*jumps into conversation without having read the rest of the thread* So the last time I did a real-life RP it was this kind of set up. We had a castle (because castles). It later developed based on how people continually walked in, that the castle had rooms on the upper floors for people to live in. Some people lived out of the castle because they always walked in through the main door. Later on as people began having characters that weren't themselves, they'd "officially" move in. Near the end, we decided that our castle had a reputation for housing adventurers, and so people flocked to us, and also that all the rooms had keys on the door knobs. You pick a room, take a key, and it's yours. My self insert started out living out of the castle, but then decided that was too much work and moved in, because she spent all her time there anyway, and much easier to just crash there at the end of an adventure rather than try to walk home. :P --------------------- So! I know nothing about HDM! I'll probably skim through this thread later to see what I can pick up. As of now, I've got that daemons are a) real animals, generally and b) generally the opposite gender of you. Problem: I don't know what kind of animal I am??? I've never really "got" the whole compare yourself to an animal thing. There are animals I like, animals I think are pretty/cute, and animals that I like the symbols and mythology related to them. But nothing pings me as "ah yes this is me as not-human." I've always vaguely liked the wisdom symbology of owls, and I think some people have independently agreed that that'd be a thing. But I dunno if it actually reflects my personality. Clearly, you guys don't know me well enough, but any ideas on how I can get started on picking a thing? Also pinging @Astrodynamicist and @ingloriousHeist since they know me in meatspace. And also going to go ask other friends what they think. :P [edit: formatting]
My first instinct is "opossum!" or "marabou stork!" but tbh that's less "what animal most represents my personality" and more "what animal do I find most appealing". Probably a corvid of some kind, I guess? Brainy, a bit skulky and gross and impolite, but actually more sociable than it looks.
@jacktrash *waves* Nerd who should probably be put either on the ground floor or just not above anyones bedroom or living space, cause pacer. I promise not to take up very much space. May borrow books though.
room 1: cheshire. single, ground floor, south side, to the left when you come in the front door. wallpaper is white with a light blue stripe, street-facing window looks out through a lilac bush. it's a small room but has a high ceiling and gets lots of sun. welcome! *gives keys*
I have now read the thread. Looks like Cassie was already here. Hi Cassie! Thanks, I was about to mention the Steam Tunnels (that totally don't exist cough cough). MIT has steam tunnels too, or an equivalent, but students are actually allowed in them. I know this because I did an interview with an alum back when I was trying to do that thing. So there is 100% real life precedence! =D I mean, it's not liked we needed it, but it's nice to have. xD
I will be a discover-via-tunnel person, because adventure! You are some kind of Meerkat, or maybe a ground squirrel.
my middle school had steam tunnels connecting it with the lower school, the athletic building, and the hockey rink. we weren't usually allowed in them, but during the worst of winter the administration would open them up for us, because otherwise we'd all come back from gym caked to the knees with snow and sit in our classrooms shivering and looking pathetic. :D
Chesire: *Loud happy purrs* Cody *smiles and nods, then curls up with tea and a book for a few hours*
So are the Daemons the only thing you're going with from the source material? Because thanks to crossovers I understand that idea pretty well, and my RP addiction may have me tentatively joining if that's the only thing I'm expected to be familiar with beyond a cursory google.
I have thought and thought about my daemon for a while, and I've concluded that it'd probably be a deer. 'Cause of Bambi (my fave movie when was I little) and the "deer in the headlights" thing (kinda like my anxiety). Dunno what its name would be, but...
Then maaaaaybe. I've definitely got a corvid. Maybe named Morrigan/Morgan (slight spelling/pronunciation difference depending on current gender). I might be a renter in my usual not-quite-self-insert way. I am apparently incapable of a proper self-insert XD.
well, rp jesse is much more social than irl jesse, and probably a lot less disabled by his arthritis. because it's no fun rping being stuck in my room because i want to make a pot of sketti for everyone but my assbones hurt and i'm overloaded. :P
Mew guys think we´re ready for a starter post? Also any volunteers to write it? *tries to fade into the wall*
Hey @jacktrash , do you have a room that's got a smaller window/usually in the shade? I've got light sensitivity issues, Morgan's probably going to be my seeing-eye-bird during the day :P. Also hope you don't mind me being a permanent fixture 'cause I'll probably not be leaving much. I'll help with dishes and stuff though! :D