OBJECTION! An Ace Attorney Games Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Rafi, Oct 19, 2015.

  1. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    I think it's unlikely that he brought Miles in to make him the heir to the family traditions, since his plan from the start was the ludicrously elaborate revenge scheme where he frames Miles for at least one (and preferably two) murder(s).
  2. Maya

    Maya smug_anime_girl.jpg

    Was it ever stated that that was his plan all along, or did it just happen to come to mind somewhere along the way? I may have forgotten along the way playing the games.
  3. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    I don't think we ever get ~decisive evidence~ of when he hatched the plan, but at the very least it's very unsubtly referenced in the flashback case in AAI.
  4. Maya

    Maya smug_anime_girl.jpg


    I vaguely remember that case. I do recall groaning every time manfred spoke though haha.
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  5. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Manfred is kind of cartoonishly over-the-top evil in both AAI games. And so stupid about it in AAI2 that partway through the relevant case I decided it was actually a malfunctioning android duplicate with a massive spadescrush on Gregory Edgeworth. :::PPP
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  6. Maya

    Maya smug_anime_girl.jpg

    Manfred android duplicate for yandere (if i cant have senpai NO ONE CAN) #confirmed
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  7. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    Headcanon cosigned! I always kind of figured the von Karma family dynamic would have been along those lines, too, especially after seeing how Manfred acts towards Miles vs. Franziska in AAI's flashback case. I hadn't considered the possible extra influence of the older sibling failing to take up the family tradition, but I might adopt that as my headcanon too, because it fits really nicely.
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  8. Maya

    Maya smug_anime_girl.jpg

    Bro... can we just have a day where we dedicate this thread to exchanging headcanons, cause BOY HOWDY DO I HAVE A LOT
  9. I headcanoned up an older sister who got old enough and went "Fuck this I hate you dad I'm never having any contact with any of you ever again."
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  10. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Well, there has to at least be enough contact for him to know his grandchild's dog's name. :::PPP
  11. More like harassment.
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  12. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Random off-topic thought of the day: "Give me a character and I'll say what I think their damage/cornered/breakdown animations would be if they were in an Ace Attorney game" should totally be an ask meme.
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  13. Maya

    Maya smug_anime_girl.jpg

    If I ever got any asks ever THAT WOULD BE THE BEST ASK GAME WTH

    Random other off topic thought... have any of you been watching the anime? I'm still salty over "Celeste Andrews" (they didn't just gal pal them they SISTER pal'd them)
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  14. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    --oh lord, did they seriously do that? I've been looking forward to seeing the anime's interpretation of Justice for All (my favorite game) whenever I finally get around to watching it, but that's just... bleh. Really frustrating. :x
  15. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Did they try to Gal Pal her obvious thing for Franziska too? Please tell me they didn't.
  16. Maya

    Maya smug_anime_girl.jpg

    She was still heavily influenced by what Franziska said but their only interaction in the anime was "Remember what I told you" "Okay". They seemed to have disregarded her relationships with other characters (like Celeste and Franziska) and her dependency issues all in one fell swoop lol. But... yeah. That entire case was a lot of that... including toning down Phoenix's initial reaction to Maya getting kidnapped. (my poor shipper heart cried on that day)
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  17. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    I gave in and posted it on Tumblr, if anyone wants to try it.
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  18. I want to do this but at the same time are you really ready for my headcanons cause they all fall along the same lines as the parent of Manfred's grandson.
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  19. Maya

    Maya smug_anime_girl.jpg

    I'm ready freddy
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  20. HAHA OKAY I will take that as an excuse.
    • Phoenix is mixed Latino and Japanese, specifically from a Latino father and a second-generation Japanese immigrant mother. Depending on the setting it either didn't stick together because of severe culture clash or external pressure like undocumented Mexican father being deported. That's why he doesn't talk about them much, but I get the feeling he still felt pretty loved.
    • I have a cluster of related Klavier headcanons.
      • CSA survivor abused either at the hands of their bio parents or Kristoph. Possibly both, with carry-over because both brothers thought it was normal.
      • Hypersexual
      • Maybe-Bipolar Type II, the type with hypomania instead of mania
    • Speaking of, I used to headcanon Klavier as firmly bi and Apollo as firmly gay because that's the popular fandom interpretation but now I'm leaning more towards Klavier being much more attracted to men and having a hard time realizing/accepting that that and Apollo being more of a middle-of-the-road bi.
    • As long as we're on sexualities I think Miles is p gay and Phoenix and Mia are both bi and they bonded over that because bi lawyers
    • Mia and Phoenix had a little mutual attraction going on but it wasn't the right time for either of them cause of all the fucking bullshit that brought them together, including Mia's fiancĂ© dropping into a fucking coma
    • Mia and Lana were lovers in college I don't care how hard Lana denied it after Mia's death they were together this is a fact
    • I refuse to believe someone as experienced with abuse & abuse survivors as Phoenix would just let Klavier drop off his radar after the end of AA4 so he totally gave both him and Apollo joint "this is not okay, this is abuse" lessons
    • Larry knows Phoenix has had a weird thing for Miles for a long time because even as Obliviously Straight as he is it's pretty goddamn obvious when your friend changes his career path just to meet up with your other ex friend there's something special going on
    • I think Franzika's aggression towards men doesn't have anything to do with her sexuality and everything to do with her asshole father. I have a hard time believing Manfred wasn't aggressively sexist as well as just an all-around butthole.
    • I have ended up headcanoning Apollo as both Latino and trans. Because I apparently enjoy inflicting pain upon myself. \o/
    • Klavier and Kristoph are both German decedents, but they weren't born in Germany, they were born in the states, and only Kristoph has a dual citizenship because their parents flubbed the application process to retain dual citizenship when Klavier was born. (A child of German citizens retains German citizenship by blood unless the child gains another citizenship upon birth and the parents haven't applied for the child to keep their German citizenship. I looked this up last night. Along with Spanish curse words.)
    • It seems like all evidence is pointing towards Phoenix becoming an alcoholic by AA4 so I don't know if this technically even counts as a headcanon but
    Now u.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2016
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