shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    Nope. No belief here.
  2. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+

    *is still turned on*
  3. Orlandeau

    Orlandeau A tryhard with a cig

    [He twists the cigarette around, rubbing the burn wound in, and spits in Cronus' eyes. He then hits Cronus in the stomach with a shovel hook, waits for Cronus to double over, and kicks Cronus in the face with the heel of his boot. His hands return the cigarette back to his mouth again, and his to his pockets, strolling around Cronus in a semicircle before stepping on his face with one boot.]
    Ha ha ha...Wha'sthe matter, my dude, I took you for the sort of guy who enjoys a good smoke?
    [As he says this, he removes the cigarette from his mouth again, and flicks the bud onto the part of Cronus' face that is not covered by boot.]
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2016
  4. Sawbones of Kaon

    Sawbones of Kaon Medicat, NS

    -straightfaced- Don´ask me. `S this strange thing I´m told folks do s´metimes.
  5. juice

    juice sleepy aspiring entrepreneur

  6. Porrim Maryam

    Porrim Maryam Rainbo+wdrinker Extrao+rdinaire

    -whines happily about this state of affairs as she kisses back-
  7. aurumIlluminatrix

    aurumIlluminatrix Achromat Nichrome/Ophira Reesch, ThiefOfDoom | 18+

    Well That Escalated Quickly.
    • Like x 2
  8. Orlandeau

    Orlandeau A tryhard with a cig


    [He only just now realizes that Juice is here]

    Whatever would seem to be the matter? Me and Whatshisname here were just having ourselves a little bit of fun, isn't that right, Horny Dude?

    [As he says this, he twists his foot a little]
    • Like x 2
  9. juice

    juice sleepy aspiring entrepreneur

  10. Burlesque

    Burlesque Formerly Known As Hot Stuff |18+

    Hurt. Appalled. Cruelly slain by your disbelief.
    Fascinating. How do they manage that, do you think?
    Well for one, I don't fondle people platonically. For another, hugs are perfectly innocent.

    [He hugs her shoulders a little harder, just because.]
    • Like x 2
  11. Orlandeau

    Orlandeau A tryhard with a cig

    H-hey, come on now, there's no need to give me that look...

    -to cronus- say something already, damnit

    Aha ha...
  12. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    So the same thing can be a hug or a fondle based on intent?

    -She boops his nose.-
  13. juice

    juice sleepy aspiring entrepreneur

    *the pouting continues*
  14. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    Just like Tinkerbelle.
  15. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    *optic ridges waggle hard enough to power a small settlement*
    • Like x 3
  16. crocellsApostate

    crocellsApostate bard of makes you hard

    *He quickly catches on and goes completely silent, laying there without moving.*
    • Like x 1
  17. Sawbones of Kaon

    Sawbones of Kaon Medicat, NS

    Hmm..... Lotsa engex?
  18. Burlesque

    Burlesque Formerly Known As Hot Stuff |18+

    No, it's still hugging when I attempt this with Flux. Just because I can't actually reach around him doesn't make it less of a hug. It's just also specifically platonic in this case.

    [He kisses her finger.]
    I don't know who that is so I'm choosing to be insulted. How dare you.
    [Pointedly ignores.]
    Oh. Yes, I've seen those videos of the captains having 'fun'.
    • Like x 4
  19. Orlandeau

    Orlandeau A tryhard with a cig

    I said say something, you shit. Tell me, however would you feel if I took it upon myself to break every bone in your body, one by one?
    [As he says this, he presses his foot down harder]

    ...Shit—I mean—
    Tch, fuck it.

    Look, the guy had it coming, he kicked a fucking cat. What low subhuman shithead gets his kicks out of hurting a damn cat? Quit giving me that look, this guy is scum. Trash. Lower than trash.
    [He is gesturing wildly as he says this, as if it contributes to his point, but his foot still does not move from Cronus' face]
    • Like x 2
  20. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    How dare you!
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