YES HE DOES I totally did not find that out from someone else's playthrough and I was lucky enough to spot a Void Egg at the Traveling Cart in like Summer Year 1, so I zealously guarded that until I could build a Coop and stick it in the incubator for an ENDLESS SUPPLY OF SEDUCTIVE GIFTS. I still have a Void Chicken, even though before the update her eggs were worth fuckall, and it is excellent because now that he's my husband I can give him a egg every day!!! I love my stupid edgelord bby edit: btw the Void Chicken is named Karkat and actually is a succession of identical chickens because I sell and replace livestock whenever they hit five hearts. this isn't really relevant to anything I just wanted y'all to know
I've been spamming her with sunflowers and daffodils it is GOOD also now I need some void eggs cause i wanna befriend the emo boy
i have fallen into the pit of custom modding shirts and i cant get out they're so CUTE also I need wedding hairstyles, any good links? png preferably
here are the shirts i made for my characters basically just recolours, original on the right, new on the left CHaracters
If you like mining, Seb likes quartz. You oughta have quartz falling out your every orifice if you spend any time in the caves. My entire courtship of that dude was quartz based... and also checking in on him in the mornings before I got to mining. Sue me, I'm fond of the dude.
I should get this game finally so i can seduce purple haired vidyagame girlfriend by feeding her quartz
woahhh looking through the xnb files gives little easter eggs such as old not used sprites, other concepts he ditched, etc cool :D
Partner and I totally wooed Sebastian with our dashing cityman farmer, it was great (We often play games together where he does the actual controls and I provide humorous commentary/decision-making input/dumb jokes)
Eeeey a stardew valley thread! I noticed somebody already linked people to the planner, but this website, I also like: I love being able to track progress on my farm, get all the neat stats and see how other people do the things. Also, I noticed someone briefly before mentioning kegs! I'm very much a farmer that went full artisan; I have two deluxe barns on my farm that house 134 kegs each using this layout! I also have one keg placed outside each barn so that I don't have to go checking inside if my wine is finished. If the keg outside is finished, its all finished, and I collect. Generally in spring/summer though these days I keep one barn free for coffee making. Yeah it takes longer, but the lump sum you get after a wine haul feels satisfying, you know? The cellar though is super neat! I'm trying to figure out currently if its better to stick cheese or wine in my casks long term. I currently have 122 casks down there, unsure if I can fit more as of yet. I'm also trying to figure out if you can take wine/cheese out of casks early. Say if the wine/cheese reached silver or gold star level instead of waiting until they reach full iridium quality level.
I can certainly edit it, the problem is the hood. That's actually an edited version of the usual hair I use. So I'd be happy to make hoodies for any who want one, I'm just gonna need their individual hairstyles and shirts .xnb files.
That's awesome! I'm still chronically short on kegs and preserves jars, I've only been using my barns and coops to house mayo and cheese makers! I have enough money now...I should really expand a bit...
Would you be ok with sharing the base image for the hood? I want to have a go at fiddling with it. Speaking of fiddling: because I am the pickiest asshole ever, apparently, I am trying to make new versions of the farm house and buildings that fit a rundown, creepy witchy aesthetic AND have the outside of the upgraded houses make some sort of sense with how the house looks inside. I realize this is a fool's errand and that none of the houses' layouts correspond in any sensible way with their exteriors and yet, here I am. If I can squeeze out a bit more cleverness than normal I'll try to make it look like Robin really did just refurbish the original cabin and then tack bits on in a somewhat haphazard fashion. I may have to draw a new roof. :T
Sweet, thanks. :3 I checked and the inside of the house bears even less relation to the outside than I thought - biggest house upgrade has the chimney further to the right than it was originally, but inside it's on the opposite side of the house entirely. And I can't just put it elsewhere, the smoke that spawns when the fireplace is lit will suddenly be coming out of nowhere. CA, whyyyyyy.
...doesn't he usually wake up at like 1 pm, though? that's not exactly in the morning. and I didn't think quartz was one of his favorite gifts, so Void Eggs'd be more efficient? (obsidian is a favorite of his, though! he's so predictable.) @Ruevian AGGGGH all your mods are so excellent and I covet them but I'm pretty sure that they won't work for Macs why this