to say i love eichenwalde because you can bully people so hard as symmetra & also i punted a mcree off the side of dorado today as d.va. i love these 2 so much
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  14. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    I think my favorite maps are the payload ones honestly. Some of them I prefer to defend, some I prefer to attack.
    Only problem is, knowing Blizzard, it'd come with a nerf to one of her existing abilities.
  15. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

  16. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Mercy with Reaper's little vapor form, noping out if confrontations. Man, I dunno anything about modding games, but there's a TF2 mod where every time you die you spawn with a random class and weapon loadout, and I am wondering how difricult it'd be to do something like that in Overwatch. The TF2 mod doesn't change animations, so it just has peeps t-pose when they're doing something they're not made to do, and the lack of change to reload animations actually does some nice things for certain classes, like the Pyro doesn't have to reload because it doesn't have a reload animation. Do moders touch Overwatch?
  17. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    you can do custom games that give you a random character every respawn. it's fun.
  18. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I'd like the ability to refresh shields on people as Sym. It's sort of annoying the Torb has more healer utility than she does. Maybe tie her shield refresh rate to damage, like an inverse Zarya?

    I dunno. It'd be nice to get an E move on Mercy too though, but I think her flitting to people is supposed to be her getaway. She's so squishy compared to Zen now tho, it sucks.
  19. Mendacity

    Mendacity I’m meaner than my demons

    The only balanced E on Mercy I can think of is a minor self heal basically. Being that she's a riff off of TF2 Medic, who is also stupidly squishy, I'm unsurprised that her only escape is the fly away. The issue I run into is that it's not Mercy being more squishy or anything, but more people actually focus Mercy due to her ult. It's frustrating too, because I (stupidly) feel personally victimized every time I play Mercy these days.

    Though an E that was like... Ok, so you know how Genji's reflect is a 'window'? What if Mercy had something like that, a window of time to be killed. If she's killed in that time she revives at that spot as if hit by her ult in some amount of time (probably like five or ten seconds). It would give her an 'escape' but it would be more skill based (like Ana's sleep dart), and would continue the class fantasy of an 'Angel of Mercy'. It would also nicely riff off of WoW Holy Priest.
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  20. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    I haven't noticed Mercy being notably more squish than usual. Guardian Angel usually makes you hard enough to hit, and you can use your team to body block for you. I like to spam the peashooter from behind a Roadhog, and that usually works out okay when people are chasing me. Then again, I am on console, and I'm told console players tend to be worse in general than PC dudes. Might be we haven't quite got the "focus the healer down" memo just yet. I'll admit, the only time I really aim for healers first is when I'm playing Winston. Otherwise keeping track of them when people are shooting me is way too much of a hassle. When I DPS, I mosty just aim for whoever I can reach.
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