Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Petra

    Petra space case

    It really was a masterwork, tbh.
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  2. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    at last, i'm doin it!!

    (btw, i have dead dove-y tastes in fiction, so if people expressing glee at reading about fictional horrible things bothers you my liveblogs might get disconcerting for you. If I have nsfw thoughts about things i will additionally spoiler it tho)

    first, about the end of 3: dear god, yes, tailgate, be a smol decepticon, i'm so proud ;w;

    dear god why are there so many red and white cube medics. i cant keep them apart halp
    awww he collects badges, thats awesome
    so does everyone get rid of the badge now that war is over or what?

    ooooh the DJD is my kind of terrifying owo yess

    ...whoooo medical failure. branched spark thing sounds super interesting tho, yes, more weird horrifying medical stuff plz

    i fucking love ultra magnus. he's so..himself

    re: badges, huh, guess not, looks like most everyone's got the autobot badge securely on them, i just hadnt been looking for em. gotta love dat war society.

    my villain love exampled: the moment someone mentions a character has ever been involved with decepticons, i like that character a little more. the point is, i already like drift

    oooh plague!! zombies??
    whooooo plague

    uh. uh. 6 million years of history in 11.3 seconds might not be a good idea
    dont traumatize the small
    tailgaaaate ;-;
    taaaaaaailgaaaaaaaaate ;-;

    pipes is not having a good time in the outside world

    oooh, decepticons!
    ...hi fortress maximus. you sure seem ready to kick ass, go forth and prosper
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  3. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    @amberbydreams, for more dead for delights, you may be interested n checking out Last Stand Of The Wreckers! It's my favorite, FAVORITE part of idw's phase one, and it gives some helpful context for the arc that's about to go down (though i didn't read it until later, my first time through). There's war-horror, sadism-horror, and medical-horror, and it's an absolute delight. I can't go check now, but I think the branched spark business it's referring go two characters in that miniseries with the same condition. It also comes with thirty pages of prose stories that are REALLY GOOD, and have been uploaded n the thread (i think searching for supplement, posted by me, is the best way to get at them), which is where First Aid and his badge thing first come up.

    (the sequel miniseries, Sins Of The Wreckers, is maybe a little less engaging, but still really dark and interesting, and that's set somewhere in the forties of the exrid ongoing series, though it stands pretty well on its own, and also it has lots of PROWL)
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
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  4. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    ...i have no clue whats happening : D

    ..he turn into leg. omg
    yay medical emergencies?? whooo!! still dont know exactly whats going on! (its fine, n requirements for anyone to explain, i expected plenty of ???? moments jumping into this cx)

    ultra magnus... no... too many pages..

    nothing like mysterious voices in the floor talking about death!! excellent! This trip is going great!!!

    man, transformers' lack of squeamishness and appropriating dead people's body parts is incredible. i love it. just take his hands, ratchet, why not

    :D :D :D thats one nice torture chamber
    i like therapy bot. he seems like a v good therapy bot.

    @fort max: chill
    @rung: im so sorry

    btw; im bad at liveblogs so as i get into things these'll probably be sparse xD;
    but. definitely liking whirl so far, good snark, v good.

    bar-running robo, also great. basically robos are great, a+ to everyone on this ship
    ...i wanna know more about why rewind watches snuff films tbh

    wh- no!! not rung!!! i liked him!!!! ;-;
    god damn it

    owo who dis
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  5. Petra

    Petra space case

    @amberbydreams @spockandawe There's a whole colony of twinned transformers that share alt modes that show up later (Spock knows this obviously) and my theory is they all have branched sparks. I mean it's explicitly mentioned each pair is from a single spark that splits in the maturation process, so duh, but like, they make a single alt mode. I feel like the branched spark has to have evolved (? is that the right word for a species that reproduces like transformers) in really weird, amazing ways for that, because it means their nervous systems hook up and act as one when transformed. I want more details about this weird alien biology forever. If one twin dies, does the other always die, or do some people just experience heavy physical and mental trauma? Do they have to stay within a certain range of each other? Every pair we've seen 'on-screen' speaks in split sentences, is this a trained societal mode of communication or does their split-spark-mental-connection mean they can hear what their twin is going to say before they say it? Is it both? What sort of social structures rise out of this? How does dating work? Have there been times that the 'frontward' twin was considered the leading partner in the relationship with the 'backward' twin and vice versa? I need to know all of this or I'll just make it up for my fanfics/rps.
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  6. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

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  7. Petra

    Petra space case

    Don't kinkshame the dataslug!
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  8. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan transformers knows how to treat me right with torture porn :D thats some intense shit. I really appreciate the detail on the mangled legs
    rung's ok????? holy shit???? he lost his head tho??? robos are amazing
    red alert waht u doin

    scavengers; i like them. i am in love with the whole concept of this race thats literally been warring for millions of years and how every reacts to the prospects of a peacetime. so much fucked up-ness, i adore it. prrrrrr.
    oooooooooooooo who annoyed the Torture Porn Committee?
    ...thats a big robo in a tube.

    no kinkshaming!! he just said it was complicated and boy do i love complicated answers to fucked up things : D
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  9. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    I´m sorry but my brain supplied "Itty Bitty Torture Porn Committee" All on it´s own. Why this? The DJD is not cute.
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  10. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    it's perfect
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  11. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Hey hey hey hey guys, speaking of horror and darkness and junk, have you seen that one post about the original sketch for that panel when the DJD comes after Blip? Because I am HEARTBROKEN it didn't make the final cut, and it was so gross and perfect that I couldn't resist and

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  12. Petra

    Petra space case

    but who's taking the picture to put on their Best Of Artistic Torture wall?

    Honestly the DJD is like. They're terrifying but they're also? Edgy tryhards?? Like yes you're good at the gross pointless torture but that doesn't make you tough that makes you good at marketing dude. Stop talking about philosophy Tarn
    • Like x 11
  13. Petra

    Petra space case

    Yes Tarn we are all very aware of your opinion that the Empyrean Suite is a masterpiece but when you play it all the time it starts to look like you don't actually really have any informed opinions about music and want to seem sophisticated. Tarn we are having a torture group meeting to talk about your laundry problem we- TARN DON'T LOCK YOURSELF IN THE ROOM AND TURN ON THAT DAMN SONG. Vos is lodged in the vents. Helix is trying to lick his own elbow. Tesarus is making smoothies in the hope that mom and dad will stop fighting.

    EDIT: Like Tarn has got to be a few million years old but he still gives off vibes of asshole 'socialist' philosophy major who thinks two semesters of classes makes him the world expert on ethics and also why it's okay for him to steal, geeeez.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
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  14. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

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  15. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much's too late at night for me to have to kinkshame myself

    why is this happening
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  16. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    The DJD seemed pretty flipping legit to me when they first showed up. The try-hardiness can be explained by the fact that everything in transformers is over the top. The immortal robots will follow you to the ends of the earth if you can put on a good show. All of their leaders sans megatron are enormous with at least three different colors with kibble everywhere. The ones that don't are forged with a special charisma alloy that attracts bots like flies.

    Tldr: the cybertronIan's are really impressed by ridiculous shiny things that can talk good, this is how they select their leaders.

    To be fair, the DJD go full on edgelord later in the comics. To the point where even the other edge lords think they've gone too far.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2016
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  17. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Oh my God Petra, that was brutal. You are going to make him cry under his fanboy mask. If we ever have a Tarn roast, I nominate Petra to be the opening speaker.

    There's one tumblr theory that says the emperyean suite is actually dubstep
    Which would mare sense-ish, because I doubt that cybertronian music has much melody.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2016
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  18. aetherGeologist

    aetherGeologist Well-Known Member

    ... I can't tell if you're joking or not about the charisma alloy
  19. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    It's a mystery, but yes I was
    OK so there's a chance that something like that could exist in the transformer universe,
    but it hasn't happened yet...
    I think.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2016
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  20. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Well. I mean. [Waves at the whole Personality Tic(k)s sideplot and its resolution.]
    • Like x 7
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