Let's Go Steal a Dungeon (MotBM OOC/Planning)

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by The Frood Abides, Jul 21, 2016.

  1. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    yeah, thanks! it hasn't so much slipped my mind as it's been doing that fun ADHD thing where it's like "oh, man! that thing! I just remembered! I can't right now, but I should do that thing!" and then by the time you can do the thing you've forgotten about it again. :P but ye, v appreciate, I will do a posting soon.
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  2. The Frood Abides

    The Frood Abides Doesn't Know Where His Rug Is

    Yeah, the fact that a minimum of 2 out of 5 players have ADHD was not far from my mind either. ;P
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  3. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    guilty as charged....... also I did the thing so @thegrimsqueaker Liron's presumably up
  4. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    my diagnosed roommate certainly thinks that i am too... there's some measure of executive function anyway ^_^*

    lemme go have sarnai express a little more concern at alabaster before checking out the painting with stella
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  5. thegrimsqueaker

    thegrimsqueaker 28 Moribunding Mouse Aggravates the Angry Assholes

    ADHD high five! *forgets to actually highfive*

    I'm moving slowly, but I'm awake for the first time today so I will post shortly. (got a flu shot and am currently symptomatic bc fuck my immune system) what do I need to do to eavesdrop on cloaky mccloakface?

    edit: btw, anyone who rly wants Liron's attention w/o stealing her notes can always try bartering paper or parchment for attention. they've got like ten sheets of parchment and they've gotta be about halfway through the first one, even w tiny handwriting and nigh-incomprehensible-to-mortal-eyes shorthand (including tiny, tiny pictograms)

    someday I will take a picture of the way I take notes, then you will understand
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2016
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  6. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    have Liron follow Lyriae to the door and then make a Perception check; Frood said he set the DC at 21 for Lyriae, so you'll probably have to roll pretty high. if you fail that one you can probably Stealthily move further up the passage and try again?
  7. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Just be prepared to book it back to where all the muscle is if you guys fail! :D
  8. The Frood Abides

    The Frood Abides Doesn't Know Where His Rug Is

    @thegrimsqueaker Roll Perception. If you beat 21, you can hear her without going outside the door. If you don't, you'll have to Stealth closer. Precisely what @esotericPrognosticator said while I was typing this, in fact. :P
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  9. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    you tryna say Lyriae isn't the muscle of this outfit?? even though she killed three of eight orchidmen solo without any o' that sparkly magic bullshit?? huh, punk??? (side note, I'm still kinda bitter that XP aren't awarding based on kill count. Lyriae's been robbed. :P)
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  10. The Frood Abides

    The Frood Abides Doesn't Know Where His Rug Is

    @esotericPrognosticator I don't award XP based on kill count because that would stiff the casters who support/heal the party and debuff enemies -- the leaders and controllers, in 4e parlance.

    Also, it's no fun to be stunned useless the entire combat and then also get no XP. Mistakes beget experience too.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2016
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  11. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    oh, yeah, that policy definitely makes sense! I'm just being performatively outraged, as I am roughly 60% of the time. >:]
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  12. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    I mean, if you want to gain "experience" from spilling the life force of other beings, I advise trying a fiendish warlock sometime. ;) Sure, it's got sparkly magic bullshit, but it's full of fire and sulfur and blood! Totally badass!
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  13. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    (Alternatively, I do adore the difference between experience points and execution points.)
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  14. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    ngl I have like half of a Neutral-leaning-Lawful-Evil warlock concept already....... stop encouraging me

    edit: although I've been thinking of them as bound to a Great Old One, not a fiend. a fiendish warlock would be very different! Chaotic-Neutral-leaning-Neutral/Chaotic-Evil, for one thing.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2016
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  15. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    [​IMG] me? never

    But awww, the relevant benefit of fiend is in literally absorbing life force everytime you kill somebody. Sure, it's just temp hp, but in a busy fight it makes a difference! Sure, there's something to be said for oozing into peoples' heads, warping their thoughts until they're obedient husks of [unpronounceable names], but it's just not the same.
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  16. The Frood Abides

    The Frood Abides Doesn't Know Where His Rug Is

    I'm glad you're having fun rolling backup characters
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  17. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    .........do you think Frood will let me use them in this campaign if Lyriae dies


    :OOO I forgot about that! that is wicked! and all fiendish warlocks can do that, not just a subsection? talk about combat casters!
  18. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Warlocks w/fiend patron get this at level 1
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  19. thegrimsqueaker

    thegrimsqueaker 28 Moribunding Mouse Aggravates the Angry Assholes

    I was about to point out that I have 5+ for perception, but then I rolled a 1, bc even thinking about tempting fate is enough temptation

    edit: but then, I'm still at the doorway. can I try again from out in the hall?
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2016
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  20. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    lyriae stop breathing in liron's ear
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