OBJECTION! An Ace Attorney Games Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Rafi, Oct 19, 2015.

  1. It says grape juice and not wine in the Japanese dialog?
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  2. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    So I've heard, yes.
  3. Socket

    Socket fuzzy tabletop goblin

    For some reason I always assumed this was a translated censoring and it only gets funnier to know it was there in the original...
  4. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Yeah, in cases like this it usually is, but apparently this time it's... not. The director just really likes grape juice and thought it was funny. :::PPP
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  5. Grape juice or wine?

    I mean Trucy doesn't actually act like it's grape juice. She seems to think that's its name but then she says the doctor said Phoenix shouldn't have any while he's in the hospital... and he brings some in anyway.........
  6. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Actual grape juice. Or at least that's how I heard it.
  7. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    SERIOUSLY omg that's so much funnier, and it was hilarious before.
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  8. hyrax

    hyrax we'll ride 'till the planets collide


    alright i officially ship Edgeworth and Lang
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  9. hyrax

    hyrax we'll ride 'till the planets collide

    ... alright, i've beaten Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth. and it's actually overall a really fun game, and a must for Edgeworth fans. but there was a point in the game where i felt the narrative was pointing you to do one thing, and then when i chose to do that thing, the game forced me to do the opposite! and i thought that was weird.

    so at one point you're given evidence that was originally obtained illegally. and Miles has to make a choice-- do i use this illegal evidence to get a confession, thereby breaking the law but still putting the bad guy away? or do i abide by the law and let the bad guy go? and i thought the game was pushing Miles to say "no, i'm not one of THOSE prosecutors, i won't become that which i hate to accomplish my ends." but then when you choose that option, everyone you know appears and tells you to use it anyway. here, i recorded the whole thing.

    i just. i was kind of confused by that, especially since so much of the game is Miles moving away from Manfred von Karma's influence. one of my friends theorized that it's supposed to signify a shift in Miles from LAWFUL good to lawful GOOD. i dunno, though, thoughts?
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  10. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Both AAI games have some really... questionable philosophical/morality stuff re: abiding by the letter of the law. While I suppose you could maybe excuse that one in AAI because they're not in a trial and all he needs to do is get the guy arrested so a trial can happen, several points in AAI2 made me really, really angry because Edgeworth has absolutely no legal right to be involved in the case and is interfering with the investigation instead of trying to make sure the truth comes out in court. (Worst was in the second case of AAI2, where he just decides this one guy is guilty because he doesn't like him, and numerous glaring contradictions get overlooked by everyone for half the case because he's. Decided this guy did it.)

    It's one of the reasons for my "Edgeworth has an untreated concussion from when he got hit over the head in Gatewater Land and isn't thinking straight" theory. :::PPP
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  11. Maya

    Maya smug_anime_girl.jpg

    My thoughts are all over the place and the details of the individual AAI games is completely blurred to me, if I even remember them at all haha. Which case are you talking about here? I don't clearly recall Edgeworth jumping to conclusions like that, but if I'm remembering correctly, I might have a few theories as to why he may have done that, again, if I'm thinking about the correct case.

    That said, we've seen characters and their crews jump to hasty conclusions before - they're human, after all, and may get desperate to get something wrapped up as quickly as possible. I think AAI was focused on painting Edgeworth as not an always logical thinking person who fumbles and makes amateur mistakes too, and has shifts in whatever personality we've had painted for him in the past. Idk. I can focus my thoughts better if you help me refresh on the details, though!! That's, of course, not to say AAI didn't make serious story-telling blunders that didn't seem to correlate with canon, though, cause I do recall that happening more than a few times, as if they were fighting between building off of what we already knew about Edgeworth's personality and style of thinking and completely rebuilding and re-shaping him (or making us question if Phoenix's conclusions about him are really truthful or accurate).
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  12. Klavier's logic is the only one I can follow consistently. Every time he's like "No actually," I'm like finally someone who understands why procedure exists. Even if I still hate that fucking air guitar.
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  13. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    Klavier and Blackquill, for me. Klavier because he's among the only reasonable people in all of Japanifornia, Blackquill because when his logic is ridiculous bullshit I can just assume he's being a troll and continue on without being too bothered by it.
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  14. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    I may miss some details, since it's been a long time since I played that case (particularly since I ragequit the game twice), but the bit I had in mind was in the second case of AAI2, where he finds out that assassin guy is in the prison and immediately decides it was him and completely stops entertaining the possibility of any other suspect until he's definitively proven innocent. While "the assassin did it" is a very reasonable conclusion in many circumstances, this is a prison FULL of violent criminals, including at least one other convicted murderer. At one point Edgeworth even says he doesn't need a motive. And in the meantime you're stuck staring at evidence which everyone keeps insisting depicts the victim being attacked by a dog, when the person in the video is clearly not dressed like the victim and the animal attacking him is obviously much smaller than the dog in question and the video timestamp is off by hours.
  15. Actually haven't gotten to Blackquill, but yeah, finally someone who's not just competent by accident. Klavier's portrayed as pretty damn brilliant and that makes me happy. It makes it better for me that he's the typical fem rock star and for all intensive purposes seems to be genuinely passionate about that too. I dunno bout you but I think it's pretty rare to see a guy character who's kinda fem but also portrayed as really sharp.

    Damn this is turning into a ramble on why I love Klavier. >///>
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  16. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    I just really wish Klavier got some more exploration as a character re: what drives him/his relationship with Kristoph/how he actually feels about stuff. Apollo had a similar problem, where he was kind of an [insert protagonist here] until he got more backstory and development in Dual Destinies.
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  17. Maya

    Maya smug_anime_girl.jpg

    I remember that one now! Like you said, pinning the blame on the assassin is definitely a viable conclusion, but again, as you said, not when you're in a prison full of violent criminals on top of him. It would have been more realistic to blame everybody before doing more investigating, imo. It seems like that would more likely happen, since "hey, a murder just occurred here, maybe we should cease all activities and not let the prisoners roam while the police conduct an investigation into matter."

    But, hey, then again, it's not much different than Phoenix going "I can't do this... I want to give up... I HAVE to think of something or it's over!" meanwhile you're screaming obscenities at your DS cause you have the evidence and had this shit figured out two and a half trials ago. I don't think our babes look at the court record as much as we do LOL. Imagine how much reading that must be for them.
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  18. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    The thing is, though, it's pretty different when it's Nick in a trial where if he doesn't BS something right now his client is definitely going to get convicted vs. when it's Edgeworth doing the initial investigation. Half the time in AAI he seems to forget that trials exist, which is part of the reason for my concussion theory. :::PPP The case I'm in the middle of now (Forgotten Turnabout) would be objectively better dealt with by calling up Nick and giving him a fat wad of cash to defend the person accused; there's enough evidence pointing at her that she really is a reasonable person for the police to suspect (Edgeworth's entire objection to her arrest at the start boils down to "she would never!"), and since Sebastian is the prosecutor in charge and wouldn't have Courtney covering his ass Nick would shred him.
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  19. Hm. Playing through DD right now so I can't speak to character development yet but... while it was slightly disappointing to not see more of his reaction (especially after the last case in AJ oh my god) I can see what they were going for. It seems like Klavier is supposed to be someone who's outwardly flashy and smooth (somehow) but doesn't actually put a lot of himself on display. Apollo though... yeah he definitely needs something else other than "loud and cares about Justice!!"
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  20. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    Same. I was honestly really impressed by how much more of a living and breathing character Dual Destinies' writers made him feel like compared to in AA4. I don't mean just the new backstory and character arc--even just hanging around with Athena in the second and third cases, I was amazed at how much more his personality got to shine than when he was being shoehorned through his own game's plot. I was so thrilled, especially since I always really liked what we got of Apollo's own character in AA4 and wished they gave us more of it instead of just going through the motions.

    It's sad they still haven't been able to fix Klavier's lack of personal character focus, though. :c I'd hope for him to get more focus in a future game, but the creators seem more interested in bringing new characters into the spotlight than bringing back old ones for the most part, so... (Aside from Phoenix. LET PHOENIX RETIRE FROM PLAYABLE STATUS ALREADY, HE'S HAD HIS STORY AND THEN SOME, IT'S JUST AWKWARD AT THIS POINT)
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